Archived Articles For 2024
by David J. Stewart
Here is a wealth of helpful archived information. It is my prayer and heart's only desire to help others in the Lord. I strongly encourage my web visitors to start their own ministries and freely copy/paste from my website all that you want. It's all public domain. No credit need be given. I want the truth to get out. You can download entire websites with Teleport Pro (cost) or HTTrack (freeware). All I ask is that my labors in the Lord not be used to cast a negative reflection upon Christianity or the name of Jesus Christ.
- 11-14: Your Salvation Did Not Change You A Bit (an excellent life-changing sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles)
BRING THEM IN! | WHY KIDS NEED CHRIST! (life-changing MP3 sermons, Pastor Danny Castle) - 09-21: How Permanent Is Your Salvation? | MP3 | Article (Dr. Hank Lindstrom; if saved always saved)
- 09-21: Is The Rapture Before, During; Or, After The Tribulation Period? (an article by Pastor Younce)
- 09-20: False Bibles: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (BJU and Harvest Baptist Church of Guam are GUILTY!)
- 09-20: Misunderstood Repentance: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (Harvest Baptist Church Guam GUILTY!)
- 09-20: Lordship Salvation: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (BJU and Harvest Baptist Church Guam GUILTY!)
- 09-20: WHAT IS IN THY HAND? (You can do something for God; an MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 09-19: Your Salvation Did Not Change You A Bit (Dr. Jack Hyles; conversion is the work of the church)
- 09-19: My Ministry Friend, Pastor David Baker, Has Commit Suicide (anybody is capable of anything)
- 09-19: Evildoers Were Laughing On Facebook That Pastor Baker Commit Suicide (woe unto them all)
- 09-19: The Christian Army Is The Only Army In The World That Kills Its Wounded (no friends at all)
- 09-18: Palestinian Death Toll In Gaza Surges To 41,020 (Israel continues to murder with impunity!)
- 09-18: Satanic Roman Catholic Church Raises Queer Flag Over Holy See (It's a prisonhouse of religion)
- 09-18: Conversion And Salvation (This is the truth the Lordship Salvation crowd do not understand!)
- 09-18: Eternal Life Is Not A Trade! (Pastor John MacArthur even calls getting saved “an exchange”!)
- 09-17: Lordship Salvation Found In Bible (punished for telling THE TRUTH at Harvest Baptist Church)
- 09-17: I KNOW WHO HOLDS TOMORROW (338-pages of fascinating Bible prophecy, Dr. Max D. Younce)
- 09-17: The Tragic Sad Unsaved Ending Of James Earl Jones (He was a hellbound lifelong Catholic!)
- 09-17: Senator Ted Cruz' Father Tells Truth Of Queers (YouTube cannot censor this video anymore!)
- 09-16: Forget The Can Of Bear Spray, I'm Bringing A Flame Thrower From Walmart (burn bear burn!)
- 09-16: Free Market Is The Cure For Homelessness In America (the criminal Federal Reserve must go)
- 09-16: How Not To Stumble (Brother Lester Roloff; Tv makes the fake look real & the real look fake)
- 09-16: The Living Bible Exposed (classic & needful MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff, 1914-1982)
- 09-15: You're Only As Close To The Lord As You Are To Truth (Faith in God without truth is a big lie!)
- 09-15: I'm Sick Of This Lordship Salvation Mess! (MP3, Dr. Hyles rips against Lordship Salvation lie!)
- 09-15: Pastors Are To Blame For The Mess Our Country And World Is In Today (Dr. Loran Livingston)
- 09-15: Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Caused This Evil, Only Fools Would Vote Them Back Into Office
- 09-14: Good Thing About Heresy (I Corinthians 11:19a, “For there must be also heresies among U”)
- 09-14: The Deceptive Doctrine Of Calvinism (Pastor Bob Gray Sr. refutes the Devil's lie of Calvinism)
- 09-14: Ministry Of Angels | Part 2 (excellent Bible preaching of the truth by Pastor Max D. Younce)
- 09-14: SUFFERING FRUITFULLY (Dr. Gray Sr.; Our suffering will help someone, someday, someway!)
- 09-13: False Prophets, Evil Spirits, Continually Try To Mislead God's People (a quote from Dr. Rice)
- 09-13: HASTY FRUIT (MP3, Dr. Jack Hyles; Here's some of the best financial advice you'll ever hear!)
- 09-13: The Gifts Of The Spirit Aren't Given TO ME, But THROUGH ME 2 Give To YOU (MP3, Dr. Hyles)
- 09-13: The Necessity Of Backsliding (No one ever grows continually without also stepping backward)
- 09-12: Why Is Paul So Upset In The Epistle Of Galatians? (When you attack grace, you attack God!)
- 09-12: Salvation Is All About Jesus, And Not You (Christ bore the full weight of our sins, you cannot)
- 09-12: Imperfect People In Heaven (Dr. Hyles; we owe it 2 those in Heaven 2 continue their work)
- 09-12: Maunalua “Uilani Baby Kalae” (I cried in public in 2013 when I heard this band in live concert)
- 09-11: What Blocks You From The Spirit Filled Life? (Pastor Hyles; very few saints walk in the Spirit)
- 09-11: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld Are Guilty Monsters For Murdering Millions
- 09-11: After The Blatant 911 Hoax, It Is Very Difficult To Believe Anything The Government Tells Us
- 09-11: University Of Alaska Fairbanks Study Finds Fire DID NOT Cause Building 7's Collapse On 911!
- 09-10: Stop Using The Evil Term “Give Your Life To Christ” As If It Were A Condition For Salvation!
- 09-10: THE BATTLE OF THE AGES (I made this 4:19 hour film in 2018 to uphold the King James Bible)
- 09-10: This Street Preacher Gets It Right, You Don't Have To 'Repent Of Your Sins' To Go To Heaven
- 09-10: It Is So Sad That You Can Hardly Find A Fundamentalist That Literally Walks In The Spirit!!!
- 09-09: Changing God's Simple Plan Of Salvation Alters A Bunch Of Things (if ain't broke, don't fix it)
- 09-09: Photo Of Me Before Church Yesterday With Deering Golden Wreath Banjo | Golden Slippers
- 09-09: Taylor Swift Has Her Nerve To Talk About Morals (What a slut of sluts in a perverse nation!!!)
- 09-09: Demonic Doctrines Of Women Pastors (all women preachers are demonic FALSE PROPHETS!)
- 09-08: HE'S STILL WORKING ON ME! (it took Him just a week to make moon & stars, Jupiter & Mars)
- 09-08: The Devil Controls YouTube (the idiots removed my Rapture video worried I might kill myself)
- 09-08: Only One Viewpoint Is Allowed | MP3 (awesome Bible preaching by Pastor Steven Anderson!)
- 09-08: An Updated .PDF Version Of My Book: 'SALVATION' (2 God B the glory great things He's doing)
- 09-07: Peter Struggled To Understand The Bible, But He Didn't Try To Write A New Simpler Version
- 09-07: HOW TO BEHAVE IN PERILOUS TIMES! (Pastor Castle; take as many souls with you as possible)
- 09-07: THE KING JAMES BIBLE! (Pastor Danny Castle; Beware of the Devil's Alexandrian PERversions)
- 09-07: I'm So Glad You Asked | Book 2 (a helpful resource by Pastor Younce; hardcopies available)
- 09-06: The Prevalence Of Homosexuality (Pastor Max D. Younce; The United States is going to Hell!)
- 09-06: “Demon God”: Church Group Protests Against Tallest Hindu God Hanuman's Statue In Texas
- 09-06: What Will Happen When Jesus Comes? (YouTube banned the Rapture scene in here at 29:30)
- 09-06: The Way The Apostle Paul Found The Will Of God (a new MP3 Bible study by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 09-06: THE BLOOD SPRINKLED BOOK (Our trustworthy King James Bible is the blood-sprinkled Book!!!)
- 09-05: THE BLOOD SPRINKLED BOOK (Dr. Al Lacy, “There can only be one real Bible in any language”)
- 09-05: New Feminist Change to “English Standard Version” (ESV says the exact opposite of the KJB)
- 09-05: Seven Reasons Why I Want To Go To Heaven (by Pastor Castle; I'm so sick of this sinful world!)
- 09-05: Between A Rock And A Hard Place (MP3, Dr. Hyles; U don't have to face tomorrow, just today)
- 09-04: God Will Punish The Ungodly Bigoted Liberals At Amazon (saints not allowed to use 'sodomite')
- 09-04: Greedy Charlatan Businessman & Hellbound Infidel Ken Ham Planning To Build Tower Of Babel
- 09-04: Soul Winning Is A Command, Not A Calling (Dr. Curtis Hutson; we are commanded to win souls)
- 09-04: Only One Viewpoint Is Allowed | MP3 (awesome Bible preaching by Pastor Steven Anderson!!)
- 09-03: Contrasting Service And Salvation (Pastor Yankee Arnold; you need to understand the Gospel)
- 09-03: Alex Jones' Infowars Is Being Blocked By Evil Globalists (listen here instead to hear the truth)
- 09-03: Ray Comfort's False Gospel Is Being Given To Millions (Ray masquerades as a gospel preacher)
- 09-03: Ray Comfort Requires Keeping The Law To Be Saved (Pensacola Christian College is GUILTY!)
- 09-02: Dr. Oliver B. Greene's Repentance Heresy (the “desire” to “live a new life” is not salvation!)
- 09-02: FUNDAMENTALIST HERESY (a precious MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles, 'Have you been born again?')
- 09-02: Good Works Or Bad Works, Both Are Works! (6 ways that the Gospel is perverted with WORKS)
- 09-02: I Shall Not Be Moved (Dr. Hyles: 'The world will go to Hell unless somebody is authoritative!')
- 09-01: Misunderstood Repentance: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (Bob Jones University infidels GUILTY!)
- 09-01: Damnable Heresy At Pensacola Christian College (prepare to be shocked at what PCC teaches)
- 09-01: More Damnable Heresy From Pacific Garden Mission (you don't live life of submission 2B saved)
- 09-01: How Permanent Is Your Salvation? (Dr. Lindstrom's sermon that led Michael Bowen to Christ)
- 08-31: As The Gaza Death Toll Passes 40,000 Corpses Are Buried In Yards, Streets And Tiered Graves
- 08-31: Why Be Born Again? (Pastor Hyles; You can improve a human, but not make him a Christian!)
- 08-31: By 2030, Sadly 45% Of Middle-Class Females Will Be Single Working Women (1st Timothy 5:14)
- 08-31: There's No Excuse For Using The Devil's Bible Versions (you don't have a right to pick a Bible)
- 08-30: Jesus DIDN'T Burn In Hell (Jesus went to PARADISE like He promised the thief in Luke 23:43)
- 08-30: No Matter How Many Times A Christian May Sin, And How Bad, Salvation Can NEVER Be Lost!
- 08-30: A Wedding Invitation: The Royer Brothers (our time on earth is running out dear saints of God)
- 08-30: Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon (Dr. Hyles; this is why civil unrest, war, treason & chaos)
- 08-29: I KNOW WHO HOLDS TOMORROW (an excellent exegesis of Bible prophecy by Dr. Max Younce)
- 08-29: Jesus Didn't Come To Save Those Willing To Turn From Sins, But To Save Us From Our Sins!!!
- 08-29: THE SIN OF SILENCE (life-changing MP3 by Pastor Hyles, “Don't be a secret hidden disciple!”)
- 08-29: Don't Get Stuck On The Law of God (So many preachers are caught between LAW and GRACE)
- 08-28: THE BOOK OF REVELATION: GOD'S FINAL WORD TO MAN (helpful free book by Pastor Younce)
- 08-28: He's In The Midst: Redeemed Quartet | MP3 (southern country Gospel music to cheer your day)
- 08-28: Wounded Soldiers | MP3 (oldtime Gospel music by The Vincents; Mike Jones plays steel guitar)
- 08-28: This Country And World Are In Dire Condition Because Of Preachers Who've Dropped The Ball
- 08-27: POSITIONS & TITLES Are Temporary But The Way You Treat People Will Always Be Remembered
- 08-27: SALVATION AND THE PUBLIC INVITATION | PDF (this book solidified my assurance of salvation)
- 08-27: I Found A Free Copy Online Of 'The Strand Study Bible' (this is a very helpful Bible study tool)
- 08-27: The Counterfeit Gospel Of Billy And Franklin Graham (shame on pastors who support Graham)
- 08-26: Things That Are Different Are Not The Same (it's not okay to have multiple bibles and gospels)
- 08-26: Don't Give Money To The Samaritan's Purse Scam (Franklin Graham's salary is $880,000 a year)
- 08-26: Thoughts On Discrimination (Dr. William Luther Pierce; We must get back to discriminating!)
- 08-26: I SHALL NOT BE MOVED (Dr. Jack Hyles; as the world changes, bad churches follow in step!)
- 08-25: Ungodly Monsters At Planned Herodhood Offering Free Abortions (“I will punish the world”)
- 08-25: The Sinner's Prayer Heresy: “You're Not Saved UNTIL You Call” (The New IFB have it wrong!)
- 08-25: The Lordship Salvation Cult At Pensacola Christian College (PCC bids Godspeed to Ken Ham)
- 08-25: Thank God I Am Free | So Much To Thank God For (by Detty Sisters; I love southern Gospel)
- 08-24: Beware Of Damnable False Prophet William Grady (wants to assault Pastor Steven Anderson)
- 08-24: Beware Of Zionist Idiots Like Dr. William P. Grady (present-day Israel is NOT true Bible Israel)
- 08-24: Wolf Alert: Bill Grady Teaches A Salvation Without Jesus (No church should invite this man!)
- 08-24: Why Are You Against Calling Upon The Name Of The Lord? (I'm not, but you don't have to!)
- 08-23: The Sin Question And The Son Question (MP3 by Pastor Jack Hyles: “Satan invented tares!”)
- 08-23: Unlike The DISHONEST Pastors At PCC Who Preach Lordship Salvation, Billy Joel Has It Right
- 08-23: The Tragic Life And Death Of Elvis Presley, 1935-1977 (tomorrow is anniversary of his death)
- 08-23: Beware The Satanic 'Church Of Christ' False Religion (it's works-based Lordship Salvation cult)
- 08-22: SALVATION VERSES TRANSFORMATION (Romans 12:2 says a mind must be renewed to change)
- 08-22: Steps In Sanctification; Or, The Root Of All Heresy (helpful MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 08-22: 3,000 SOULS SAVED IN ONE DAY! (Mass evangelism is perfectly Biblical, desirable and proper!)
- 08-22: Several Dozen Free Online Books By Pastor Harry A. Ironside, 1876-1951 (I love this preacher)
- 08-21: Israel Has Genocided 40,000 Defenseless Palestinians In Cold Blood (mostly women & children)
- 08-21: The Left Are Going To Hell (sadly, so are most of the right; sermon, Pastor Jonathan Shelley)
- 08-21: I Recorded 'My Grandfather's Clock' Today On A Deering Golden Era And A Deering Calico Banjo
- 08-21: Listen To Willard Waggoner Read The Inspired King James Bible (he reads it clear and slow)
- 08-20: A Biblical Examination Of Hell (Dr. Younce; Hell is a literal place of torment & eternal fire!)
- 08-20: I Recorded The Song 'Arkansas Traveller' Tonight On A Deering Golden Era Banjo (hope u like)
- 08-20: How To Raise Children | Sermon Only (by Pastor Bobby Moffett; Parents need to hear this!)
- 08-20: Things That Will Mess Up A Christian! (Pastor Danny Castle; We should all stay in church!!!)
- 08-19: UNTHANKFULNESS (Pastor Castle; Thank God that you don't have to eat out of a dumpster!)
- 08-19: Homosexuality In The End Times And The Bible (homosexuality is not just 'another sin' today)
- 08-19: The Heathen Rage: Why Politicians And Global Elites Fight Against The Lord (Pastor Jimenez)
- 08-19: Today, I Recorded 'The Old Spinning Wheel' On My Deering Goodtime Special Student Banjo
- 08-18: I Recorded Mason's Apron Today On My Banjo (I'm learning this and some other nice folk songs)
- 08-18: I Recorded Old Spinning Wheel Adlib (I used a Shure 57 Microphone so you can hear the banjo)
- 08-18: NASB Changes 'Palm Tree' In Jeremiah 10:5 To, 'They are like a scarecrow in a cucumber field'
- 08-18: False Bibles: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (BJU and Harvest Baptist Church of Guam are GUILTY!)
- 08-17: Misunderstood Repentance: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (Harvest Baptist Church Guam GUILTY!)
- 08-17: Lordship Salvation: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (BJU and Harvest Baptist Church Guam GUILTY!)
- 08-17: WHAT IS IN THY HAND? (You can do something for God; an MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 08-17: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (by the Petersons Family; I love pretty southern Gospel music!)
- 08-16: Today Versus Tomorrow (Have you been born-again friend? Time's quickly running out for all!)
- 08-16: Calvinism Is Works Backloaded (Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold; Calvinism is Judaistic legalism!)
- 08-16: Imperfect People In Heaven (Dr. Hyles; we owe it to those in Heaven to continue their work)
- 08-16: The Law Of Moses Was Never Intended To Give Salvation (many Baptist preachers are wrong)
- 08-15: How Permanent Is Your Salvation? (Dr. Lindstrom's sermon that led Michael Bowen to Christ)
- 08-15: DEMONOLOGY (a very interesting 6-part Bible study series from 1974, Pastor Curtis Hutson)
- 08-15: Dirty Deceivers Took THE TRUTH Of Repentance From Evangelist Alexander Marshall's Tract
- 08-15: The Shocking True Gruesome Story Behind The Church Hymn: 'I Have Decided To Follow Jesus'
- 08-14: Why I Disagree With Al 5 Points Of Calvinism (a helpful book by Dr. Curtis Hutson, 1934-1995)
- 08-14: Thank God For Unanswered Prayers (To lose something in the will of God is to find better!)
- 08-14: If You Remember This Tv Commercial, You're Getting Old Like (the good old days)
- 08-14: Sadly, Donald Trump Just Revealed In An Interview That He Is Trusting In Works To Be Saved
- 08-13: SALVATION AND THE PUBLIC INVITATION | PDF (the book that solidified my salvation beliefs)
- 08-13: Pensacola Christian College Cult EXPOSED! (They don't care about people or right doctrine!)
- 08-13: Salvation Through The Blood | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four (videos, Pastor Max Younce)
- 08-12: I AM JUST A VOICE! (Dr. Hyles; no need 4 talent, dynamics or pretty boys, WE NEED VOICES!)
- 08-12: The Sinner's Friend (MP3, Dr. Hyles; While we intensely hate sin, we ought to love sinners!!!)
- 08-12: I NEVER KNEW YOU! | .PDF | Hard Copies On Amazon (Michael P. Bowen; I love this book!!!)
- 08-12: Don't Get Stuck On The Law of God (So many preachers are caught between LAW and GRACE!)
- 08-11: It's Time To Come Out Of The Closet (Dr. Hyles; The Bible's under attack—where's the 7,000?)
- 08-11: BATTLE OF THE AGES (Dr. Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)
- 08-11: Ray Comfort And Steve Pettit Require That You LIVE A LIFESTYLE To Get To Heaven (wolves!)
- 08-10: Doctrine Of God The Father † God The Son † God The Holy Spirit - Part Two (Dr. Jeff Owens)
- 08-10: I Absolutely HATE Facebook, But I Post There Every Day For The Sake Of Helping Christians!
- 08-10: Reasons Why You Cannot Lose Your Salvation (great truths by Dr. Hank Lindstrom, 1940-2008)
- 08-10: God Remembers We Are All But Dust (Dr. Bob Gray Sr.; Dr. Hyles' mother's favorite verse!!!)
- 08-09: May The Fourth Be With You | Mary Worship Is Satan Worship | Beware Of Adding To Scripture
- 08-09: WHEN GOD TAKES THE MIDNIGHT SHIFT (MP3, Bro. Roloff; say what U will, God is a fighter!)
- 08-09: For Just 50 Cents A Day To Help Starving Children, You Can Pay UNICEF's CEO $8,104,960!!!
- 08-09: Damnable Heresy At Pensacola Christian College (prepare to be shocked at what PCC teaches)
- 08-08: God Doesn't Automatically Take Sides With A Church (God sides with the man who is correct!)
- 08-08: Ray Comfort's 'Repent Of Your Sin' Heresy Exposed (it's the SAME garbage Bob Jones teaches)
- 08-08: Review Of Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary (Marty Herron is a devil-dog)
- 08-08: Whether A Hurting Raped Girl, Or A Divorced Man, Pensacola Christian College Doesn't Care
- 08-07: Inspiration: Temporal Or Eternal (Dr. James Sightler expounds on the meaning of inspiration)
- 08-07: False Gospel Of Lordship Salvation (by Ben Vogt; Lordship Salvation puts people in bondage)
- 08-07: Part 4B - KJB: Still The Best (You've got to hear this! Shocking truths behind Satan's Bibles!!!)
- 08-07: Where Were You During The Battle? (MP3, Dr. Hyles; the sin of neutrality in the Work of God)
- 08-07: THE REAL BATTLE (new MP3 by Dr. Hyles, “What good is inspiration without preservation?”)
- 08-06: The Luciferian Conspiracy Of Calvinism And Lordship Salvation (Satan wants people in Hell!)
- 08-06: Dr. John MacArthur Denies That Jesus Had God's Blood Flowing In Him, Despite A Virgin Birth
- 08-06: Bob Jones University Teaches Lordship Salvation Lie (Dr. Steve Pettit is a damnable heretic!)
- 08-06: If You Are Using Satan's Modern Bible Perversions, You Don't Have An Inspired Holy Bible!!!
- 08-06: Olympics Mock Jesus With Last Supper Parody Of Drag Queens (Home Depot drops Olympics)
- 08-05: Unraveling Misused Passages Used Against Eternal Security (helpful sermon by Dennis Rokser)
- 08-05: Salvation Is NOT A Process; The Heresy Of “Being Saved” (Believers are 100% ALREADY SAVED)
- 08-05: THE SPIRIT'S ABIDING (MP3, Dr. Jack Hyles; All is vain unless the Holy Spirit comes down!!!)
- 08-05: Then I Met The Master, Now I Belong To Him (The world has no idea of the wonderful Savior!)
- 08-05: Repentance In The Old Testament | Repentance In The New Testament (Dr. Yankee Arnold)
- 08-04: The Saved, Crucified, Resurrected And Ascended Life (a beautiful MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles)
- 08-04: Modern Bible PERversions Say It Is Hard To Be Saved (it's NOT “difficult” or “hard” 2B saved)
- 08-04: END TIMES PASTOR! (awesome preaching by Pastor Danny Castle; Time is running short folks!)
- 08-04: Bob Jones University Teaches Lordship Salvation Lie (Dr. Steve Pettit is a damnable heretic!)
- 08-04: Paris Olympics Present Parody Of Jesus' Last Supper With Disciples As Sodomite Drag Queens!
- 08-03: GOD SAVES ONLY BAD PEOPLE! (a life-changing MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
- 08-03: Evangelist Ray Comfort Requires “Living A Lifestyle” To Be Saved (Ray is headed for Hellfire!)
- 08-03: The Hard Satanic Gospel Of John MacArthur (that Harvest Baptist Church on Guam promotes)
- 08-03: Communist Cuba Has More Sense Than Bob Jones University Does (you couldn't make this up)
- 08-03: THE SECOND MILE CHRISTIAN | MP3 (awesome sermon by Attorney David Gibbs Jr. of the CLA)
- 08-02: If You Still Have Food To Eat In America, You Should Thank God Because Many People Don't!
- 08-02: HUMAN WISDOM VERSUS DIVINE WISDOM | PART 2 (one of my favorites by Pastor Max Younce)
- 08-02: Professor G. Edward Griffin Exposes How Communists Control Both Sides Of Political Process
- 08-02: Cornelius Was Saved Simply By Believing (Peter didn't tell him to turn from sin or anything!!!)
- 08-02: I've Been Listening To Mexican Music (this is what real music sounds like and kids should hear)
- 08-01: The Satanic Cult At PCC Invited, Coddled And Honored False Prophet Ken Ham In 2022 (shame)
- 08-01: FOUR CALLS TO SOULWINNING (Dr. Jack Hyles; people in Hell are crying for us to WIN SOULS)
- 08-01: Run From The Abusive Cult At Pensacola Christian College (alumni Andrew Bailey exposes PCC)
- 08-01: Handbook Of Personal Evangelism (an excellent soul-winning handbook by Dr. Ray Stanford)
- 08-01: Not Every One That Saith Unto Me, 'Lord, Lord' (the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation Refuted)
- 07-31: Pensacola Christian College Cult EXPOSED! (They don't care about people or right doctrine!)
- 07-31: Bob Jones University Is The Fountainhead Of Exalting Heretical Greek Of Westcott And Hort
- 07-31: President Trump Met With Pastor Jeff Redlin At Pensacola Christian College (it was recorded)
- 07-31: Tucker Carlson And Ben Carlson Expose Dimwit Kamala Harris As A Marxist Leftist (Isaiah 3:12)
- 07-31: 92% Of Kamala Harris’ Staffers Quit In Her First 3 Years As VP Due To Her Laziness and Anger
- 07-30: We Have An Infallible King James Bible Without Error (just as God promised in Psalms 12:6-7)
- 07-30: I Took These Selfie Photos Today By My Front Door | Two | Three | Four (Jesus is precious!)
- 07-30: Psalms 12:6-7 Corrupted In Modern Bible Versions (indifference plagues the churches today)
- 07-30: If A Pastor Won't Expose Wolves, He Is One! (Jeff Redlin and PCC are in bed with Bob Jones!)
- 07-29: Assurance Of Salvation: False Gospels!!! (by Pastor John Ricci of Grace Christian Fellowship)
- 07-29: Eminem, Slim Shady And The Devil (Christians need to be aware of Satan's diabolical methods)
- 07-29: That Nut Johnny Nixon Is Still Promoting His 'Born That Way' Crap (parody by Pastor Anderson)
- 07-29: Even Sodomites Themselves Reject Johnny Nixon's 'Born That Way Garbage' Churches Accept
- 07-28: A Review Of David Nixon's Book, “Born That Way After All” (updated, lots more information)
- 07-28: It Makes All The Difference In The World If An Incompetent Professor Denies Bible Inspiration
- 07-28: Repent Of Your Sins Versus The Cross Of Christ (repenting of your sins not part of the Gospel)
- 07-28: Evil Funding For Planned Parenthood Actually Increased During The Trump White House Years
- 07-27: How Permanent Is Your Salvation? (Dr. Lindstrom; If you think U can lose it, U don't have it!)
- 07-27: Puppet Students At Pensacola Christian College (their pastors are dumb dogs who won't bark)
- 07-27: The Second Coming Of Christ (an excellent life-changing MP3 sermon by Pastor Tom Malone)
- 07-27: I NEVER KNEW YOU (many pastors today are teaching a false plan of grace + works salvation)
07-26: A “Little Bit More” Will Send You To Hell (Please don't add to the simplicity of the Gospel!!) - 07-26: You Don't Have To See Him (from 1987, Dr. Hyles; God is there because He said He would be)
- 07-26: THE REAL BATTLE (MP3 by Dr. Jack Hyles; What good is preservation without inspiration???)
- 07-26: The Lost Fear Of God (Bro. Lester Roloff: 'I've never been satisfied down here and never will')
- 07-25: Shame On Pastors Who Label Homeless People As Being “Lazy” (those preachers are too lazy)
- 07-25: Mark Horvath Founded 'Invisible People' In 2008 (Mark knows homelessness better than pastors)
- 07-25: Some People Think Mr. Trump Is The Antichrist | God's Chosen One? | Mr. Trump's Right Ear
- 07-25: Pastor Glen Schunk: “The Halls Of Hell” 1969 Canoga Park, California | MP3 (an old LP record)
- 07-24: No Scripture Is Of Any Private Interpretation (The Holy Bible came from THE MOUTH OF GOD)
- 07-24: Don't Risk Going To Hell Fire Forever (it's been rightly said that Hell is truth seen too late!!!)
- 07-24: You're Only As Close To The Lord As You Are To Truth (Faith in God without truth is a big lie!)
- 07-24: King James Bible Audio Comparison Chart (to walk with God we must abide in the Scriptures)
- 07-23: The Clarity Of The Gospel Is What Makes It Easy For People To Believe (Pastor Yankee Arnold)
- 07-23: THE SCIENCE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE (an awesome 20-part MP3 Bible study by Dr. Jack Hyles)
- 07-23: The Patient Waiting Of Christ (a new MP3 by Dr. Hyles; Burdens will come that never leave!)
- 07-23: Idiot Scientists: Professing Themselves To Be Wise! (Science never contradicts the Holy Bible)
- 07-22: Why Don't You Live For Something That Lasts? (1st Timothy 6:19b, “Lay hold on eternal life”)
- 07-22: I NEVER KNEW YOU! (by Michael P. Bowen; if this book offends you, you need to get saved!)
- 07-22: Let Yourself Know What Yourself Already Knows (a life-changing MP3 sermon, Dr. Jack Hyles)
- 07-22: For By The LAW Is The Knowledge Of Sin (purpose of the law is to show men their sinnership)
- 07-21: Enemies You Just Think You Have (MP3, Dr. Hyles; Let your troubles become your strengths)
- 07-21: The Most Dangerous Place On Earth For A Christian (Be very careful in this dangerous place!)
- 07-21: MANY PASTORS HAVE DESTROYED MY VINEYARD (vineyard killers!; new MP3 by Pastor Hyles)
- 07-21: Why The Church Will Not Go Through The Tribulation! (Pastor J. Vernon McGee, 1904-1988)
- 07-20: Solar Bible Bus Featuring Pastor J. Vernon McGee And Inspired King James Bible (really nice)
- 07-20: Beware Of New School Morality In The Churches (Holy Bible is our standard, not the world)
- 07-20: Israel In The Last Days | Israel's Future | USA In The Bible (Dr. Mark G. Cambron, 1911-2000)
- 07-20: What Is Causing The Decline Of The United States? (needful sermon by Pastor Yankee Arnold)
- 07-19: Emboldened Thieves Stealing With Impunity In NYC (state's rotten governor belongs in prison)
- 07-19: Ozzy's Wife, Sharon Osbourne Says: Anglican Churches Are 'Empty' Because They Are 'Boring'!
- 07-19: The Satanic Catholic Church Can Do And Say Anything And Catholics Will Still Support A Cult!
- 07-19: How To Walk With God (you must be saved, walk with Jesus in the Word, and weep over sin)
- 07-18: Someone Please Warn Bob Jones University And Graduates That Calvinism Is Not The Gospel!
America's Secret Destiny (an informational 3:59 full documentary by Dr. Ralph A. Epperson) - 07-12: Ye Must Be Born Again! (I brightened and updated the webpage; Many souls are being saved)
- 07-12: The Sinner's Friend (MP3, Dr. Hyles; While we intensely hate sin, we ought to love sinners!!!)
- 07-11: How Permanent Is Your Salvation? (one of the most helpful sermons by Dr. Hank Lindstrom)
- 07-11: Beware Of The Corrupt Alexandrian Bible Revisions (Satan fathers his hundreds of versions)
- 07-11: The Bible Teaches Easy-Believism (It's as easy, simple, free and immediate to be born-again)
- 07-11: Damnable Heresy At Pensacola Christian College (prepare to be shocked at what PCC teaches)
- 07-10: Guilty War Criminal George W. Bush Admits That Bombs Imploded World Trade Center On 911
- 07-10: God Doesn't Automatically Take Sides With A Church (God sides with the man who is correct!)
- 07-10: Ray Comfort's 'Repent Of Your Sin' Heresy Exposed (it's the SAME garbage Bob Jones teaches)
- 07-10: Review Of Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary (Marty Herron is a devil-dog)
- 07-09: Whether A Hurting Raped Girl, Or A Divorced Man, Pensacola Christian College Doesn't Care
- 07-09: Biblical Separation From False Bibles (12,707 words missing from NKJV!!; by Dr. Jeff Owens)
- 07-09: MANY PASTORS HAVE DESTROYED MY VINEYARD (vineyard killers!; new MP3 by Pastor Hyles)
- 07-09: Bob Jones University Is So Stupid And Evil (any sensible person sees that the ESV is garbage)
- 07-08: Mormons Love John MacArthur & Promote Him Because They All Share The Same False Gospel
- 07-08: Prophet Habakkuk Calls Dr. Peter Ruckman A Liar (under Moses he said we're saved by faith)
- 07-08: One Scripture That Ought To Change Every Believer's Life (esteeming others better than us!)
- 07-08: Look At This Lying Piece Of Trash, Robby Parker—Falsely Says Daughter Killed At Sandy Hook
- 07-07: No Child Died At Sandy Hook In 2012 (pardon the dead links, because THE TRUTH is censored)
- 07-07: Passover Or Easter? (All of the modern Bible perversions say “Passover,” which is incorrect!)
- 07-07: THE BEST REVENGE IS PERSEVERANCE (MP3, Dr. Hyles; If enemies attack, just keep on going!)
- 07-07: God's Army Only Uses Wounded Soldiers (MP3, Dr. Hyles; Help those who are where you were)
- 07-06: You're Only As Close To The Lord As You Are To Truth (Faith in God without truth is a big lie!)
- 07-06: THE REAL BATTLE (classic MP3 by Dr. Hyles, “What good is inspiration without preservation?”)
- 07-06: King James Bible Audio Comparison Chart (to walk with God we must abide in the Scriptures)
- 07-06: Bob Jones University—Cult Headquarters (We've got to get back to only the King James Bible)
- 07-06: Mass Graves In Gaza Show Victim's Hands Were Tied, Says United Nations (Israel are monsters)
- 07-05: Corrupt ERV and NIV Say Jesus Angry At a Leper (modern PERversions full of contradictions)
- 07-05: Why Did God Kill A Man For Picking Up Sticks On The Sabbath Day? (don't add to the Gospel)
- 07-05: Free 1980's Atari Arcade (I'm still a big kid; some of my fondest memories of youth was Atari)
- 07-05: Go! (Dr. Curtis Hutson; Just think what we'd accomplish if we worked this hard to win souls)
- 07-04: FREE Unlimited Text-To-Speech Converter (this is a helpful tool for giving life to your text)
- 07-04: Repent Of Your Sins Documentary: A False Gospel Exposure (95% of churches today are cults)
- 07-04: Satan's Modern Bible Revisions Remove Acts 8:37 (NIV and ERV require baptism for salvation)
- 07-04: Scumbag Pedophile Enabler Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Fined $5,000,000,000 For Crimes!
- 07-03: A Classic MP3 Bible Study By Pastor Jack Hyles On The Church: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- 07-03: What A Horrible Thing That Satan Controls So Many Churches Today (just as it was planned)
- 07-03: My Zeal For The Lord (MP3, Dr. Hyles; get fired up and stay fired up for the things of God!)
- 07-03: The King James Bible Is Not Corrupt | MP3 (a practical KJB defense by Pastor Jeff Owens)
- 07-02: The Bible Says It Is Easy To Be Saved (Beware of someone who says getting saved is difficult!)
- 07-02: The Simplicity Of Salvation (Pastor Jack Hyles; You get saved by coming to JESUS CHRIST!!!)
- 07-02:
Complete Book Of Proverbs Read From The Inspired King James Bible By Alexander Scourby - 07-02: What Real Prayer Will Do In Your Life | MP3 (a life-changing sermon by Pastor Danny Castle)
- 07-01: Why Antichrist Must Come Soon (MP3, Dr. Jack Hyles; from America's ashes will rise a NWO)
- 07-01: What Do You Labor For? (MP3 by Bro. Roloff; Isaiah 55:2, “Wherefore do ye spend...labour?”)
- 07-01: False Prophets Ray Comfort And Ken Ham Are Teaming Up (churches ought to boycott them!)
- 06-30: Beware Of Dr. Bob Wilkin's Crossless Gospel And Turn From Sins Heresy (this guy's dangerous)
- 06-30: The BIGGEST Joke On Earth (Noah's Ark? It doesn't even float, it is a cinder-block building!!!)
- 06-30: JESUS PAID IT ALL! (This one statement condemns the heresy of “turning from sin” 2B saved)
- 06-30: The Hard Satanic Gospel Of John MacArthur (Harvest Baptist Church on Guam promotes this!)
- 06-29: What Is Bible Repentance? (repentance is exclusively a matter of acknowledging THE TRUTH)
- 06-29: A Good Old Age (at age 71 Pastor Hyles had hernia, cataracts, hearing aids, but kept going!)
- 06-29: SOME GOLDEN DAYBREAK (pretty music); SOME GOLDEN DAYBREAK (book, Dr. Lee Roberson)
- 06-29: Evil Destructive Behavior | Perilous Times (life-changing MP3 preaching, Pastor Jeff Owens)
- 06-28: SO GREAT SALVATION (an awesome 24-part MP3 Bible study by Dr. Younce; Please hear this!)
- 06-28: SO GREAT SALVATION (Pastor Max Younce; a helpful video Bible study clarifying the Gospel)
- 06-28: Why We Believe The King James Bible (Pastor Castle; It's what you believe, not what you use)
- 06-28: The Ungodly Wickedness Of Abortion (new billboards read: “God's Plan Includes Abortion!”)
- 06-27: 9/11 Security: Courtesy Of Marvin Bush (that is how they planted explosives in the buildings)
- 06-27: The Destruction Of Jerusalem (Pastor Chuck Baldwin; YouTube keeps removing this sermon)
- 06-27: Things Are Worse Than You Think (Pastor Steven Anderson; the world is a very wicked place)
- 06-27: The Covenant Of Our Fathers (a needful red-hot preaching sermon by Pastor Jared Pozarnsky)
- 06-27: Christ Has The Answer (Dr. Jack Hyles; find what depresses and derails you and avoid them)
- 06-26: Scum Of The Earth Female Woke Judge Puts Rapist Transgendered Pervert In Women's Prison
- 06-26: Avowed Atheist Billy Joel Quotes Bible When Asked Opinion About Justin Timberlake's Arrest
- 06-26: Here's The Real Reason Why They Murdered President John F. Kennedy (they killed him first)
- 06-26: False Gospel Of Lordship Salvation (by Ben Vogt; Lordship Salvation puts people in bondage)
- 06-26: Part 4B - KJB: Still The Best (You've got to hear this! Shocking truths behind Satan's Bibles!!!)
- 06-25: Where Were You During The Battle? (MP3, Dr. Hyles; the sin of neutrality in the Work of God)
- 06-25: THE REAL BATTLE (new MP3 by Dr. Hyles, “What good is inspiration without preservation?”)
- 06-25: The Luciferian Conspiracy Of Calvinism And Lordship Salvation (Satan wants people in Hell!)
- 06-25: THE KING JAMES BIBLE - STILL THE BEST! (shocking history lessons by Pastor Max D. Younce)
- 06-24: Ultimate Expression Of God's Love (Dr. Hyles, “There's no better news than God loves you!”)
- 06-24: What I Would Do If I Were The Devil (America is corrupting the world; MP3, Dr. Jack Hyles)
- 06-24: Mankind Hasn't Even Begun To Tap Atomic Power (one tree could power the U.S. 10-years)
- 06-24: President Trump And Alex Jones: Victims Of Political Assassination (goodbye 1st Amendment)
- 06-23: It's 10 PM, Do You Know Where Your Pastor Is At? (don't just blindly believe what a man says)
- 06-23: Be Careful When You Follow The Masses, Sometimes The 'M' Is Silent (beware of PCC's heresy)
- 06-23: I KNOW WHO HOLDS TOMORROW (338-pages of fascinating Bible prophecy, Dr. Max D. Younce)
- 06-23: The 'First Resurrection' Of Revelation 20:6 Consists Of 5 Separate Resurrections (Dr. Younce)
- 06-22: How Ecumenicalism Destroys The Gospel (unsaved religious people keep changing the Gospel)
- 06-22: SOME ON BROKEN PIECES (MP3, Dr. Hyles; Rescue others with the broken pieces of your life)
- 06-22: Just Pick Up Those Broken Pieces, And Give Them To The Lord, At The Savior's Precious Feet
- 06-22: TRY THE SPIRITS (Pastor Max Younce; Most of our problems is because we don't listen to God)
- 06-21: Ken Ham's 'Ark Encounter' Is NOT Biblically Accurate (it's wild speculation and bizarre claims)
- 06-21: What Is Biblical Repentance? (less than 5% of Baptist pastors today get repentance correctly)
- 06-21: Things That Are Different Are Not The Same |MP3 (Dr. Hutson; Lordship Salvation not Gospel)
- 06-21: Jesus Is Coming Soon!!! (our blessed God, Savior, Lord and King Jesus is still reigning on high)
- 06-20: The Road To Tyranny Is Paved With Your Liberties (2:16 hour, classic, 'The Alex Jones Show')
- 06-20: 200 People Were Murdered, Forced To Jump To Their Death On 911 (9/11 was an inside Job!)
- 06-20: The LAW And The GOSPEL (a very excellent rebuttal of Dispensationalism by Dr. Philip Mauro)
- 06-20: What Will Happen When Jesus Comes? (Pastor Castle; Jesus' return is nearer than ever before)
- 06-19: THE HORRORS OF HELL! (MP3, Dr. Al Lacy, “to fall in the darkness... for eternity... burning!”)
- 06-19: Israeli Bastards Murder 15,694 Kids (demon possessed Jews slaughter Palestinian poor people)
- 06-19: Lies That Will Destroy America By Pastor Chuck Baldwin (we need more preaching preachers)
- 06-19: Israel’s War On Gaza Live: Hamas Calls Attack ‘Complex War Crime’ (37,616 murdered so far)
- 06-18: FULL SPEECH: Future President Donald Trump Addresses Nevada Voters (Mr. Trump cares!!!)
- 06-18: Is God Divorcing America? (He sure is! Pastor Chuck Baldwin indicts our wicked Zionist nation)
- 06-18: Billions Of People Are Going To Hell (life is short, Hell is hot and eternity is a very long time)
- 06-18: “I’d Be A Christian If It Were Not For The Christians!”—Mahatma Gandhi (PCC's hatred is same)
- 06-17: DIVINE INSPIRATION (a fascinating Bible study on the Word of God by Pastor Steven Anderson)
- 06-17: Ken Ham And John MacArthur Are In Bed Together (Why do pastors support these heretics???)
- 06-17: The Hatred At Pensacola Christian College (only SOME LIVES MATTER at PCC's bigoted CULT!)
- 06-17: The Crown College Are Promoting Bad Science (it's a shame to see them promoting Ken Ham)
- 06-16: Here's The Devil's New 'Literal Standard Version' (this is better fiction than The Outer Limits)
- 06-16: The Big Problem With The Bob Jones University Crowd (they woefully lack love for people)
- 06-16: Are NASA Lunar Or Looney? (smartest people on earth claim moon formed by crashing rocks)
- 06-16: How To Have Assurance Of Salvation | MP3 (awesome sermon, Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold)
- 06-15: DON'T FORGET THE HINDMOST (“love the hindmost people” —MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles)
- 06-15: The Insane Claims Of The Unscientific World (Evolution is intellectual fraud—a big hoax!!!)
- 06-15: A Friend At Midnight (Pastor Jack Hyles; If you're not a friend at midnight, you're no friend!)
- 06-15: Why Christians Must LEAVE Pro-Zionist Churches Before God Will Once Again Bless America!
- 06-15: Sermon On The Mount - Part 2 (Pastor Jonathan Shelley; PCC's heart is in the wrong place!)
- 06-15: Steven Anderson Exposes Lordship Salvation (Calvinism & False Repentance heresies refuted)
- 06-14: The U.S. Has Become The Laughing Stock Of The World (Free Speech is no longer allowed!!!)
- 06-14: IF I PERISH, I PERISH!!! (MP3, Dr. Hyles; This is some of the best preaching you'll ever hear!)
- 06-14: Why Be Born Again? (Pastor Hyles; You can improve a human, but not make him a Christian!)
- 06-14: SALVATION AND THE PUBLIC INVITATION | PDF (this book solidified my assurance of salvation)
- 06-13: Every Kindred, Tribe, Tongue, and Nation - Soulwinning Motivation (Fiji Missions Trip 2024)
- 06-13: I Miss My Ministry Friend Pastor Max D. Younce (1935-2023); He Was Just Like Dr. John R. Rice
- 06-13: Can I Live As I Please? (Dr. Yankee Arnold; Salvation is by grace or works, but can't be both!)
- 06-13: Dr. John R. Rice Is Correct That PCC Hates Me, Evidenced By Their Refusal To Forgive Me!!!
- 06-12: A Fundamentalist Doesn't Have To (here is Dr. Hyles' position on his disposition with others)
- 06-12: Listen To DUMB Things In The English Standard Version (most Baptist churches now using this)
- 06-12: My LORD Knows The Way Through The Wilderness, All I Have To Do Is FOLLOW (MP4 | Lyrics)
- 06-12: DO (Dr. Hyles; Gathering around the Word won't save this country, we must do something!!)
- 06-11: The One-World System | Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon (great stuff by Dr. Jack Hyles)
- 06-11: The Two Greatest Doctors Who've Ever Lived: Dr. Law And Dr. Grace | Part Two (Bro. Roloff)
- 06-11: You Can Choose Your Own Temperament (beautiful MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
- 06-11: Working Homeless: The Death Of The American Dream (working poor replacing middle class)
- 06-10: Tightrope: Americans Reaching For Hope (Our evil U.S. government has destroyed our lives!)
- 06-10: What Separates Pensacola Christian College From True Christianity (they reject the needy 1%)
- 06-10: A Cool Video Made By Senator Babet Bragging On President Trump (I hope he gets re-elected)
- 06-10: Bastard Churches Flock To Satanist Taylor Swift To Worship Satan With That Whorish Tramp!
- 06-09: So Far 37,077 Innocent Poor People In Gaza Have Been Brutally MURDERED By Israeli Demons
- 06-09: Why The Gospel Is Not Preached Today (MP3, Pastor J. Vernon McGee; Are you bad enough?)
- 06-09: Alan Watt: Globalist Agenda For A Dumbed Down Domesticated Society (Prison Planet special)
- 06-09: President Erdogan Of Turkey Says Israel Is Not Just A Threat To Gaza, But To The Entire World
- 06-08: Alex Jones Explodes Over Government Persecution (WARNING: He cusses repeatedly in this)
- 06-08: Is There No King In Thee? | Video (awesome life-changing sermon from 1989 by Pastor Hyles)
- 06-08: A REAL BURNING HELL! (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years won't even be the beginning!)
- 06-08: SO GREAT SALVATION (awesome 24-part MP3 Bible study by Dr. Younce; Please hear this!!!)
- 06-07: SO GREAT SALVATION (Dr. Max D. Younce; a helpful video Bible study clarifying the Gospel)