Stripping Away Seven Layers Of Pride

By David J. Stewart | July 2019

Proverbs 26:25, “When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.”

ABOVE: A sunrise photo I took by God's grace at Asan Beach on Guam in July of 2019

May I quote our text Bible verse again from Proverbs 26:25, “When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.” Dr. Bob Jones Sr. used to say: “Behind every tragedy in human character is a slow process of wicked thinking.” Nobody just goes into sin! There is always a degenerative process from youth, or a pattern of backsliding in a believer's walk with God. We've never seen things as bad in the United States as today in 2019. Crime is out of control. The sins of covetousness, and greed and theft are commonplace. The vice of sexual perversion is epidemic, and bound to get worse. Wicked Hollywood are the perverse music industry are much to blame for the destruction of the home. The average American has grown up in ungodliness and filth, hearing dirty jokes, seeing garbage on television, seeing raunchy music videos on YouTube violence and all manner of evil. Hence, the average America has seven layers of pride and wickedness that need to be stripped away!

When a person commits adultery, it may have been a crime of passion, but there was also a long-term process of sin of the heart. If a person is truly right with God, they will have built-up an immunity to temptation. A man who feels bad and avoids watching sensual garbage on Tv is far less likely to commit adultery, than a man who wilfully indulges in sexually explicit movies. Netflix now has over 118,000,000 subscribers as of 2019, and has long promoted hardcore sexually explicit movies. Netflix has also started promoting openly homosexual films, clearly intended to promote their ungodly agenda. America is going to Hell, literally! Americans today have seven layers of hubris, arrogance and pride, that cannot be corrected overnight. Our nation needs to be purged. I firmly believe that Revelation chapter 18 vividly describes the coming total destruction of the United States by a nuclear attack! It is merely a question of WHEN! God's judgment will not sleep forever!

Americans Deserve God's Impending Judgment

Where are those Russian thermonuclear ICBM nukes when we need them??? Where is that weapon of indignation??? I am all for Russia nuking the United States! We deserve what we get for spitting in the face of God almighty! I do not long to see death and destruction, but I do long to see God's judgment upon a wicked baby-murdering, sodomite-sanctioning, occult-controlled, crooked as a dog's hind leg government, an exceedingly proud arrogant stiffnecked people! Our great God is a long-suffering God, but His judgment will not sleep forever. Our third U.S. President and great founding father Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) said that very truth...

“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.” —Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President (1801-1809).

We read in the prophetic book of Amos that in the Last Days God will cause a FAMINE OF HIS WORD!!! Amos preached against the relentless wickedness of Israel, similar to the amoral conditions in America today! As with many passages in the Old Testament, Amos has a dual meaning. Theologically, this is called “The Principle of Double Fulfillment.”[1] God's abundant mercy has a limit! There comes a point when God says, “Your time is up!” I believe we are very near to that point in America. Our people are wicked. Our courts are cruel. Our leaders are weak and complacent. Our churches are indifferent. Our Bibles are corrupt. Our schools are contemptible. Our streets are crowded with the homeless. Our banking system is fraudulent. Our borders are compromised. Our character is corroded. Our capacity for caring is calloused. Our code of honor is contaminated. Our children are brats. Our homes are catastrophes. Where is the Bible-preacher? Where is the soul-winner? Where is the Christian who genuinely cares?

I promise you that if you took making money out of the equation, 99% of America's pastors, preachers and evangelists would disappear overnight! If they weren't getting paid, they wouldn't lift a finger for God. That shows you where their heart is at. You can identify these type of men, who continually follow the money, moving onto greener pastures, a better paying job, a more lucrative situation. They already have their eternal rewards. A true man of God bunkers in for the long haul, and he doesn't abandon his people or post for a better paying job somewhere else! I cannot even comprehend that shallow kind of pseudo-Christianity! The position of pastor is not a career advancement opportunity, it is a solemn duty from God almighty to feed the Lord's sheep.

God pity the pastor who views his position merely as a job. Sadly, that is the case in over 95% of churches today, which is why women, atheists and homosexuals are now applying for these clergy jobs, and sinning against God by doing so. A pastor ought to win the hearts of his people and bond with them over the truth, not merely parasite off them until something better comes long. If every pastor quit and moved on for more money, we'd have exactly what we have today in America! The love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money is the reason why today's apostate Bible colleges no longer stand for the inspiration of God's Word, it will bring them persecution.

Please young people, avoid any Bible college that denies the inspiration of the King James Bible, because you are wasting your money. It is better to die for something than to live for nothing! I am living to proclaim the inspiration of God's Word! I guarantee you that the fire is gone out of any Bible college that denies the inspiration of the Word of God. How can there be any sound doctrine without an inspired Holy Bible? Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) thought that inspiration was important, and so do I. 

The Answer Has Always Been 'THE GOSPEL'

The answer has always been the transforming power of THE GOSPEL (meaning “GOOD NEWS”). Until a man gets born-again by the Holy Spirit of God, he cannot win the victory over the sins in his life. Unfortunately, many religious people misunderstand salvation and repentance and wrestle the Scriptures to their own destruction (2nd Peter 3:16-17), perverting the Gospel to include “turning away from sins” to be saved. In the true Gospel, you come to God as a humble sinner, acknowledging your guilty condition (Romans 3:19-20), and you place your trust (reliance, belief) in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross to pay for our sins, was buried, and three days later physically raised up from the dead for our justification. If that “GOOD NEWS” is your only hope for forgiveness of sins and eternal life, then you are saved and secure in the Father's hands dear friend.

But hear me clearly, just because a person gets saved doesn't immediately make them a mature believer. There is a lengthy process of growing in grace, that begins by a sincere hunger for the milk of God's inspired Words. 1st Peter 2:1-3, “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” Carefully notice in the preceding passage of Scripture that the Holy Bible is instructing the new believer to lay aside their sins (after getting saved, not as a condition of salvation). When I first received Christ as my Savior, as a 13 year old lad, I acquired an insatiable hunger for God's Word. I couldn't put it down. Each night before I went to bed, I read my King James Bibles until I fell asleep under my night light. My mother would often turn off my light once I had fallen to sleep. I remember one night that she said something to me, for which I am grateful, that helps me 39 years later, she said: “You've changed!” She said that in a positive way. I realize that one's salvation is not based upon a changed life; but rather, it simply reveals that the indwelling Holy Spirit was working on me as a new convert to Christianity.

That is how salvation works—we are saved in a moment by trusting Christ as our personal Savior (this is theologically known as regeneration), but then growing in grace to conform into the image of Christ takes a lifetime (which is called sanctification). And we are sanctified through the process of edification, which means to be built-up in the Christian faith through the hearing, preaching and teaching of the inspired Words of God. When a person becomes a born-again Christian, depending on how damaged their character is at the time, that greatly determines how long it takes to grow as a baby believer. If a person has come out of a horrible life of crime or a cesspool of iniquity, it will require more time for them to heal and grow as a Christian. A “cesspool” is a place where all the sewers lines flow together. A person may get saved and immediately shows signs of changing, which is common; however, they haven't been built-up yet in the knowledge of the Scripture, to be considered a mature Christian.

The apostle Paul showed immediate signs of being saved, but he was as a babe, not knowing what to do next, and needed to be mentored. Acts 9:6, “And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.” Paul needed to be told what to do next, since he was new to the family of God. Paul had been trained as a strict Pharisee, so he learned very quickly as a new believer, which made him a powerful asset to the cause of Christ, but Paul was being called into a ministry of suffering. Acts 9:15, “But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake .”

So we see that there is a growing in grace process. Paul is not a good example though, since he grew much faster than most believers, because of his religious training in the Law of Moses, and also because he had been such a fierce enemy of the Church. Paul was passionate, determined and a man of admirable discipline. These elements combined made him quite a man. The average person grows much slower when they get saved. When I first got saved, I didn't go around shouting “Amen” or feel called to preach right away. Since I was involved in an old-fashioned independent fundamental Baptist church in Chicago, and attending a Christian school at the church, I was blessed to have mentors in the Christian faith. I am so grateful for those Christian influences at a critical time in my life, which set me on the right course for the Lord, until this very day! Without that positive influence in my life, being surrounded by Christians who genuinely cared about me, I would have become a castaway in my life as an adult years later. Thank God for Bible-believing churches and Christian schools. Not enough good can be said about the benefit of getting your family involved in a solid New Testament Bible-believing church, a soulwinning church, that preaches the Gospel and faithfully serves the Lord Jesus Christ. And if they have a Christian school at the church, do what you must to get your children enrolled into that school, for their sake and yours! The single most important advice that I would give to any parent, would be to get your child into a Bible-believing church and school.

Once a person has gone into the depths of sin, and their life has been ruined, it is almost impossible to extricate it. I love the next Bible verse. Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” If you give your child a foundation in their youth, the house may burn to the ground one day if they go into worldliness and sin, but when the time is right, they will have a solid foundation to return and build another home upon! Not enough can be said about the importance of building a solid foundation, rooted in faith in the Word of God, in a child's life early on. They will love you for it later on in life. I thank God so much that my imperfect human parents were wise enough to send me to a Bible-believing church, and pay the money to enroll me into their Christian school. Not many parents care enough, and are willing to spend the money, to do that for their child. My ministry websites wouldn't be here (which by God's grace have reached well over 107,000,000 people since 2002), and I never would have met Pastor Jack Hyles (my hero of the faith), nor would I have enrolled at Hyles-Anderson College at age 18, had my parents not made that beautiful decision to put me into a Baptist church with a school. I love them so much for that!

Souls Are Dying!

How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
(an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Hank Lindstrom, 1940-2008)

Mark 1:15: “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.”

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)

Mark 11:22, And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!