Our daughter started falling
asleep in school because of the drug. Her teacher (the same one who had us
turned into DCFS) said to our daughter, "Is my teaching so boring that you cannot stay
awake?" When we confronted the teacher, she demanded that we put it in
writing that our daughter would be falling asleep in class. We had to have
our lawyer contact the school. Our daughter was sedated
by the Depakote drug, and wasn't jumping and playing like a child her age normally
As a result, she had insomnia at night and was only getting 2-3
hours of sleep. Her hair started falling out. She also had stomach cramps and was displaying "fits" of
emotion because of the drug's side-effects. The possible
side-effects of Depakote are numerous and scary, including possible "liver
failure "(death). We (as parents) were outraged that the State could FORCE
us to drug our daughter against her will to take such a dangerous drug. Our
daughter cried each time she had to take her pill. We simply
explained to her that neither her nor us had any choice. Free country? I don't think so! This
is pure Godless Totalitarian Communism!!!
"Why are
American infants and schoolchildren being forced to submit to hepatitis B
vaccinations even though the French Health Ministry has suspended them in
schools because of evidence they can cause neurological disorders or multiple
sclerosis? (New York Times, Oct. 3, 1998) Has America become a nation
where the government can force controversial medical procedures on children
without allowing their parents informed choice? If you think such things only
happen in Communist China, think again. Compulsory health treatment is on the
march in the United States."
SOURCE: The Phyllis Schlafly Report, February 1999, Volume
32, Number 7) - Click Here to Read
the Full Article |
Click Here if link doesn't work
We called our daughter's
neurologist to complain about the horrible side-effects. Our daughter's
Depakote was reduced to 125mg daily. She still was not sleeping well and
the fits continued. We were so disgusted and mad that the State had
this kind of power to ABUSE us. What were we to do? We
felt so HELPLESS against the government. Even with the Depakote, our
daughters seizures were only reduced from 8-10 to 4-6 per day. Even worse, the side-effects were making our daughter 10-times
sicker than the alleged "medicine." Can a drug legitimately be called
"medicine" if it hurts the patient more than it helps the patient? It all
depends upon who you ask, but I say "NO!" The pharmaceutical industry has
become a multi-billion dollar SCAM! There's so much money being made from
the sale of these drugs that the public is being misled as to their dangers. Lawsuit after lawsuit has been filed because of the wrongful deaths associated
with many of these drugs. I am NOT against drugs being used as medicine,
not at all. I AM against people being FORCED to take drugs, especially the
drugs which posses possible dangerous side-effects.
multitudes of military personnel were court-martialed for refuse to receive
an Anthrax
vaccination. This is wrong and unconstitutional. An alarming amount
of people who do receive the Anthrax vaccinations have uncounted SEVERE negative
reactions to the drug. I would rather be court-martialed than end up
disabled or dead. Do we have rights anymore?
My employer pressured me to receive
a Hepatitis B vaccinations (3 shots only good for five
years). I said no way! Why? For a very good reason! I
read all the possible negative side-effects (so many I laughed when I read
them). I read the odds of my contracting Hepatitis B versus my odds of
suffering the numerous unpleasant side-effects of the drug. My odds of
suffering from the side-effects were far more likely than my chances of catching
the Hepatitis. I said forget it, rightfully so. I am NOT against
vaccinations or drugs as medicines, I am against their misuse by the greedy pharmaceutical industry
(drugs, drugs and more drugs). My daughter is NOT a guinea pig. Remember, the Ethosuximide that our daughter was
prescribed when she was only 6-years old was removed from the market because of
several lawsuits. It is no longer used in the United States! What's to say that Depakote
won't be removed tomorrow or next year?
What Can a Family
I had learned about a
"homeopathic" doctor from an older gentleman at work. A homeopathic doctor avoids using
unsafe drugs as medicine. They specialize in natural remedies. Any
good doctor will tell you that the best defense against disease is a healthy
immune system. Homeopathic remedies are deliberately suppressed in society
today, because the greedy drug companies can't monopolize the market with
some proprietary new drug.
We scheduled an appointment and took our
daughter to see a homeopathic doctor in May of 2002. We had scheduled this
appointment before meeting with our lawyer for the first time (he was very
impressed with the idea of a homeopathic doctor). The first thing that our
homeopathic doctor did was to wean our daughter off of the Depakote drug (you
can't just stop taking Depakote, you have to be "weaned" off it gradually). Our homeopathic doctor is licensed by the
State by the way. This was important so that the doctor's opinion would
hold up in court.
Our homeopathic doctor sent a
letter to our lawyer and to DCFS stating that the Depakote" was causing "liver
toxicity" and "bone-marrow shut-down." Hence, our daughter was removed
from the harmful drug, Depakote. The homeopathic doctor gave our daughter 3
natural remedies that not only alleviated our daughters seizures—they STOPPED
the seizures COMPLETELY within six weeks!!! We were totally amazed
(especially since the other doctor had told us there was NO cure). We were
excited and thought for sure that DCFS would now have to let us go, but they
didn't. By July 2002, our little girl was all better with no more
seizures. So much for the drug-crazed doctor who said our daughter would never
drive a car, nor live a normal life.
It's really sad what is going on
in America within the medical and pharmaceutical industries. It's a shame
when our elderly, whom we ought to be taking care of, have to travel to
Canada and Mexico to buy their needed medications so they can afford them.
It's sickening! People in America are literally dying (see SICKO by
Michael Moore) because they can't afford health insurance. And now the best
answer our government can come up with is Communism? I have a better,
Capitalist, idea... our nation's leaders need to stop catering to the greedy
cut-throat lawyers, judges and fat-cat CEO's monopolizing America's medical
and pharmaceutical companies. Capitalism works if you have an honest system.
to Destroy a Family
Our lawyer had set up our
first administrative court appeal for August of 2002. When the time
came, the DCFS judge cancelled our appeal, saying he needed time to talk to the
teachers and nurse at the school. So they rescheduled. The November
2002 appeal was also cancelled because "they forgot." In February 2003,
they said they had spoken with our homeopathic doctor and needed time to discuss
the matter, thus canceling our third appeal. Our 4th appeal was scheduled
in May of 2003. We called our lawyer and said "enough is enough, we want
our day in court, no more cancellations!" So we did meet with the DCFS
judge. He said that the neurologist and our doctor aren't communicating,
citing that the neurologist is "evading" everyone. I can't say I blame him
after our doctor said the drug he gave our daughter caused her liver toxicity
and bone-marrow shutdown. Anyway, the judge is going to subpoena the
neurologist to talk. So now our 5th appeal has been scheduled for
September 2003, let's see what their excuse is this time around!
This is all deliberate. The State
knows that we only have so much money and will likely give up rather than
continue going into massive debt. This is what lawyers do to people. Judges
and lawyers work together. It's a crooked industry... an industry of THUGS
AND LIARS! Please read, Why Lawyers are the
Scum of the Earth. The Postal Service recently recalled a series of
stamps featuring lawyers because the customers didn't know which side to
spit on.
At the May 2003 hearing, the
teacher who turned us in to DCFS was present. My wife could not help but
start crying because of all the misery this woman has caused us. As my
wife was crying (and I was holding her hand), the teacher was sitting about 20-feet away laughing up a storm. She was having a great time laughing as my
wife cried. I said nothing to the teacher and assured my wife that God
sees all and would avenge us in due time. After the lawyers met privately
with the judge, the DCFS lawyer said to us, "For whatever it's worth Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart, I think this whole thing is ridiculous and you never should have been
in the system to begin with." I thought that was big of him and so shook
his hand and thanked him. I said, "You're just doing your job." Afterwards I wondered why
I said anything nice to him at all, considering that he is an
accomplice to DCFS' evil deeds. I guess I and my wife were just scared to
death being around the judge and lawyers (they do have the power to hurt us!). DCFS is a heathen, monstrous and brutal system
filled with hateful people that have no qualms about destroying families. The
DCFS investigator was also present at the hearing and waved at me and my wife. We naturally waved back because we're not mean or revengeful people.
I and
my wife were scared to death and didn't know what to say, so we were friendly
and said nothing (that's why we hired a lawyer). Regardless, I believe
that anyone who works for DCFS is guilty of being an accomplice to some
degree. I couldn't work for such a cut-throat business. It appears that the judge is in our favor, but it is too soon to
tell what will happen in September. The judge said that even if the two
doctors don't come to an agreement, he WILL make a decision. Unfortunately, we have to wait ANOTHER 3 1/2 months for our next hearing (this
is ridiculous!). We have already been billed by our lawyer for over $20,000. I am
the only bread-winner in the family. I am trying to support myself, my
wife, four children and several pets on ONE income (and not a very big one I might add).
We will be in debt for years to come. We've come too far to turn back
now and
I pray to God that we don't have to take out a home-equity loan to continue
fighting the heathen state bureaucracy. We may still lose when all is said
and done. Our lawyer has repeatedly assured us that we are good parents. Our
crime was caring too much about our daughter. If we had just placed
our little girl on drugs, we wouldn't be in the DCFS system; but then her
well-being and possibly even her life may have been jeopardized. Thank God,
we're not that kind of parents (our daughter suffered enough when she was 5-years old from the Ethosuximide). The Depakote was a mere repeat of the
Ethosuximide, just different side-effects.
Conclusion Of The
The silver lining to
all of this dark storm is that our daughter has been healed!!! I wrote this article because I want as many people as possible to know what we
have gone through. At the writing of this article, it has been 14-months
since we were put into the DCFS system. Even with a lawyer, having already
been billed for over $20,000, we're still trying to break free of a monstrous system of
coldhearted evil people. I believe there are many parents out there going
through the same thing.
If not, take heed because you may be next! You better ask for copies of your children's medical records to protect yourself
down the road. Get it in writing! If the doctor changes his records, you'll
still have the
originals. You'd better do exactly what the doctor says or else find another
doctor to remove the liability from you. If your doctor recommends
something, you had better do it if it involves your child (otherwise you may be
charged with neglecting a child by DCFS). The State is ruthless and you'll think
you're living in Nazi-Germany if you end up in the system as we did.
In our case, the doctor had said
that the decision was up to the parents, but then he lied when he found out DCFS
was doing an investigation. His lies hurled us into the system. It
was my wife's word against our doctor's. The bottom line is that petite mal
seizures do NOT require a medicine for ANY medical reasons whatsoever. DCFS does NOT have
the right to force our daughter to take dangerous drugs! This is evil and reflects the ever-increasing aggression of our government
against the American people. Every one involved in our case is making big
bucks by our case being dragged-on, except us... it's destroying us financially. Worse yet, no one cares. We have contacted Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams,
Walter Jacobson, WGN news, Channel 2 News, et cetera... no one is interested in helping
We ask for your prayers in
the difficult months ahead, we are fighting a two-headed monster here (it's a legal
and bureaucratic nightmare). We are VICTIMS of a wicked and
dysfunctional abusive system. We cared for our child and this is what
happened. At present our daughter hasn't had any seizures in over 9-month;
yet DCFS still won't let us go and the judge is making us wait and wait and
wait (while we go further and further into debt defending our family).
there no justice anymore? I and my wife have sincerely thought about
leaving this crazy country after all this is over. Is my retirement going
the way of Enron? Will there be any Social Security in the future (why are they
squandering the money)? I'd like to live in a place where no one tells me
what plants I can or cannot grow on my own property. In a place where I
don't have to pay taxes to park on the street (that I helped pay to build).
In a place where I don't have to pay rent (property taxes) on property that is
already mine. This
is Communism. I'd like to live in a place where I can go fishing without having to pay
for a license (or risk losing my automobile and fishing equipment). In a place where no
one can force me to drug my child against our will. In a place where I don't have to wait years for a simple
court decision. In a place where a man can raise a family on one salary
where mom can stay at home and be a homemaker (without having to live near
poverty). Perhaps in Heaven someday. For now, America has become a
Communist nation and the tyranny is just getting started for Christian
parents. Say goodbye to the
U.S. Constitution.
America used to be a nice place to
live. Before 1913, no one
paid any federal taxes. Before the Central Bank came into existence in 1914, a
dollar was worth a dollar. There was no DCFS system back then and parents
had the final say concerning what was "best" for their children. People
could park on the street without having to put money into a meter. Back
then, a man could support his family on one income (before the Central Bank caused the
Great Depression). America was a simple nation back
then. Our nation was not in debt (and deficit spending was not invented yet). Businesses were closed on Sundays and hardly anyone worked midnight shift (which
is detrimental to one's health). Life was so much simpler back then. There
was no public school system. Amen! How did children ever learn? America's
children are more unlearned and ignorant today than they were 100-years ago. Our government
has NO business controlling our lives, educating our children, forcing drugs
on them, teach them that homosexuality is acceptable, et cetera. God will
cast the wicked into Hell (Psalm 9:17). The government has too much money and too much power.
The power was supposed to
belong to the people; not the government. We have little power today as
individual citizens. We are at the mercy of the government's bureaucratic
powers (a machine out of control). Today, everything is being homogenized (i.e.,
the banks, our schools, Social Security, et cetera). This will be the downfall of America! If you don't believe me, read the
many philosophies and statements of America's founding fathers. They were
totally against a Central Bank and against government usurping too much
power. Where is justice?
Thankfully, God is still on
His throne and He will judge in due time. By faith we can make
it through anything with the Lord's help. One day at a time. We are
living in a wicked world. It is
not the government's responsibility to force children to take medication; It is
the parents decision. Unfortunately, the government is tampering with
everything in our lives, from our retirement money to the curriculum our children
learn in school. The government continues to plunder us further and
further into national debt, while our dollar steadily declines in
value. Every nation in history has been undermined by sin and injustice. Our days are numbered
in the United States of America! We deserve judgment.
By David J. Stewart
UPDATE as of 11-12-08:
Some of my ministry's visitors
have inquired concerning the conclusion of our situation with DCFS. Well,
it's been several years now since the 2002 incident. Thankfully, our
daughter has completely been healed of her petite mal seizures. The
homeopathic doctor's remedy worked wonderfully. Sadly, there are many
legitimate medical remedies which are deliberately being suppressed by those
who control the medical industry. I highly recommend homeopathic doctors.
The fact of the matter in our case is that our daughter was healed by the
natural remedy, despite being told by our "other" doctor that our daughter
would be a slave to taking drugs the rest of her life, never be able to
drive, and never live a normal life. For the truth about the medical
industry, please listen to:
Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17
The preceding presentation is
based on chapter 2 of the book,
Our battle with the State of
Illinois ended in the fall of 2003. We moved away from Illinois for fear of
retaliation or further tyranny from State authority. We sold our home to pay
off our legal expenses. Through all the bitter tears, overwhelming emotions,
constant fear of losing our children to the Godless State, unbelievable
financial pressures, et cetera—well, the consequences are lasting. Our
family has been traumatized. During the brutal onslaught by the State of
Illinois, my wife emotionally fell apart. We are living in a rotten world
today, when you just can't trust anyone anymore, including religious people.
The malicious woman who had turned us into the State literally laughed in
our faces at the Administrative Court hearing, even as my wife wept in
bitter tears of sorrow and fear. What a bunch of #$%^&*! We did move away
from Illinois, the "cut-throat" state, in 2004. Sadly, all of
America is going to hell and it's bad everywhere nowadays.
A Final Warning To Parents
Parents beware―get everything in writing from
your doctor to protect yourself when it comes to your kids―or else find
another doctor if you don't agree with him (or her). You can't just
decide not to do something that the doctor recommends, even if you know
you're being a good and responsible parent by not allowing your child
to be drugged for no reason.
Doctors are legal drug-dealers, carelessly
prescribing numerous drugs today
that are dangerous to children...
"More than 85,000
prescriptions were given to children in 2004 for antidepressants that
the regulatory agencies had ruled should only be given to adults."
is E V I L S C U M!

Spank children on plane, lose them