Marriage: It Doesn't Matter Who is At Fault!

By David J. Stewart

       The day you were married, you and your spouse became ONE FLESH in God's eyes. Matthew 19:5, “And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?” Children are proof of this truth, because every child has the DNA of the biological mother and father.

I'm tired of hearing people hypocritically blame their spouse. I spoke with a woman who said she divorced her husband because he called her a female dog. I spoke with another self-righteous woman who said her husband did this, and did that, and is a rotten human being; so she divorced him as well. Both of these women are professed Christians.

Something is very wrong with their testimony. May I say, if they are saved, they are not right with God. When you were married, you became ONE the Bible says. I realize that everyone wants to explain their side of the story; but that doesn't change what the Bible teaches. You are both ONE in God's eyes.

Jesus plainly taught in Matthew 19:8 that divorce has never been acceptable with God. Matthew 19:8, “He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but FROM THE BEGINNING IT WAS NOT SO.” God hates divorce (Jeremiah 3:20; Malachi 2:16). There are NO Biblical grounds for divorce.

It doesn't matter who's at fault in anyone's marriage, that is irrelevant, because you are ONE in God's eyes. You should both work together to build, protect and strengthen your marriage; when one spouse become weak, the other needs to carry the load until the storm passes. Storms never last. God honors marriage in all (Hebrews 13:4); but God never honors divorce.

Divorce is a shameful sin. It is quitting. Divorce is self-righteousness, where one spouse thinks they aren't as big a sinner as the other. Oh yes you are (James 2:10). Romans 14:10, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” If you had a Biblical perspective on marriage, i.e., that two become one in marriage, then you won't condemn and divorce your spouse when they sin. Just as the evil Pharisees who sinfully looked for reasons to justify divorce, (Matthew 19:3-8), so do people today (especially women) look for reasons to abandon their spouse and quit their marriage.

Jim and Tammy Bakker

Jim and Tammy Bakker of the now defunct P.T.L. (praise the Lord) Club brought shame to the name of Christ and our nation. I do not judge them, for we are all guilty sinners in God's eyes (Romans 3:19; James 2:10). James 4:11, “Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.” That means it's ok to expose false teachers and those who propagate public wickedness (Titus 1:10-13); but it is a sin to condemn anyone publicly for their personal sins, oftentimes nothing more than unfounded allegations and hateful rumors. God's Law condemns all of us! We are not the Judge, God is!

The P.T.L. ordeal is one of the biggest scams in American history. Jim Bakker was misappropriating funds from P.T.L. contributors, to pay off a woman (Jessica Hahn) whom he had an affair with to keep her quiet. From what I remember in the news, Hahn demanded more money and didn't get it, so she went public. Jim Bakker was sentenced to 45-years in prison on dozens of counts of fraud. I was sad when I heard that Tammy divorced Jim while he was in prison.

These two had an air-conditioner in their dog's house out in the yard. They were living high-on-the-hog like Benny Hinn and Pat Robertson, refusing to disclose to the public where all the money goes. They are con artists! After the divorce, Tammy became a spokeswoman for the lesbian Movement. The whore, Jessica Hahn, who had an affair with Jim Bakker went and sold her story and body to Playboy magazine for over a million dollars. Welcome to America!

It was terribly wrong for Tammy Faye Bakker to divorce her husband. I won't argue the details because it doesn't matter. Marriage is forever. Jim and Tammy were ONE, and they should have remained together until death. Jim messed up horribly, but repented and asked publicly for forgiveness. In our cutthroat American society there is no such thing. Jim Bakker had been sentenced to 45-years in prison (but was released earlier). Jim Bakker was broken and at the lowest point in his life in prison, and his wife Tammy abandoned him. How sad. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Hypocritical Wives Only Quit During the “For Worse” Times

What a bunch of liars! People are such liars. Everyone promises to remain faithful “for better, for worse; til death do us part”; but then they quit during the rough times. God will punish liars. And by the way, God hates a lying tongue (Proverb 6:16-17). Sadly, women are more prone to quit then men, because of the evil influence of feminism.

I'm not condemning Tammy Faye Bakker; I'm defending the institution of marriage. No man's wife has a right to abandon him during the darkest hours of his life. Isn't it something how women never divorce when everything's going fine. It is very rare. Tiger Wood's wife waited until he messed up, and was at the lowest point in his life, and then she abandoned and divorced him. That's what quitters, losers and shallow people do. Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren officially divorced on August 23, 2010.

A Proper Biblical Attitude

A lot of people want Jim Bakker to burn in Hell forever for lying, misappropriating charity funds and committing adultery; but you had better stop to realize that God used murderers to write one-third of the Bible. That's right (Moses, David and Paul).

King David who penned most of the Psalms (on his harp) committed adultery, impregnated Bathsheba, and then conspired to have her husband killed, and he did! Talk about a horrible person. Why would God use such a scumbag to write the Bible? You see, God wasn't concerned about David's past sins or mistakes like people are. David had repented. People by nature hate each other and don't understand God at all. Whereas God forgets, people remember...

Psalms 103:12-14, “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.”

Whereas God is understanding and forgiving, the sinful world is the exact opposite. The newsmedia thrives from the destruction of people's lives. But they won't print something about the newspaper publisher's family. What a bunch of evil hypocrites. You couldn't pay me enough to work for a newspaper company, because it is a dirty-business, just like the booze industry and the legal profession.

People can be extremely malicious. When Andrew Jackson became U.S. president, his enemies spread word throughout the colonies that his wife was a prostitute and her mother a prostitute from England. The plot to destroy Jackson's credibility led to his wife's premature death, lunging Jackson into a woeful depression.

, because that's the hetred

I'm sick and tired of people sending me hypothetical situations, looking for loopholes in God's Law so they can do wrong. There are NO loopholes in God's Law, I assure you. God's Law never changes, although men pervert it in their own minds (Romans 1:25). Stop looking for a way to justify a divorce. Get right with God!!! You wouldn't believe some of the lame and wicked thinking that people us, especially women, to justify a divorce.

Please understand that I am not condoning sin of any form, not at all; I am simply saying that no one has a Biblical right to divorce for any reason. The issue is not the sin or

Your wife's sins and faults are your sins and faults. That is how a godly husband should view his wife's sins and faults. They are your burdens to bear because you are one. It doesn't matter what faults that your wife may have, or what sins she may commit; they are your problems to deal with as well, because God says you are one. A godly husband will not view his wife as a separate person from himself; rather, as flesh of his flesh. Thus, nothing that a wife may do ought to cause her husband to cease from loving her and trying to salvage the marriage. Trust is a different matter; but even if a spouse has lost one's trust, there are no grounds for divorce.

Don't Give in to the Agenda to Destroy Your Family

Please listen to what I'm about to say. Very few people understand that there is a group of evil people who control the world. These evil scum worship the Devil in a Luciferian occult religion. There is an AGENDA to destroy America's families. As hard as it is to grasp and accept this truth, it is THE TRUTH. Families are shooting themselves, killing their kids, and voting for politicians who are giving away their jobs, stealing their homes and letting illegal immigrants overrun their nation. Why do we let people do this to us?

In fact, they are in serious trouble with God for divorcing their husbands.

It is unbiblical to view one's spouse as being

We are not supposed to throw away our spouse and give up on them when they sin. We are not to "put away" our spouse. Jesus taught us to forgive. There is NO forgiveness in divorce—it is cruel, malicious, selfish, self-righteous, and it's consequences last a lifetime. God will weigh each situation, knowing every minute detail, and no one will be able to hide behind their self-righteousness on Judgment Day. The sin of divorce is rooted in self-righteousness!!!

We are living in an evil and adulterous generation that persistently searches for excuses to justify their wickedness. Woe unto the pastors, pastor's wives and so-called "Christians" today who subtly encourage, nurture and promote divorce. It is wickedness!!!

"Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so." —Matthew 19:8

Divorce Is A Sin!

Marriage Bible Study Series
(by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)

  • Bible Studies on Marriage (MP3)  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22

  • Bible Studies on Marriage (REAL AUDIO)  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22

Divorce is a Merciless Act of Unforgiveness; God Said He Will Likewise Show No Mercy!

Remember, marriage is only hard for the first 30-years!

Ye Must Be Born Again!