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The final three supposed hominids put forth by evolutionists are actually modern human beings and not part monkey/ape at all. Therefore, all twelve of the supposed hominids can be explained as being either fully monkey/ape or fully modern human but not as something in between.

The last three of the popular twelve hominids have been demonstrated as being modern human beings. Human skulls naturally vary in size and many other characteristics. They often also are misshapen by certain diseases such as rickets, arthritis, Paget's disease, congenital syphilis, and starvation. Skulls found with diseases or normal human variations could lead one to suppose that certain modern human skulls are something less than human. This has been a great mistake by evolutionists who not only have failed to recognize variance in human skulls but also to make the public aware of it as well.

  1. On picture #14, Homo Erectus, number 10, is an actual modern human being and nothing less. One Homo Erectus find, called Peking Man, was based on but one tooth. "Davidson Black...became convinced that it (the one tooth) was a human tooth...He then confidently announced a new genus of man." ([8], p.78)

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    Picture #14: The final three popularly regarded `hominids' put forth and here reconstructed by evolutionsist, have been found to be fully modern human and not part monkey/ape at all.

    Major Evidences Against Each Supposed Hominid Above

    • 10. HOMO ERECTUS: #10 was regarded as sub-human because its brain size was once thought to be out of the range of humans being too small. It is now known that its size is nearly the average size of a modern European's.
    • 11. NEANDERTHAL MAN: #11 was found by medical experts to be a full modern human being whose brain was deformed simply by arthritis deformans.
    • 12. CRO MAGNON MAN: #12 is indistinguishable from a modern human being. It was placed on the chart only because of cave drawings that were found and thought to be primitive.

  2. Another, Rhodesia Man (one Homo Erectus), was reported as follows, "Paleontologists pointed out that this...creature...had undoubtedly suffered from tooth decay. It was difficult to imagine how this disease of civilization could have attacked prehistoric man. And two very odd holes in the side of the skull caused the experts even greater perplexity. In the view of Professor Mair of Berlin they looked like the entry and exit holes of a modern bullet." ([20], p.155)
  3. Regarding another Homo Erectus type, prominent medical authority of the day, Rudolf Virchow, noted, "I know such growths, and have treated many patients who had them. If these patients had not been well looked after they would have died."
  4. Homo Erectus was considered primitive only because of his brain size. He was "...modern of limb but more primitive of brain." ([8], p.42) Yet his brain was considered primitive only because it was supposedly smaller than the modern. However, regarding its size, it is noted, "...there are men of marked intelligence walking about today whose brains are as small or smaller than this." In fact, its brain is said to extend "...into the middle range of Homo Sapiens." ([8], p.42)
  5. Regarding the final two on the chart, Neanderthal Man and Cro Magnon Man, numbers 10 and 11, we read, "...from all the evidence, many scientists agree that they would be indistinguishable from modern man." ([22], p.21)
  6. On the Neanderthal finds, medical expert Rudolf Virchow declared, "The curved leg bones were the result of rickets (vitamin deficiency)...the knots of bone above the eyes had been caused by damage to the skull, and other special features of the skeleton were the result of arthritis deformans." (picture #15) ([23], p.57)

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    Picture #15: Evolutionists have failed to recognize certain diseases which affect human bone and skull formation. As a result, they have declared deformed modern human bones and skulls to be human ancestors. The photo on the left demonstrates the result of arthritis on human legs making the person walk more apelike. The photo on the right demonstrates a modern human skull deformed by disease. Neanderthal man was based on nothing more than finds of modern human skulls and bones with diseases.
  7. One book even pictures a modern man and suggests that Neanderthal looked just like him. (picture #16)

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    Picture #16: Some books picture a modern man and state it to be what Neanderthal Man would have looked like (left photo) and what Cro-Magnon Man would have looked like (right photo). This supports the fact that they were actual modern human beings. Skulls that are of modern humans have actually been declared to the public by evolutionists to be human ancestors.
  8. Decades later he was shown to be correct. The field accepted his conclusion but continued to embrace Neanderthal as less than a person. "The curvatures in the limb bones, and other deformities, led scientists to believe that Neanderthal walked with a stooped, bent kneed gait. Decades later, it was shown that these were in fact the remains of an old individual crippled with arthritis." ([10], p.47) Picture #15 shows how rickets affects bones and disease affects skulls. Other diseases which affect skulls are Paget's disease and Congenital Syphilis; both are hereditary. (This is significant since all the Neanderthal people were from the same group of people at the same place.). (picture #15)
  9. "Scientists have concluded that all of the so-called primitive features of Neanderthal people were due to pathological conditions, or diseases." ([3], p.81) In addition, we find Neanderthal people to have buried their dead, which demonstrates care for the dead, an awareness of the transitory nature of life, and perhaps has religious significance. These are hardly that of supposed primitive people.
  10. Of Cro Magnon Man, it is reported as "...indistinguishable in body and brain" from modern man. ([2], p.42) It is reported that he is "...identical to a modern European." ([3], p.85) Indeed, authorities agree, "Cro Magnon was, in the anatomical sense, truly modern Homo Sapiens. The fossilized remains are identical with those of people living today." ([12], p.142)
  11. One book even pictures a modern man and says that this is what Cro-Magnon Man looked like. (Picture #16)
  12. Cro-Magnon is credited with the famous cave drawings yet these drawings and sculptures are considered by the same people as "...so powerfully conceived and executed that they rank amonk mankind's greatest artistic achievements of all time." ([8], p.155)
  13. These drawings and engravings picture people in burial poses and with their hair in a bun or short plaits, and wearing headbands. (picture #17)

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    Picture #17: One supposed human ancestor, Cro-Magnon Man, was said to have made this sculpture even though the woman has braided hair. Other acts such as the wearing of headbands and burying dead are also attributed to this supposed ancestor.
  14. Variance in human skulls should have been expected. The encyclopedia The Human Body notes, "The skull of man demonstrates many variations." Among them is "the pronounced brow ridges." ([21], p.112) (picture #18)

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    Picture #18: Normal variation in human skulls has not been taken into consideration by evolutionists. This modern human skull, for example, has the prominent brow ridge that supposedly was the mark of a human ancestor.
  15. The fact that evolutionists were attempting to find apelike features in these modern skulls is apparent. The reconstruction in picture #19 makes this point obvious.

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    Picture #19: Efforts by evolutionists to find apelike features in modern human skulls is obvious. Above is the reconstruction, by an evolutionist, from a skull that can be shown to be a modern human.

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    Picture #20: Above are the skulls used for numbers 10-12 on picture #13. They can be shown to be those of actual modern human beings and not part ape at all.
  16. Naturally, we find these three supposed hominids to be the only finds to be located where monkeys and apes are not found. ([12], p.88)

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