Americans Indifferent About Killing Foreigners!

Proverb 24:28, “Be not a witness against thy neighbour without cause; and deceive not with thy lips.”

Freedom Isn't Free! | ENDGAME

WARNING: Photos below are horrifying! 

Fox News | November 14, 2011 | Cristina Corbin/Fox News

Posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:05:49 AM by jazusamo

A Massachusetts law professor has created a campus firestorm with an email to colleagues that declares it would be "shameful" to send care packages to U.S. troops "who have gone overseas to kill other human beings."

Michael Avery, a professor at Suffolk University Law School, sent a five-paragraph email to colleagues in response to a school-wide appeal for care packages for deployed soldiers, Fox affiliate WFXT-TV reports.

"I think it is shameful that it is perceived as legitimate to solicit in an academic institution for support for men and women who have gone overseas to kill other human beings," Avery wrote.

The professor, who specializes in constitutional law, wrote the email last week in response to a university drive to collect items for U.S. troops, like sunblock and sanitary products. He also wrote that sympathy for American troops in harm's way is "not particularly rational in today's world."

Paul Spera, past commander in chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, blasted Avery's remarks on Monday, calling the professor's argument "despicable."

"The shameful thing is that he’s teaching our young people," Spera told

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

"These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." —Proverbs 6:16-17

       I am ashamed as an American over what our nation has done to the Iraqi people. 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis have been killed as of 2011. The Bush Administration appears to be guilty of all six violations in Proverbs 6:16-19. Iraq did not attack the U.S.! As a matter of fact, Iraq never threatened to attack the U.S. As a Bible-believing Christian, I am simply putting myself into the shoes of our Iraqi neighbors. Matthew 19:19, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” If we truly loved our neighbor as our self, then we wouldn't be stealing the Iraq's oil, murdering over a millions of them and occupying their nation.  

To date, no Weapons of Mass Destruction have ever been found. It's been 9-years since America invade Iraq. Why do we still have troops there? Saddam Hussein was accused of killing 50,000 people; but America has killed 1,421,933 Iraqis since 2002. How did America's intent to remove ONE MAN from power cause the death of 1,455,590 people? Iraq's oil is being stolen and the profits stashed into a Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
SOURCE: Henry Kissinger, quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW's in Vietnam"

U.S. Government Betrayed and Abandoned Hundreds of Vietnam POWs

An Open Letter to Those in the U. S. Military and Those in Law Enforcement

Donald Rumsfeld was recorded on video tape specifying the areas where the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” were located in Iraq. Watch Fahrenheit 911 to see video footage for yourself. No weapons were ever found! So why did American troops ravish and plunder the nation of Iraq? We have committed a great evil against God and Iraq! I am NOT a fan of Michael Moore, but he is exposing woeful evils which America's churches and patriotic citizens should be doing.

Herod's Henchmen | President Bush Jr. Jokes

What has America done? We have shed innocent blood. God asked Cain in Genesis 4:10, "...What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground." The blood of the Iraqi victims cry out to God from the ground. Many Americans would prefer to pass the blame upon the Bush administration. Unfortunately, God will hold ALL Americans accountable for the evils committed against Iraq because our government does what they do with THE POWER WHICH WE GIVE THEM. 

Why have Americans been so complacent and lax about their government's activities? The consequences of this indifference over the years have been devastating? Today, our government leaders are committing blatant acts of injustice right before our very eyes! Wall Street bankers just ripped off $23,700,000,000 (2009-2010) from American taxpayers and Congress is powerless to stop it. Our country is gone!!! Do you think this reckless abuse of power is not destroying our nation? It most certainly is destroying America! 

Please read the following thought provoking articles by Congressman Ron Paul...

Praise The Troops

Inspection or Invasion?

Don't Aggress Against Iraq

Children 'Starving' in New Iraq

By the way, our freedom gives us the right to BE wrong, not to DO wrong. Liberty gives us the freedom to make our own decisions; but freedom is a result of making the right decisions.

Americans are guilty of murdering children by abortion. God did not give us our freedom so we could commit evil. America is guilty of more than its share of human rights abuses, and yet we stick our nose into every other nation's business. We are a spoiled rotten nation who thinks we own the planet. The average professed Christian today supports murderous tyranny in total ignorance. Only an ignorant fool would support the Democrat or Republican parties in a presidential election. They're both working for the SAME boss—the New World Order gang. Both parties are woefully corrupt. They're just two separate legs walking in the same New World Order direction.

The American people are guilty of shedding innocent blood in Iraq. How can Christians proudly support “our troops” when they are doing something evil and wicked? We need to stop, and think, of what is happening in Iraq. Say what you will, theft is sin, and we are stealing Iraq's oil. We beared false witness of WMD's. We coveted their oil. We killed innocent people. We've broken nearly all of God's Commandments. God does NOT approve of America's tyranny. By some form of insanity, Americans think they can do no wrong. Put yourself into the shoes of the victims. What if that were your loved ones? Matthew 19:19, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

The mainstream newsmedia are a bunch of paid professional liars, FOX NEWS being the worst. They have no love, no decency, no shame, no fear of God before their eyes (Romans 3:18). All they do is spew disinformation and lies to deceive the public, and it has been extremely effective. They are arrogant, ruthless and of the Devil. They're job is to protect the interests of the criminal global elite, who own and control the newsmedia. God says that “all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).

I wish sometimes I could shut my eyes to the truth, but then I would be no better than the average American. It's no coincidence that Americans have been led into CWS (Celebrity Worship Syndrome). The television networks are owned and controlled by CFR members, who are all part of the New World Order. The powers that be have succeeded in sidetracking Americans from the real issues, like the criminal Federal Reserve, the 9/11 attacks and the illegal war in Iraq.

Listen to the nonsense below in a statement made by President Bush's National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice...

"Those who question the wisdom of removing Saddam Hussein from power, and liberating Iraq, should ask themselves: 'How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to torture the Iraqi people? How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to remain the greatest source of instability in one of the world's most vital regions? How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to provide support and safe-haven to terrorists? How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to defy the world's just demand to disarm? How long should the world have closed its eyes to the threat that was Saddam Hussein? Let us be clear: those were the alternatives to action." —NSA Condoleezza Rice

I would like to make a few comments about Miss Rice's statements:

1.  "How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to torture the Iraqi people?"  Since when is it our business in America to interfere with the affairs of other nations? America couldn't have cared less when 500,000 Rwandans were being slaughtered in Africa. Americans are guilty themselves of slaughtering more babies through abortion than all the war casualties throughout the 20th century. The Iraqi invasion is about money... oil. Think for a moment... why didn't the United States simply send in a special unit to kill Saddam Hussein? Why conquer the entire nation? 

2.  "How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to remain the greatest source of instability in one of the world's most vital regions?" Greatest source of instability? North Korea has NUCLEAR WEAPONS! North Koreans are cannibalizing their neighbors for food due to starvation. North Korea is infinitely more of a threat to the world than Iraq ever was. 

3.  "How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to provide support and safe-haven to terrorists?" What terrorists? I thought the terrorists were in Afghanistan? Bin Laden lived in Afghan, not Iraq. There is no evidence to even remotely link Iraq with terrorism, let alone any 911 connection. 

4.  "How long should Saddam Hussein have been allowed to defy the world's just demand to disarm?"  Just demand? No one in this world has the right to force any nation to surrender their only means of self-defense! What makes the United States so special that we can build doomsday devices, but not Iraq? China builds WMD's. Russia builds WMD's. 

Saddam is just one man. How can America and it's allies kill over 1,000,000 Iraqis over ONE man? None of the above arguments justify killing a nation and it's people. What America did to Iraq is inexcusable!!!!!!!!!

Iraq Images: Nothing but blood in the child's eyes socket        


Burned Iraqi baby after American/British attack



Life is meaningless to the rich, selfish, monsters who inflict terror upon innocent civilians through military force. What did the Iraqi people do to deserve this? Do the Iraqi people abort their children like we do in the U.S.? No! Do their woman dress like whores and behave in unladylike manner as many of America's immodest woman do? No! Do the Iraqis promote sin as we do with our "SIN CITY" in America and our filthy Hollywood movies? No! Who has higher morals? If any nation deserves to be conquered and judged, it is the United States. Our day of reckoning is imminent.

Was It Worth It?

The Iraqi People Are Worse Off

To make matters even worse, America has contaminated Iraq with tons of deadly DU (Depleted Uranium). Do you have any idea how dangerous Depleted Uranium is to a person's health, specially a child? Click on the link below if you dare. Just take a look at what the depleted uranium has done to some of Iraq's newborns...

Here's something to really make you mad and sick

gunther53.JPG (195122 bytes)

IRAQ: Doctors warn of increasing deformities in newborn babies

The U.S. military uses depleted uranium (a very heavy metal) for it's armor piercing abilities. The radioactive exposure causes DNA to mutate. Did you know that some U.S. troops have actually stored their sperm in California laboratories just in case the Depleted Uranium makes them sterile? It is very true! Do you really want your son or daughter to "serve" in such horrendous conditions? Would your government leaders send their children into harm's way? Does the Bible teach that a citizen's children are inferior, obligated to go die in war; while the sons and daughters of the politicians are carried along on bed's of ease at some cozy University? Your Child Dies; Not Theirs!

Vladimir Lenin is famously reported to have said, upon being informed that thousands of Americans were demonstrating in support of the Russian revolution against the czar . . .

“Ah, yes. My useful idiots.

—Vladimir Lenin, concerning Americans who supported the brutal Russian Revolution

I am not anti-government; but rather, anti-evil, anti-corruption and anti-tyranny. Someone said to me, "If you don't love America, leave." I replied, "I do love America, which is why I am defending it against tyranny from within." It was Thomas Paine who wisely stated: "It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government." You won't hear that quoted on Fox News; but it is true! I love America. I believe in having a strong military. I am NOT against war if it is legitimately to defend America's freedom. What I am against is what God is against, tyranny and evil, i.e., the exploitation of our children as paid mercenaries to invade an innocent nation on the basis of lies, kill innocent people, and steal their natural resources. This is inexcusable and evil.

To understand what is going on in Iraq, you must understand that a New World Order is the bigger picture and ultimate goal. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has warned the American public that a criminal syndicate has taken control of The White House. Their goal is to attain a Global Totalitarian Godless Communist Police State. Our nation's highest leaders have become puppets, and the puppeteers are controlling them through The Council On Foreign Relations. The evil goes far beyond The White House. If America's citizens ever wake up and realize this, they'll stop supporting the troops in Iraq, stop voting Democrat or Republican, and start crying aloud against the blatant evils being committed by our leaders in Washington D.C. Yes, I love America, which demands that I hate anything that threatens her.

Although commonly misattributed to Thomas Jefferson, it was historian Howard Zin who wisely stated: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." So true! Certainly, Jefferson would have agreed with the statement, who stated: "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then." So why do Christians nowadays support tyranny in government? If you vote Republican, you are voting for tyranny, the continued murder of children by abortion, unlawful taxes, illegally open borders, and for evil itself. Wake up America!!!

Photo of an old, gray-haired, gray-bearded man sitting on the ground, head bowed, hands clasped and resting on the ground, blood on parts of his head and blood soaking through his clothes on his right shoulder, arm, back, chest and legs. A bloody gash is visible on his right shin.

An old Iraqi man suffers in silence
after American/British bombing attack

Here's something below in a photo for Americans to be proud of... doesn't it make you feel good to hurt innocent people?

Photo of the deck of an aircraft carrier, taken from one or two hundred feet above as it plows through the ocean water. Many white aircraft with folded wings line the deck.  A large group of sailors and/or pilots wearing white uniforms are standing on the angled runway of the deck, having formed themselves into two large white words which read: FUCK IRAQ.

If you haven't watched the "Fahrenheit 911" video yet, you should. It should make you very mad if you care about America, decency and people at all. The video reveals some scary things about our military. Such scary things as our troops listening to Heavy Metal and Acid Rock HATE music while on the field (to pump them up in their minds to KILL, KILL, KILL). The headphone sets are piped into the tank so each soldier can privately listen. Here's a portion of the lyrics below to the song "Burn" (by the band "DOPE") which our troops were listening to in the Fahrenheit 911 movie...

Kill the fucking enemy
Kill the fucking enemy
Burn, burn, burn the mother fucker down
Kill the fucking enemy
Kill the fucking enemy
Burn, burn, burn the mother fucker to the ground
Burn the mother fucker down
Burn, burn, burn mother fucker
Burn, burn, burn mother fucker
Burn, burn, burn mother fucker
Burn, burn, burn mother fucker

Can you imagine? This is the hellish noise that our troops were listening to while rampaging and destroying a sovereign nation. Hundreds-of-thousands of innocent civilians were killed, not to mention the tens-of-thousands of Iraqi men who died rightfully defending their country. We had no legitimate reason to invade Iraq (and surely NO right). This is exactly why the United Nations would not sanction such a travesty of justice. The U.S./British led invasion of Iraq was an ILLEGAL war not sanctioned by the United Nations. America just does what it pleases—sinfully so. We as American citizens are to blame because we have not restrained our ruthless and irresponsible tyrant government. The music above is nothing but pure hatred, used to hurt innocent men, women and children. 

Why Do America's Churches Support Tyranny?

U.S. General James Mattis: "It's Fun to Shoot Some People"

Here's Another Complete Sicko!

"Only tyrants can take a nation to war without the consent of the people. The planned war against Iraq without a Declaration of War is illegal. It is unwise because of many unforeseen consequences that are likely to result. It is immoral and unjust, because it has nothing to do with US security and because Iraq has not initiated aggression against us." —Congressman Ron Paul

Notice how The White's House's obsession with one man (Saddam) has now escalated into hate against a whole nation.  It wasn't about Saddam from the beginning, it was about Iraq's oil. What did the people of Iraq do to anyone? If Saddam was so much of a tyrant leader, then why would hundreds-of-thousands of men fight to defend a man who is no longer in power? 

Why do the American people tolerate such lies from the government? Why haven't the churches spoken out against this great evil? It's a sick thought to realize that most professed Christians voted for George W. Bush. There is nothing in the Bible which teaches us to keep silent about evil or have a blind loyalty for our government. Sadly, many of America's clergy are now supporting President Barack Obama, a Communist. Yes, we should pray for our leaders and our nation. Yes, we should obey good authority. However, it is also our duty as Americans and Christians to stand up against the evils and corruption which are plaguing our government. Romans 13 does not teach blind loyalty to criminals. We are responsible as a nation for the actions of our leaders. I wash my hands of Iraq's blood.

"Thou shalt not kill." —Exodus 20:13

God is the highest authority and we must obey God over men.

"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men." —Acts 5:29

The invasion into Iraq was evil and unprovoked. I do NOT support our troops. How can I? I am unalterably opposed to our troops being exploited by The White House as paid mercenaries to do the dirty work for elite criminals. God never gives us the right to kill for personal gain. The oil being pumped out of Iraq today is not going to the Iraqi people, it is being sold and the money deposited into a Federal Reserve Bank in New York. The money will be used to further the New World Order. A criminal syndicate has taken over the federal government at the highest level. President Kennedy warned the American public about this truth 10-days before he was assassinated...

“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” —President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination!

Now you know one reason why they killed Kennedy. Here's the main reason.

Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama are puppets for the occult inspired New World Order. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). It is the Rothschild's family who controls Israel and the U.S. America has been hijacked! The Devil's crowd has the reigns of power. America's citizens are so weak and complacent that they'll happily give up all their rights in exchange for "security" against terrorism. We don't need anymore terrorist attacks on American soil because the American people are acting like cattle willingly headed into the slaughter house. When enough Americans start to ask questions, you'll see another terrorist attack (and there will be another attack in America!). Billionaire investor, Warren Buffet, has predicted a nuclear attack in America. It's inevitable. Russia alone is missing over 200 nukes.

It's your country, what are you going to do about it?  First, stop voting for the Democrats and Republicans. Second, start telling as many people as you can in whatever way you can about what is going on. Get informed. Third, don't go along with the new police state system. I refuse to give up my rights and privacy. It's unbelievable how much control the government already has over us (and the average person thinks it's normal). A guy in Michigan was just charged with murder for speeding. He killed someone in a car accident. Do you know how the government knew he was speeding?  There was a little "black box" in his vehicle that he didn't even know about. 30,000,000 U.S. cars now have black boxes.  Did you know that? You had better wake up to reality friend.

I am NOT a lefty or a Communist. I am a Christian with the freedom to think for myself. I am not restricted by military or religious dogmas. I believe the Bible is God's Final Authority. The Bible clearly commands us not to murder. America was not defending freedom by invading Iraq because we were never attacked by Iraq to begin with; on the contrary, we attacked them.

Honestly, if you think about it, the death of 1,366,350 Iraqi's is blatant evidence of genocide. When I learned that Eric Prince and his Blackwater criminal thugs were shooting Iraqi men in the buttocks with exploding bullets, I knew that the Iraqi people were just being slaughtered carelessly on purpose. The predatory global elite want to reduce the earth's population by 90%. Hence, they want as many people dead as possible.

The Illuminati love Kim Jon in North Korea. While Kim Jon indulges in all sorts of worldly pleasures in his dreamland fortress, without are dying North Koreans who are eating their own babies to survive. This is where Communism ultimately leads. Tragically, woefully ignorant Americans have embraced President Obama as a savior, who is an avowed Communist. The average U.S. citizen fails to realize that Communist agendas have been being implemented in the U.S. for several decades now, beginning with the Communist Central Bank in 1913 (a fulfillment of Karl Marx's 5th Plank of the Communist Manifesto).

True Capitalist freedom produces prosperity. Socialism forces the wealthy to support the poor. Communism makes everybody poor and rogue criminal thugs confiscate and control all wealth. This is what is happening in America today. The New World Order is being achieved by the fascist corporate takeover of the nations. U.S. troops are being exploited as paid mercenaries to do the dirty-work of the predatory global elite. War always profits the Banksters. The biggest threat to human life over the past 200-years has been GOVERNMENT, killing 150,000,000 people.

Why Ignorant Americans Continue to Die in Needless Wars

Freedom Isn't Free!

War On Terror Scam in America!  |  War on Drugs is a Scam

Is it Evil to Join the Armed Forces?

The Unbearable Cost of Running Iraq (by Rep. Ron Paul)

Phony Justifications For War (by Rep. Ron Paul)

Black Market Organ Trade is Baghdad's New Growth Industry

Soldiers Wonder Why They're in Iraq  |  Was It Worth It?

Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist!

It's a fraud perpetrated on the American people by our own government to scare us into submission.

Is Sarah Palin’s God a Liar and a War Criminal?

In June, 2008, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, now Republican Senator John McCain’s choice for his running mate as vice-president, spoke to a group of ministry students at her Wasilla, Alaska Assembly of God Church. Palin asked these church leaders to pray for soldiers, including her own son, who would soon be deployed to Iraq, in these words: "that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Would God’s plan include lying about, and misrepresenting crucial information about, the alleged reasons for going to war against Iraq?  Would it include commission of the “supreme international crime” of waging an unprovoked, unnecessary war of aggression against a nation and its people who never threatened the United States?  What kind of God would have such a plan? [Emphasis added]


Why Do America's Churches Support Tyranny?

"These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD." —Zechariah 8:16,17