Pastors and Divorce

By David J. Stewart

1st Corinthians 3:7-8, "So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour."

       One of the most controversial questions in modern times is whether or not a divorced man can hold a position in a church as pastor, deacon or other office. First let me say, I will avoiding quoting all the great men of God who've commented on the subject, because it really isn't necessary. The Bible has much to teach to guide us in this matter. And in addition, most Bible-scholars comment on the issue from a middle-of-the-road stance. I'm going to approach this question from a different perspective, in an attempt to burn your heart and encourage you with the truth. The chances are likely that you are a pastor (or know a pastor) who is divorced or going through a divorce.

The Bible is clear that ANYONE can serve the Lord. Our text passage of Scripture plainly teaches that God will reward each man (or woman) for their OWN LABOUR. Many people have the wrong impression that pastors will receive greater rewards in Heaven because they receive so much praise here on earth from their congregations. However, the Bible teaches that it is the soul-winner's feet that are “beautiful” to God (Romans 10:15), and not a man with a leadership position in a church building. Thank God for the few faithful soul-winning pastors; but sadly, most pastors are a disgrace to the ministry and the name of Christ.

There is nothing in the Bible which forbids a divorced man from pastoring or being a deacon. Some churches won't permit a divorced man to become a deacon in the church. The problem with that is that the same church will allow a former fornicator, murderer, thief or other sinner to become a deacon. Clearly the Bible isn't prohibiting divorced men from being a deacon or a pastor.

For the very same reason, I adamantly believe and teach that all divorce is a sin! There are no Biblical grounds for divorce. Jesus plainly taught in Matthew 19:8 that ONLY BY THE HARDNESS OF ONE'S HEART does divorce happen. And so it is today! Americans have become sinfully proud, evil minded, and hard-hearted. Divorce is commonplace today, having surged over 75% in California alone. This is utter wickedness in the sight of God!

Ephesians 4:11, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.” These are positions which God leads men to fulfil. Please note that there is no call to soul-inning. Every Christian believer is commanded to share the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ; Who died, was buried and rose again after three days (Proverb 11:30; Luke 8:15).

A lot of people define “pastor” as someone who runs a 501c3 organization; but that is a businessman instead of a pastor. A Biblical pastor shepherds a group of people, feeding the flock of God with the Words of God. It is a position of leadership in the Body of Christ. A Biblical pastor is a soul-winner, who preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teaches others to do so. There are many pastors who don't have a church building, aren't 501c3 licensed with the state, and have never earned a degree in theology. A pastor is a man who walks with God and leads other men to walk with God, so they can lead their families for God. This is why Satan has attacked the man in the home, demonizing fathers and husbands. The American court system has been hi-jacked by evil thugs who cater to lesbians, feminists rebels and the wicked. God's authority is under attack, whether it be masculine authority in the church, marriage or home.

America is today a Godless society of lesbians and homosexuals, corrupt judges, cut-throat lawyers, criminal bankers, rotten realtors, crooked lying politicians, sleazy singers, dike TV show hosts, lascivious Hollywood actors, newsmedia presstitutes (corporate whores), and every form of smutty filth imaginable. Judgment Day won't come soon enough for this wicked nation of ingrates!!!

It's hard to believe in a nation where homosexual same-sex marriages were just legalized in New York in July of 2011, that so-called Christian churches are shunning away men of God because they have been divorced at one time. What hypocrites! I have news for you, there is not a pastor who ever lived that wasn't a dirty, rotten sinner. It is interesting that the Apostle Paul (who murdered Christians in his wicked past), teaches that a bishop or deacon should be blameless to avoid falling into the condemnation of the Devil. 1st Timothy 3:2, “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach.” The Bible is speaking about present sins and not past sins. Everyone has a skeleton closet, but some men are fortunate enough to escape the scrutiny of the wicked. When you preach against sin and mash on sinner's toes, they are going to crucify you for even the slightest sins or faults. That is the evil sin nature of mankind, that is, blame others as did Adam and Eve and make excuses.

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