Top 10 Signs of Apostasy in America

By David J. Stewart
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Someone recently asked me what I recognized as the top 10 signs of apostasy in America.  They are...

  1. Complacency and indifference.  Few believers today are concerned about the things of God.  It's becoming increasingly difficult to find a Bible-believing church where the pastor preaches hard against sin, the congregation goes soulwinning, and only the King James Bible is used.  People just don't care anymore.  America's churches are eerily silent concerning the evils of abortion, homosexuality, and Catholicism.  Few believer's care enough about the truth to read.  Instead, they believe what they hear from the lying newsmedia.  America's Christians are woefully ignorant concerning the truth about so many things.  The hallmark quality of a Christian who genuinely loves the Lord Jesus Christ is caring about the truth.  Few believer's love the Lord nowadays.
  2. Corrupt bibles.  America's churches have been infested with false bibles.  The corrupt New International Version [NIV] is the best-selling bible today.  This is tragic.  The NIV is evil to the core, removing the name of "Jesus" in 38 places.  The NIV (as do all modern bibles) attacks the deity of Jesus, the Godhead, and other fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.  As a consequence of false bibles, our churches are saturated with false doctrines.  The only reliable English Bible being sold today is the King James Bible.  If your church uses modern corrupt bibles, please find a better church. 
  3. Sinful Compromise.  So many churches today are dipping their sails in sinful compromise.  Ecumenicalism is of the Devil.  The Bible commands believers to divide over truth (Romans 16:17); whereas ecumenicals desire for believers to unite with them over error.  Many churches today are tolerant of abortion, homosexuality, Rock 'N' Roll, false doctrines, and other sins under the false pretense of "Christian love."  Biblical love never allows for sinful compromise with unbelievers or worldliness.  The Bible forbids close association with professed "Christians" who live in worldliness (1st Corinthians 5:11). 
  4. Christian Rock.  There is nothing any more filthy and evil in America's churches today than so-called "Christian Rock" music.  Honestly, there is NO such thing as "Christian" Rock music.  ALL Rock 'N' Roll music is of the Devil.  America's churches have been flooded with worldliness from Hollywood, Las Vegas and the demonic music industry.  As the church becomes more worldly, so the world is becoming more churchy.  Christian Rock is Satanic, drawing praise to the performers themselves instead of to the Word of God or Jesus Christ.  I dare you to find any popular Christian "rocker" who displays the Gospel of Jesus Christ on their website.  They're liars who know not God.  Rock 'N' Roll music is rooted in sexual immorality, which leads to unwanted pregnancies, which leads to abortions.  This is why America is such a mess today.  It all started back with the British InvasionChristian Rock followed later, as the Devil wanted to get his Trojan Horse into America's churches.
  5. False Christians.  It is sickening to see young girls like Miley Cyrus (who publicly claims to be a Christian) strutting around in tight blue jeans as "Hannah Montana."  This is sinful.  Another professed "Christian, Marsha Stevens, has started her own ministry called Born Again Lesbian Music (or BALM).  This is wickedness.  Who would have imagined a day in America when churches would promote topless dancers and homosexual ministers.  Frankly, I seriously doubt the salvation of all these people.  The fruit of genuine repentance is a changed life.  Certainly, every believer struggles to live a holy life; however, these people openly parade their sins and spite God.  The congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church is 18% professed atheist.  This is apostasy.  Some ordained ministers in America are even atheists.  Increasingly, many churches are supporting abortion.  It is tragic.
  6. Catholicism.  A frightening 60% of Americans are practicing Catholics, who are trusting the Vatican to save them.  This is utter apostasy.  God will not bless any nation who commits idolatry.  Catholics worship statues of numerous saints, including the Virgin Mary.  Here's proof that Catholics worship Mary.  Exodus 20:4,5 forbids even "bowing" to statues; YET, Catholics sinful bow to statues of the Pope, Mary and others.  No genuine Catholic will ever go to Heaven, because self-righteousness cannot wash one's sins away (Romans 10:3,4; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5).  Only the precious blood of Jesus Christ can wash our sins away (1st John 1:7; 1st Peter 1:18,19).  I am appalled that more Christians don't expose the Satanic Catholic church.  Over 11,000 children have reported being molested by Catholic priests, and that's juts the tip of the iceberg.  Yet, the newsmedia and the American public remain eerily silent concerning this house of horrors.
  7. Feminism.  There is no rot in America like feminism.  Feminism is rebelling against God-ordained masculine authority in the home, the church, and society.  No wonder the divorce rate for women is TWICE the rate for men.  America today is a ridiculous nation—where women are portrayed as being capable of leading armies, single-handedly saving the earth from destruction, and beating a dozen men to a pulp with her bare hands.  In reality, women are seen waving the traffic-flag while the men do all the muscle work.  In reality, women can't function without men to guide them.  Feminism is as stupid as it is sinful.  As a consequence of feminism, Godless women hellbent on exercising their "rights" have brutally murdered 50,000,000 precious healthy babies in America alone since 1973.  God's hand of blessing is quickly being removed from America, because of our sinful pride and stubborn wickedness.  America is "The Great Satan"!  It's time for America's women to put their clothes back on, shut their foul mouths, and obey their husbands.
  8. Silence in our churches.  Silence isn't golden, it's cowardly.  Apostasy only requires silence from a nation's pulpits to flourish.  America's pulpits are dead.  The average preacher today can't preach his way out of a paper-bag.  America is saturated today with dime-a-dozen preachers; but what is needed are genuine men of God who preach uncompromisingly against sin, love sinners with the unconditional love of God, and proclaim the offensive Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ without apology.  Where are the preaching preachers?  Here's an apostate pastor who says his church considers abortion "a minor concern."  Since when is homicide a minor concern?  It's a shame!
  9. Covetous preachers.  Most of the so-called preaching we hear nowadays is rooted in greed and covetousness, with the ultimate goal being financial gain.  Televangelists are the worst—who propagate a health, wealth and prosperity false gospel.  James 2:5 says that God has "chosen the poor of this world rich in faith."  Most televangelists refuse to disclose their finances to the Better Business Bureau, and most contributors are too foolish to question where the money is going.  I know a pastor who wrote a 16-book series on Tithing, who from Genesis to Revelation tried to associate nearly every sin in the Bible with failing to tithe.  This is unbiblical.  God wants our time as much as our money, but you never here preachers asking for your time.  It is apostasy for any so-called "man of God" to continually focus on tithes and offerings (i.e., money).  America is materialistic and few churchgoers will give money unless they are guaranteed something in return. 
  10. Sin.  America loves it's sin.  We are so ungrateful as a nation that we have even renamed one of our biggest cities... "SIN CITY"... and American's flock to commit sin there by the millions!!!  We may be one nation under greed; but we certainly are not under the God of the Bible. 

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." —Proverb 14:34


I looked up the word in Webster's book
For ages it has been around.
It means, "All religions should cooperate
And in peace and love abound!"

I remember when first I heard the word;
It was spoken by well-meaning men.
But when faced with the results of this compromise
It was obvious that this was SIN!

The religionists say, "We must forget our differences
And in love and harmony sing!"
But the Bible says, "Come out from among them
And touch not the unclean thing."

This error began back in ancient times;
They called it a "Brotherhood of Men".
Then a proposal was made called "Common Cause".
And the sheep were invited in!

"Evil communications corrupt good manners,"
I once heard a teacher say.
And accommodation with error for a period of time
Will lead the sheep astray!

The sheep thrive only with the Shepherd's care
And its Spiritual Food they need!
But the goats will eat most anything
And on the trash of the world they feed.

The True Gospel Message is rarely preached
In the average church today;
The "Psychology of Self" is now proclaimed,
And the sheep are being led astray!

The false shepherd's sound forth on every hand
And the multitudes follow them;
But the True Shepherd is calling His own by name
And the sheep only follow Him!

Some say, "All religions will lead us to Heaven."
But wait, what did Jesus say?
"No man can enter except by me!
And there is no other way!"

"I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep
And they are saved for evermore;
And by me they enter the Heavenly fold

Because I am the only door!"

 By: Orval V. Brewer

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!