One of the Saddest Things is Preachers Turning

By David J. Stewart

“Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” —Revelation 2:4-5

       There are certain things that make me very sad when I think about them. One of the saddest things I've ever heard in my life (I mean tears and heartbreaking sorrow) is Baptist preachers telling their congregations that the King James Bible is not inspired by God. it is unthinkable that such apostasy could even happen in Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches, but it's happening!

Sadly, all it takes is one wayward pastor and it's all downhill from there for the church. Everything rises and falls on leadership! Pride and arrogance are a man's worst enemies in life. Oh that men of God would humble themselves and admit they are wrong when they are wrong, go back to thy first love as Revelation 2:5 (our text Verse above) teaches...

”Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen...”

GO BACK to where you went astray! It is rare to ever hear a preacher, evangelist, teacher or pastor admit that they were wrong and set things straight. I would have tremendous admiration for such a humble man of God; but I have no admiration whatsoever for a man who trashes out the inspiration of the Bible, praises wicked leaders such as President Barrack Obama, brags of being a state-licensed 501c3 business, and teaches his church that they're going to support the government unquestionably no matter what they do. Boy, the Devil has his heart. Go ahead, get on the trains to Auschwitz; I'd rather die fighting for freedom! It's better to die for something than to live for nothing.

In Romans 13, God never told Christians to lay down and submit to criminal government oppression and tyranny. If that were your family being killed in Iraq, would you still be so foolish in your beliefs? Would you carelessly stand behind the blatant crimes of government leaders if this were your mother or sister (pictured below) about to die from bombs planted in the buildings to demolish them, after planes struck World Trade Center buildings 1 and 2...

Bombs in the Buildings!

How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? It requires months to plant enough explosives to bring down a building, let alone 3 buildings. BBC News reported that WTC 7 fell 23 MINUTES BEFORE IT FELL!!! What if that were your loved ones? But what do you care, you've got it good in life, who cares, right? On Judgment Day at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:9-11), many Christians will have zero rewards and face the terror of the Lord for being cowards and running from the truth. I'd rather die preaching the truth; than to live in denial as a coward, just going along to get along.

Oh that God would work in preacher's hearts, to show them how wrong they are to say that the King James Bible is not inspired. How can God's Word not be inspired?

I do not condemn anybody, for God's law condemns all humanity to Hell. I am simply taking an uncompromising stand for God, letting others know that the King James Bible is indeed INSPIRED. I ask you again, how can God's Words not be inspired? God does not inspire a language; God's Words are inspired. God's Words were already settled in Heaven before God even spoke the universe into existence (Psalm 119:89).

Waking Up is a Process That We All Go Through, Hopefully

We all make dumb mistakes in our teachings sometimes. When I started my website ministry back in 2002, I had voted for President George W. Bush in 2000. I wrote an article saying that even though President Bush wasn't perfect, he is still the President and Christians ought to support and honor him no matter what as our nation's leader. That's what I believed in 2002. Years later I was reading my own website and ran across that article and almost fell out of my chair, because my beliefs had changed drastically in 5-years. I was flabbergasted at what I had written back then. Boy was I wrong!

After writing and publishing my article back in 2002 I slowly began to wake up to reality, that is, THE TRUTH. I began to research the 911 attacks and saw all of the lies, disinformation, cover-ups, et cetera. I saw how the mainstream newsmedia literally blatantly lied again and again to protect the criminals behind 911. I learned that the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) is evil and corrupt, hellbent on destroying America's sovereignty, and to create a Police State. I started listening to Alex Jones and reading a lot of books on the Illuminati, the Federal Reserve, et cetera. If you haven't read it yet, please read The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

I could go on-and-on, but you can read through my website and see all the things I have been learning since 2002. That's all my website is, that is, I'm simply sharing all of the shocking truths I've been learning as a TRUTH-SEEKER and a TRUTH-TELLER since April of 2002. Amen that God opened my eyes to the truth!!! Of course, I rewrote the article about President George W. Bush, who I came to learn is a mass-murdering criminal guilty of treason of the highest order, a Luciferian-worshipping occultist who is a fraud, certainly no Biblical Christian, a member of the demonic Bohemian Grove where a 40-foot idol of Molech is worshipped by world leaders, and has sold his soul to the Devil for worldly fame and fortune, as has the entire Bush family.

President Bush even joked at an elite White House dinner of wealthy snobs, laughing about not being able to find the ever elusive Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Bush's children didn't come back from Iraq in body bags, but Cindy Sheehan's son did. Ladies and gentleman, criminals have taken over our country, which President John F. Kennedy tried to warn us about 10-days before they assassinated him in broad daylight (sending a message to future Presidents that the Wall Street banker-controlled CIA can kill anyone at high-noon in a crowded place and totally get away with it). No one is safe from these monsters!!!

“You are a den of vipers! I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.” —U.S. President Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)

Once an institution forsakes the inspiration of the King James Bible, it's over. It's just a matter of time until secular, worldly and humanistic apostates run the remains of the ministry into the ground. Organizations don't serve God, individuals do! Groups don't serve God, unless led by an individual man of God! It's always the INDIVIDUAL. God only saves the individual, one sinner at a time. Groups don't get saved, except as individuals personally acknowledge being guilty of sin and believe on Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God to save them (John 20:31).

Everyone has sad thoughts at times. Sometimes it is grief over something that has happened to others, or in our own life or to loved ones, or sometimes for no reason at all. Our human body and mind are brilliantly created by God; yet we are weak, frail and ultimately headed for death because of sin, which Adam allowed to enter the human race (Romans 5:12).

John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

No one can escape life's tribulations, just as the Lord said in John 16:33, but we can have peace amidst the tribulations. Life can be overwhelming, causing inexplicable mental anguish and mental trauma. I have experienced such horror over my soul on many occasions, such as when I went alone for two neck surgeries. I told the nurse that she was my only family and she got scared and left. So I laid on a operating table all alone, with tears streaming down the side of my head, wishing I were dead; but the Holy Spirit of God comforted my heart with Hebrews 13:5-6, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper...”

As I type I have excruciating neck pain. I felt pretty good yesterday and even recorded a few steel guitar videos by my favorite palm trees (another song | one more song); but today I am in such horrible pain and it's a whole different me. I've taken two Percocet 10/325's and two 20mg Oxycontin within the past 2-hours, but it's simply not helping. The pain radiates into my facial area and my eyes are very sore (behind the eyes and alongside my face). I also have sharp and burning pain extending down into my right arm.

To prevent suicide due to my unbearable physical neck pain at times, I've learned as a Christian the importance of placing everything into God's hands in prayerPh'p:4:6: Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Ph'p:4:7: And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

frequently come to my mind, painful things that have happened to others. One of the most painful things in my life is a preacher that in recent years

The King James Bible is unquestionably inspired by God, which is clearly evidenced by it's faithfulness to strongly proclaim the great foundational doctrines of the Christian faith, and it's uncompromisingly stand against sin. In sharp contrast, today's milquetoast perversions of the Bible remove, water-down, corrupt, and twist the truth. For example: The NIV completely removes the self-explanatory word "sodomite," thus disassociating homosexuals from the wicked city of Sodom which God destroyed with fire and brimstone. 

The NIV removes the name of Jesus (the name above every other name - Philippians 2:9,10) in 38 places in the New Testament. The important word "Godhead" is completely removed from the NIV, as are the words propitiation, Calvary, fornication, trucebreakers, winebibbers, carnal, slothful, unthankful, effeminate, backbiting, vanity, lasciviousness, whoredom, devils, Lucifer, damnation, brimstone, and the bottomless pit (and thousands more). 

Yet, ignoramuses by the droves are defending the NIV, and refuse to listen to sound wisdom, because they don't love the Lord Jesus Christ enough to defend Him (Revelation 19:13). 

Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) believed that the King James Bible is inspired. The following quote is taken from his book, The Need for an Every-Word Bible, page 54...

I'm tired of colleges and universities advertising that they use the King James Bible. Tell the whole story! Tell everyone that you do not believe that it is inspired word for word.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

For an excellent study on this subject, I highly recommend the book, FINAL AUTHORITY by my friend and former teacher, Dr. William P. Grady; 1993, Grady Publications; ISBN 0-9628809-1-4

Zechariah 4:6, “Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.”