Alex Jones Calls America's Churches 'The Armies Of Satan'

By David J. Stewart | August 2014

       Alex Jones professes to be a Christian, but he sincerely butchers the Bible and teaches religious humanism instead. Yet, I love and admire Alex in the Lord and appreciate his hard work and zeal for patriotism and to expose falsehoods, corruption and treason within our nation. I've learned to separate my personal feelings and from principle and truth. I don't like refuting Alex, or anyone for that matter, but someone needs to take a stand for God and what is right.

At all cost, Alex avoids talking about Christ's death on the cross, burial and His resurrection (i.e., the Gospel according to 1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Alex could reach millions of lost souls for Jesus Christ if he would preach the Gospel message; but instead, he apparently doesn't want to lose any financial support, so he tries to make everyone happy. Alex promotes his male and female vitality products at least a couple dozen times in every daily broadcast on The Alex Jones Show. Wouldn't it be great if he also promoted the Gospel at every commercial break? Who cares if everyone goes to Hell?

Alex criticizes America's churches regularly, calling them “the armies of Satan!,” while at the same time singing praises to satanic heavy-metal rock bands like IRON MAIDEN. Alex won't play any preaching clips from sermons, but he plays Judas Priest clips (the singer is a flaming homosexual). Alex plays all sorts of heathen bands, but he won't play any Christian songs. Alex gleefully endorses unsaved nuts like David Icke, satanic Rock bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Megadeth; yet Alex continually calls churches “The Armies Of Satan!” (and that's an exact quote from Alex. I've heard Alex make the comment umpteen times, most recently several times in July of 2014 of The Alex Jones Show.

Let me tell you something, the Church is better on its worst day than the world is on its best day! Why doesn't Alex criticize heavy-metal Rock music that praises Baphomet and Satan? IRON MAIDEN is satanic to the core!!! I understand why Alex criticize the churches, that is, because they have been infiltrated by the Illuminati via 501c3 licensing, and many use the pretribulation Rapture as an excuse not to get involved and fight the New World Order, et cetera. I have to agree to some extent with Alex, that most of our churches have indeed become “The Armies Of Satan!” Search the internet and you'll be shocked how many so-called “churches” are calling ordained homosexuals and lesbians to be their pastor.

Many churches support lying, bearing false witness and murdering in God's name. Many churches support Godless abortion, killing innocent children as a satanic sacrifice. Beware of the New Fundamentalism in America! It is sickening apostasy to see religious leaders praising the satanic pope. Our churches are filled with spiritual miscarriages who couldn't explain the Gospel if their life depended on it. Are you a spiritual stillbirth? That is, do you have churchianity without Christianity?

Did you know that you don't have to ask Jesus to save you? That's right, you don't. The Lord already gave us the Word of God and told us what to do to be saved in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” And Jesus goes on to say in John 6:28-29, “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” Please trust Jesus Christ as your Savior now if you've never done so!

Alex Jones Criticizes Churches for Not Getting Involved

What an alarming paradox!!! Alex is upset with the churches for not fighting the New World Order and exposing it. Yet, the churches are upset with Alex because he doesn't preach the Gospel to his tens-of-millions of weekly visitors.

Alex's consuming desire is money, money, money. I know it takes a lot of money to keep the operation going, costing millions-of-dollars just for bandwidth each year. Albeit, we have a duty and a command from God as believers to seek the lost with the Gospel message. The Great Commission is for laymen too, not just for clergy (Matthew 28:19-20). Alex will contend that his show is secular in nature and not religious; yet, Alex is one of the biggest teachers of religious humanism on the planet. Any attempt to spiritually improve mankind without including the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is religious humanism. Whereas Alex teaches that mankind is inherently good, the Word of God teaches that the heart of man is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9).

Is Alex Jones an Illuminati infiltrator? Literally, Alex talks the exact way that the Illuminati wants him to talk, which makes me leery of him. Alex promotes heavy-metal bands, who are all puppets of the New World Order, influencing the masses to rebel against authority. I believe Alex is sincere, but whether he realizes it or not, by promoting heavy-metal Rock bands he is indeed promoting anarchy, rebellion against parents and God, suicide, depression, a cynical attitude, et cetera, because these are the themes that heavy-metal rockers sing about. There is much better music available for our youth to be listening to.

Dave Mustaine of MEGADETH always looks burned out on drugs and alcohol (he says he's clean now). Is this what you want to become in 5-years? What does Judas Priest and Iron Maiden do for you? Nothing! They take your money, you get a thrill, and they force evil agendas on you through their music, trying to get you to revolt and become a homosexual, et cetera. Judas Priest is queer!

Likewise, Mark Dice claims to be a Christian but stated in this video exposing rapper Jay-Z that Jesus told us to love God and love our neighbour to have eternal life. That's what liberals teach. They define Christianity as living like Jesus and applying his teachings to your life to get to Heaven. It bothers me greatly that Mark failed to mentioned Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Nor did he mention Christ's resurrection from the dead. Mark needs to read 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 which defines the Gospel as Christ's death on the cross for our sins, His burial, and His resurrection from the dead three days later.

All you need to do to be saved is to acknowledge that you are an unholy sinner in the eyes of a holy God, and by faith believe that Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, died in your place upon the cross to pay for your sins. Jesus is bodily risen from the dead! If you believe that, personally receiving Christ's payment for your sins, then you are eternally saved my friend!!! John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Christ died, that's history; Christ died for me, that's salvation! I love you all in the Lord, whoever you may be! Mark Dice is well on the road to becoming a multi-millionaire. I hope he will not forget the Lord as Alex Jones and countless others have done.

Alex criticizes the churches, yet he is guilty of the same thing, just in a different way. The churches are woefully ignorant about the Illuminati and New World Order, and are apathetic about the Federal Reserve Banking fraud, the 911 hoax and the massive blatant crimes committed in Washington DC. Every preacher in America should be crying aloud against these fraudulent evils. But then Alex drops the ball concerning preaching the Gospel. If there is one truth in the world that every Christian ought to be getting out, it is the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When confronted, Alex will claim that his show is secular, yet he has spent literally hundreds of hours over the past 10-years teaching and pushing religious humanism, which is the heresy that man is inherently good and can become better spiritually without the need for the new birth by faith alone in Christ Jesus. Biblically, there is no hope without the Gospel (good news) of Christ Who died on the cross for our sins, was buried and resurrected from the dead three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born-again. Jesus said, “Ye must be born again” (John 3:5-7). My purpose is not to attack Alex Jones; but rather, appeal to his millions of fans and listeners concerning the truth.

I don't want people to stop hearing Alex Jones. In fact, I encourage you to listen to him regularly. Albeit, you need to be aware of the heresies, satanism and falsehoods that Alex is supporting. Heavy-metal music is satanic! All I hear on the Alex Jones Show is a bunch of fear-mongering that is being used to make its seller's filthy rich. What about eternity? Fear-mongering is a lucrative business. All I hear is the desperate need to buy gold and silver, and to stash your cash. What about eternity? All I hear is to buy guns and ammo, and to learn how to use them, and hide them. But what about eternity? I'm not against survival preparation and gearing up for the coming police state, but what about eternity? Are you ready to meet God? Have you been born from above by the Spirit of God?

I'm against Alex and others making truckloads of wealth while letting the world go to Hell. I wouldn't want all that blood on my hands on judgment day in eternity. God will hold us accountable for every word (Matthew 12:36), thought (Proverbs 24:12), deed (Ecclesiastes 12:14) and dollar spent (Luke 12:21). Luke 12:20-21, “But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” Are you rich toward God? What percentage of your total wealth do you give to God? All of these multi-billionaires who give most of their wealth to New World Order agendas haven't given one cent to God. They are giving it all back to Satan, who gave it to them, which ultimately all came from God (Luke 4:6). When you give to God, you're simply letting go of what is already His? Jesus told us to “SELL THAT YE HAVE” and give to the poor (Luke 12:33).

No One Can Serve God And Mammon

I'm becoming leery of anyone who stands to profit millions of dollar from their books, radio show, videos, films and materials. THE LOVE OF MONEY CORRUPTS PEOPLE (1st Timothy 6:10). Our top priority in life should be to share the Gospel (good news) of Christ crucified on the cross for our sins, buried and risen!!! Our top priority ought to be to get people saved, and not to sell things and make money. What a sad thing for Amy Grant to say! That was 30-years ago. Go to Amy's website today and see if she tells anyone how to be saved. Nope! Amy has influence over hundreds-of-millions of people worldwide, but she has no interest in getting anyone saved. What a religious phony!

On the August 5, 2014 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show, at 23:40 minutes into the show, the website is promoted at “,” which redirects you to: This website's entire purpose is to recruit people into the world's biggest satanic cult, Roman Catholicism!!! The website criticizes the post-Vatican II Catholic church era, and promotes orthodox Catholicism, but the website still teaches a horrible works-based false plan of salvation. If you follow that trash, you will go to Hell forever to be punished for your sins. Christ saves the ungodly, not the self-righteousness. And God must do all the saving, otherwise you are indeed adding human effort to God's simple plan of salvation and are self-righteous. It appears that Alex Jones will promote anything in exchange for money, yet he refuses to preach the Biblical Gospel to get men saved.

The intent of my article is not to bash Alex Jones, God forbid, Alex is one of my heroes. Yet, Alex also has influence accumulatively over tens-of-millions of people around the world. I have to shed the light of God's Word on everything that Alex says, promotes, endorses and sells. I cannot sit idly by while he promotes the satanic Roman Catholic church, satanic heavy-metal bands, satanic religious humanism, and satanic intellectual celebrities like David Icke. I say this kindly.

Many people these days profess to be “Christian,” while greedily writing books, producing videos, publishing websites and becoming millionaires. Ken Ham comes to mind, raking in $20,000,000 each year by promoting a Young Earth heresy. Anytime that money is involved, you've got to be careful. For example: The heresy of a Young Earth has become a money-making racket, a pathetic phenomena, which generates tens-of-millions of dollars a year for a handful of false prophets. From Eric Hovind begging for $600,000 to Ken Ham's $73,000,000 Noah's Ark Theme Park charade in Kentucky (projected to produce profits in the BILLIONS)... it's all about money, money, money! I wonder if Ken Ham is even a Christian. These are one-issue people, who couldn't care less about anything else, besides there heresy on a Young Earth which brings in the big dollars...

“It is not persecution of the church in China that I fear. The church has always been able to weather persecution. My fear is love of money in the church.” —Chinese pastor

I actually heard Mark Dice today brag on Oprah in one of his videos today, saying that she is a good role model for young girls. Has Mark lost his mind? Oprah is the worst influence in the world... Miss New Age heretic! Oprah says if your daughter wants to grow up and have a sex change to become a boy... LET HER! What is wrong with Mark Dice? Oprah? Talk about your seducing satanic skank! I think Dice stands to gain money somehow and criticizing Oprah could hurt his business. There's no way that Mark Dice truly thinks Oprah is a good role model. No way! By the way, I really admire Mark Dice and he's one of my favorite people to listen to. Mark rarely strays off the path like he did by recommending Oprah. My biggest concern is if Mark Dice is truly a born-again Christian.

The Lord warned His disciples that no man can serve two masters, for he WILL hate the one and love the other. Do you know why you always hate the other one that is not your master? It is because the one that you hate is the enemy of the one that you love. The one you don't serve, continually tries to take you away from the one you do serve. For example: When you choose to truly serve God and unconditionally love Him, then you will hate money, which you fully realize can easily take you away from loving and serving your Lord. More Christians have forsaken the Lord to follow the love of money than perhaps anything else. Jesus said you CANNOT (there are no exceptions) serve Mammon (wealth) and God. It cannot be done.

Proof of this Biblical principle is evidenced by the plethora of influential ministers, musicians, preachers, religious singers, authors, non-church ministries and voices on the internet who trim their message, dip-their-sails, sell their soul, and say whatever is popular to make as much money as they can. And they're all afraid to criticize each other for fear of being ostracized them self. Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

Ironically, many religious people think they love God, while living to make lots of money by exploiting Christianity for their own personal profit; but the Bible says that they hate God. They trim their message. They dip their sails in sinful compromise. They'll do anything for money.

This is why Jack Van Impe promotes the Pope as a great spiritual leader. Sell outs!

This is why Amy Grant publicly says there was a time when she was “discovering my own sexuality,” catering to the homosexual community (as if she's been there too and we're all borderline homos). Read what Amy said in her 2013 PrideSource interview...

“You know what's so interesting, even when I was discovering my own sexuality and meeting people that had a different experience, I didn't categorize then, and I don't categorize right now. It makes me realize that I don't have any idea of what it would feel like every moment of my life to go somewhere and feel judged.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Amy Grant, EXCLUSIVE: Amy Grant In Her First Gay Press Interview, PrideSource.

You're not a Christian just because you believe that a man named Jesus once lived in history. Christ died, that's history; Christ died for me, that's salvation! There's something wrong with the Christian walk of anyone who sells a bunch of things and never tells anyone how to be saved. Even the Devil claims to be a Christian, to deceive (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Many people claim to be a Christian, knowing that many Christians will buy things from them, but they are not saved at all. This is why we see rockers Alice Cooper, Dave Mustaine and Brian (Head) Welch publicly professing to be Christians. I don't believe one of them after watching their testimonies online. I don't think one of them could tell you what the Gospel is if you asked them to explain it.

Mark Dice ends his book “THE ILLUMINATI: FACTS & FICTION” on page 394 by quoting Jesus' words in John 8:32... “you now know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” That's good advice. I plead with you whoever you are to get your priorities straight, and put God center place in your life, instead of the love of money. There are four things that every believer needs: Wisdom, understanding, knowledge and the fear of God. You can learn about these things in Proverbs 2:1-5. God promises them to anyone who desires and searches for them as for hid treasure. What is your treasure? Is it money? Is it truth and wisdom? We eventually become the choices that we make. What kind of person are you becoming?

Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving him by faith.

1st Corinthians 15:10, “But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.”

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!