Everyone's Going After The Gun Companies,
But What About The Booze Cartel?

By David J. Stewart | March 2013
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       One of the biggest hypocrisies in America today is the newsmedia witch-hunt against gun manufacturers. If liberals and Communists get their way, gun companies will face stiff penalties, fines and court prosecution for crimes committed with guns they've manufactured. But what about the alcohol producers who ship billions of gallons of booze throughout America every year? The booze cartel include some of the biggest and wealthiest people in the world. To say that God is angry with them is an understatement. God will tear them to pieces. Psalms 50:22, “Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.”

If anyone has forgotten about God, it is the hellish beer companies in America that accept no accountability for their actions. The facade that most people can handle it ought not provide a smokescreen for the cutthroat beer cartel. If a person even threatens to kill another person, they can spend life in prison. Yet, hundreds-of-thousands of victims continue to die annually from alcohol intoxication and nothing is done. Lawyers are the scum of the earth and protect evildoers. The beer corporations have deep pockets and can afford to hire all the lawyers they need to continue destroying lives. Guns don't kill anywhere near the amount of victims as does beer. CDC Reports Binge Drinking Kills 88,000 Americans Per Year Verses 9,500 Gun Homicides.

America's Freedom Is Under Attack

Everything is backwards and based upon hypocrisy in America these days. Highschool students cannot go on a field trip without parental consent, but they can have an abortion without the parents ever being informed. Only in America! A woman can abort her child, even if the father of the child wants the child to be born and is willing to adopt the child. That's so wrong! Something has gone haywire in America. It is so obvious that the secret powers which have taken illegal control over our nation want to take away our weapons and leave us defenseless. The Pentagon is now offering free high tech military weaponry to local police departments. They're gearing up for civil unrest and war. Our economy is about to implode. President Obama is now asking congress for the minimum wage to go to $9 an hour. Something's gotta give. The smoke and mirrors aren't working anymore to cover-up the bankruptcy of the United States.

I think the reason why the government is moving so quickly to set up a Police State is because the American people right now are in a state of incoherence—their minds dulled and lulled by entertainment and professional sports, an epidemic of prescription drugs, reckless government borrowing of money from the banks to hide our nation's dire financial problems, a flood of immorality and the influence of people's favorite childhood celebrities who are paid to support the New World Order, et cetera. Albeit, the game cannot continue this way much longer, simply because things are getting so bad that the truth can't be suppressed anymore. I was shocked when NDAA was signed by President Obama into law quietly on New Year's Eve on December 31, 2011. That clearly showed me just how far gone our country has gone, and how foolish the American people have deteriorated to. The government can now make anyone that they don't like vanish forever without a trace, and there's NOTHING that anyone can do about it.

The situation has now become so out of control that even if millions of Americans stood up to fight, foreign troops would march on American soil and kill as many Americans as necessary to restore the criminal element. Why do you think they want our guns so desperately? Then they won't need foreign troops, they can use local brainwashed police. The fools behind gun confiscation either are sincerely misled by half-baked and distorted propaganda, are ignorant of the evil brutality of Communism, or they have something to gain by playing along.

Don't forget that during the times of the Russian gulags, only 15% of the population were sent into the work camps as slaves (where millions either died from freezing to death, disease, starvation or were shot in the head). That meant 85% of the people went about life as usual, while children played as normal in the streets and Stalin's cruel regime thrived. Christians, political subversives and anyone whom the government disliked were sent into the gulag camps to build Stalin's massive construction projects throughout Russia. Russia's government still has never acknowledged nor apologized for the atrocities during Stalin's reign of terror from 1920 to 1950. TIME magazine, a Communist publication, praised Stalin in 1942 as their Man Of The year. TIME magazine is evil.

Guns are NOT the problem in the United States, corruption and crime in government is the problem. There are workable solutions to the problems in America, but they cannot and will not work as long as the government does everything in their power to keep the evil flourishing, everything from the drugs to guns. There is no War On Drugs. The CIA has been caught trafficking drugs so many times that hundreds of books have been authored on the subject. There is no War On Illiteracy. Few people realize that all these alleged remedial organizations are actually set up to protect the criminals and keep it going. That's why George H. Bush while Vice President appointment himself as the head of the drug enforcement efforts in south Florida, after which illegal drug usage skyrocketed. Why do you think Bush's son, Jeb Bush was made governor of Florida. Thankfully, God sees all the evil and has promised to hold all men accountable for every work, whether it be good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:14). America is plagued with evil, dishonesty and immorality. Everything contains fine print these days, all intended to deceive and take advantage of others. It is evil.

The real enemy in America is sin, which has caused our nation to forsake God and the Bible. Many people foolishly think they can still worship God without the holy Bible, but you cannot. Jesus said in John 4:24 that God the Father can ONLY be worshipped in truth. The Bible is the truth of God's Word (John 17:17). In 1963 the U.S. Supreme Court banned God's TRUTH from America's classrooms. Can anyone seriously question today why everything has gotten so bad? We have brought this evil upon ourselves. The problem is not guns. Statistics, if not tampered with, prove that guns are safe, reduce the crime rate and defend liberty. Taking guns away from citizens only means that criminals will still have guns and force our nation's neighborhoods to live in terror.

Children (when they reach a certain responsible age) need to learn how to properly handle and respect a gun, how to hunt and to defend themselves. It's no different than a hot stove, poison or a power saw. Urbanization (big cities) has destroyed our culture. We're setting ourselves up for massive riots, famine and pestilence when the food trucks stop rolling one day. The globalists are tampering with the food supply, consolidating all the farming under Monsanto's Genetically Modified seed programs. The end will be disastrous, watch and see. Man thinks that he can improve on God's creation, but God made everything the way that He did for a reason.

The police will have guns. Children grow up thinking that police are good, there to arrest the bad people; but truthfully, the police in many cases are the bad people, enforcing the cruel laws of evil leaders. Abortion is murder, but the police enforce it. Same-sex marriage is perversion, but the police protect it. Las Vegas is Sin City, but the police are told to look the other way there. Police are only DOING THEIR JOB as they say. I hate that attitude. Many evil people, who are rotten and cruel, claim to only be DOING THEIR JOB. Regardless, God will still hold them accountable because they CHOSE to do that job. Even if you handle the paperwork in the front office of an abortion clinic, you have the blood of innocent people on your hands. You had a part in the dirty business of murdering humans.

Even if you only drive the beer truck, you have the blood of everyone's hands who were harmed by that booze that you transported. You CHOSE to drive that beer truck. You CHOSE to partake of evil. Booze destroys many more lives than guns, so why aren't the liberals demanding the prosecution of the beer cartel? What hypocrites!!! I'm so sick of hearing feminists attack any Bible-preacher who dares to uphold the Biblical teaching that a woman belongs in the home (1st Timothy 5:14-15); yet those hypocrites don't say a single word about sex perverts like Gene Simmons of the Rock band KISS, who brags in an interview with TV Guide that he has had sex with 4,897 women throughout his career. Why don't liberal feminists criticize the wicked? Why do they only gnash upon the righteous with their teeth? The reasons are obvious... this world is Satan's playground.

The wicked are in control and are having a heyday now, but their day of punishment is soon coming and God will laugh at their calamity and mock their fear, just as they caused their victims to live in fear. Proverbs 1:26, “I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh.” America's court system brutalizes families, but the table will soon be turned. God will take their souls and cast them into Hell fire. American society lives in fear of the next drunk driver barreling down the street. Greedy judges, lawyers and corrupt Attorney Generals are the guilty parties. They all conspire together to work injustice. While drunk murderers receive ridiculous light sentences for killing families, other people get life for less than a gram of cocaine (a mother in Kansas). There is no justice anymore.

America's legal system is unpredictable, biased, warped, unfair and operates on the basis of the love of money. People with no money get life in prisons, which generates massive profits for the private owners and shareholders of the prisons. Either way, they'll get your money, either through legal fees or letting you rot in a cell until you die. Did you know that it is now a FELONY to protest when the Secret Service is present. So if you speak your opinion when the U.S. President is nearby, you're going to prison for at least one year. Secret Service are present when any high profile politician is present. The First Amendment is gone!

The Booze Cartel Should Be Prosecuted For What Drunks Do With Their Alcohol

Guns aren't one-tenth the threat to our society as beer. Alcohol consumption is the menace. The booze cartel has caused this and doesn't care. Television promotes alcohol. Professional sports promote alcohol. Alcohol addiction has destroyed our culture. Entire towns; such as, anchorage, Alaska, are in ruins because of booze. The prisons are filled with drug users and alcoholics. The booze cartel gets richer and richer, and their lawyers and judges. America's prisons are private owned and have no accountability to anyone. God sees all the abuse. God sees all the injustice. God sees all the crooked laws, paid off judges and behind the door bribes that dictate so-called "justice" in this unjust nation.

It's sickening that drunk drivers keep drinking and driving. I'm glad that new laws are being passed that refuse to give a driver's license to anyone who's had multiple DUIs. Honestly, with laws being enforced the way they are, beer drinkers could find themselves getting life in prison. It all depends on the judge, the state and the weather outside (lol). Seriously, there are wide discrepancies in drunk driving convictions. Laws and sentences greatly vary from state-to-state. This Texas man received life in prison for 8 DWI (driving while intoxicated) arrests. He never killed anybody. Yet, the link I shared with you earlier tells about a man who only got 5-years for murdering two children with his car while drunk. So double homicide while intoxicated is only 5-years, but 8 DWIs is life in prison. You couldn't pay me to drink beer. You'd have to bind me and force it down my throat. Only a darn fool with his or her brains missing would start drinking alcohol.

I used to have a boos who drank socially. His excuse was that in some places of the world, where the water is contaminated, that alcohol is safe to drink. Yeah, and he'll be the next fool in prison for driving under the influence and killing someone. Not my buddy! I've NEVER drank a drop of alcohol and by God's grace never will. I love cooking, but I had to make a decision that I would never drink a small glass of cooking wine (which is ever so popular on television in cooking shows). Many people have testified that they started down the path to alcoholism in a cooking class, just by starting off with that small glass of red wine. You know what... you can't take the second drink of alcohol if you don't take the first! Noah could never have gotten drunk if he hadn't drank fermented grape juice in the first place. And in the Bible you had to tarry long at the wine to get drunk (Proverbs 23:30), because it was naturally fermented. Today, booze is artificially stilled in factories and is all considered very strong drink (Proverbs 20:1,17).

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers have it all wrong. It's a crying shame that a person has to get arrested 8 times for drunk driving before something is done about it. Going after the little guy who's behind the wheel is like busting a poor black boy selling drugs on a street corner. Yes, he should be arrested, but the primary culprits are the big fish who produce and traffic the alcohol. The booze cartel has so many thousands of scum lawyers, judges and politicians working for their evil cause that they're invincible. John McCain's wife owns a booze company. Why don't they prosecute her for all the drunk drivers who've bought her beer? That's what everyone wants to do to the gun manufacturers. Statistically, drunk drivers have killed millions more people than guns in all capacities in our nation, whether crimes or a hunting accident. Why the hypocrisy?

Americans are going to pay dearly when their guns are gone. You'd better watch these videos about the brutal truth behind Communism. THE TRUTH ABOUT COMMUNISM (2 hour documentary evidences perils of disarmed citizens). This mess in America is just getting started!!!

Download MP3 Sermon by Pastor Danny Castle, Titled, ALCOHOL: PUBLIC ENEMY # ONE.

“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.” Billy Sunday

Every year millions of innocent people are murdered by drunk drivers around the world. Such alcohol related fatalities are often referred to as “accidents.”

May I say, drunk-driving is no accident. People CHOOSE to drink alcohol. By choosing to consume the drug alcohol, they are wilfully risking the chances of getting buzzed, toasted, drunk... whatever you want to call it.

If you wilfully choose to consume alcohol, then you are willfully engaging in a game of Russian Roulette. Proverb 20:1 and 17, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. ... Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.” The Bible warns about the deceptive nature of booze, i.e., STRONG DRINK. By Biblical standards, beer is considered strong drink, because it intoxicates the drinker after just a few drinks.

Alcohol is something better left alone. With all the refreshments available, there is no need to drink beer. People make all sorts of lame excuses to drink beer... calling it medicine, nutrition, a relaxant; but beer is dangerous to consume!

Faces Of Drunk Driving!

Every Face Tells A Story

Teens Drink One-Fifth of U.S. Alcohol!

Flying and Alcohol

Beer Soaks America (exposing the lying propaganda of the beer industry)

The above picture speaks 1,000 words. The beer industry hypocritically tells teens not to drink alcohol until they are 21, while those same companies saturate American culture with booze, booze, booze! Consequently, underaged drinking is an epidemic problem in America!

“I've stood for more sneers and scoffs and insults and had my life threatened from one end of the land to the other by this God-forsaken gang of thugs and cutthroats because I have come out uncompromisingly against them.” —Billy Sunday

Alcohol Kills!

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Hear Billy Sunday's "Booze Kills!" (MP3)

Hear Billy Sunday on Prohibition (MP3)

The Salvation of a Nation (by Pastor Jack Hyles)

Jesus and Wine (No, Jesus did NOT make alcoholic wine!)

Watch Billy Sunday preach! | More Sermons by Billy Sunday

Alcohol is the Most Dangerous Drug! | God is Against Alcohol, Period!

The Truth About Booze — Part 1 | The Truth About Booze — Part 2 (Pastor Jeff Owens)

Click to hear the needful MP3 sermon, Alcohol Public Enemy #1 (by Pastor Danny Castle)
Download MP3 Sermon | Download MP3 with gospel singing before sermon

Anti-Saloon League Quitters!

Watch Billy Sunday preach!

More Sermons by Billy Sunday

“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.” —Billy Sunday

Jacqueline Saburido (pictured above)

Teens Drink One-Fifth of U.S. Alcohol!

Flying and Alcohol

Beer Soaks America (exposing the lying propaganda of the beer industry)

The above picture speaks 1,000 words. The beer industry hypocritically tells teens not to drink alcohol until they are 21, while those same companies saturate American culture with booze, booze, booze! Consequently, underaged drinking is an epidemic problem in America!

Scriptures Condemning Drinking Strong Drink...

Judges 13:4, Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing.

1st Samuel 1:15, And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the LORD.

Proverb:20:1, Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Proverb 31:4, It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink.

Isaiah 5:22, Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink.

Isaiah 24:9, “They shall not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.”

Isaiah 28:7, But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

“I've stood for more sneers and scoffs and insults and had my life threatened from one end of the land to the other by this God-forsaken gang of thugs and cutthroats because I have come out uncompromisingly against them.” —Billy Sunday

Alcohol Kills!

skelton.gif (13232 bytes)

Beer kills!

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." —Proverb 20:1

The Madness Of MADD!

How 2 Go 2 Heaven

Only one life 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.

Ye Must Be Born Again!

God is Against Alcohol, Period!

Jacqueline Saburido (pictured above)

“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.”
—Billy Sunday

Billy Sunday (1862-1935)

Beer is for fools!!!

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." ~Proverb 20:1

Watch Billy Sunday preach!

More Sermons by Billy Sunday

Anti-Saloon League Quitters!

Hear Billy Sunday's "Booze Kills!" (MP3)

Hear Billy Sunday on Prohibition (MP3)

The Truth About Booze- part 1 (Pastor Jeff Owens)

The Truth About Booze- part 2 (Pastor Jeff Owens)

The Salvation of a Nation (by Pastor Jack Hyles)

Alcohol Kills!

skelton.gif (13232 bytes)

The Occult Roots of AA (Alcoholic's Anonymous)

Here's a Christian alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous...

Founded in 1948, Alcoholics Victorious support groups offer a safe environment where recovering people who recognize Jesus Christ as their "Higher Power" gather together and share their experience, strength and hope. AV meetings use both the 12 Steps and the Alcoholics Victorious Creed

There is Hope!

Jacqueline Saburido
(pictured above)

“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” —Proverb 20:1

Alcohol tastes and feels good, but is rotten to the core!


“Whiskey and beer are all right in their place, but their place is in hell.” —Billy Sunday

“The man who votes for the saloon is pulling on the same rope with the devil, whether he knows it or not.” —Billy Sunday

Teens Drink One-Fifth of U.S. Alcohol!

Flying And Alcohol

Beer Soaks America
(exposing the lying propaganda of the beer industry)

Ye Must Be Born Again!