Ray Comfort's Film '180' Is More Zionist Propaganda

By David J. Stewart

       This 33-minute documentary film is Zionist propaganda, which explains why the video has gone viral on the internet within just hours of being released. As you will see in the film 180, Ray Comfort is promoting the Jewish Holocaust and Zionism in America today by exploiting the issue of abortion.

I don't deny that the Jewish Holocaust happened. Whether or not the total death toll was exaggerated is open to speculation. The commonly accepted death total is about 11,000,000 (6,000,000 Jews). I don't question those numbers. I am saddened over the holocaust and I think young people should be taught about it in history class, but I think kids should be taught about other major victim groups as well, like the Russian gulag work camps and the Japanese 731 unit torture labs. Stalin murdered tens-of-millions, as did Mao in China. No one seems to care about those victims, which outnumber Jewish victims in number by more than 20-fold!!! Pol Pot murdered millions of innocent Cambodian farmers. I get upset when Jews only focus on Jews and forget everyone else.

It is sinful to have sympathy for Jews more than non-Jews. Recently on March 4, 2012 ABC debuted a new sitcom TV series called GCB (Good Christian Bitches). No one got upset. No one cared. The ACLU did nothing. Do you know why? It's because the show's director and producer are Jewish (and homosexuals). If someone produced a show called Good Jewish Bitches, heads would roll. Yet the wicked producers at Walt Disney and Time Warner can blaspheme Christians and get away with it. ABC's blog said people should have a sense of humor. Would Jews feel the same if someone said they were bitches? The show would be immediately banned as hate speech. Yet, Christians are open game these days. It's hunting season on Christians. Since Ray Comfort is a part of the forming New World Order, they promote and tolerate him.

I am leery of any presentation which only mentions Jews as victims, like the 180 video. I would never produce a video that only focuses on one ethnic group as being victims. To me that is a form of racism. It takes 30 seconds to mention a dozen other victim's groups; yet, Ray Comfort like so many Zionists only see Jews as victims.

At 4:43 in the documentary video titled 180 by Ray Comfort, the following dialogue takes place between Ray Comfort (whose Jewish) and a German man...

Ray Comfort: I'm going to ask you this question and it's not a racist question... Are you German? ... Can I ask you a question? Have you read Mein Kampf?

German man: Yeah.

Ray Comfort: What do you think of it?

German Man: It's a great book. Best seller. Still is.

Ray Comfort: Do you admire Adolf Hitler?

German man: Absolutely.

Ray Comfort: Was he evil?

German man: No!

Ray Comfort: Was he evil that he killed the Jews?

German man: He didn't do that.

Ray Comfort: Who did it?

German man: It didn't happen

Ray Comfort: It didn't happen? The Holocaust didn't happen?

German man: Correct.

Ray Comfort: Who were the killers?

German man: The Jews. Don't you understand that America is run by Jews? Don't you understand that? Don't you get it? Don't you grab hold of that?

Ray Comfort: What's wrong with that? ...

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with the Jews running America? My friend, there is something VERY wrong with that, as you are about to see. For a crash course on what's wrong with Zionism, because that's what we're talking about here, take a look at Pastor Texe Marr's eye-opening video below. Illuminati Jews control much of America through organizations such as Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge. Truth is stranger than fiction...

Illuminati Mystery Babylon - The Hidden Elite of Israel, America and Russia - Texe Marrs

Even a brief search will show that several hundred celebrities over the decades have changed their real Jewish names, to hide from the public the Jewish control over America. Radio host Michael Savage's real name is Michael Alan Weiner, a Jew. Rush Limbaugh is also Jewish. Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are key voices for Israel in the mainstream newsmedia. Jewish Comedy Club

Israeli Intelligence Assets In America

My friend, if you don't know about Zionism in America today, you don't know anything about the truth today. Now watch the shocking film...


You will be shocked as well in the following documentary video...


Ray Comfort fails to see the handwriting on the wall in America today. The death of 53,000,000 babies in the womb is minimal in comparison to the death tolls that are around the corner. Communism and Nazism were two separate legs walking in the same direction of world government. Today, Globalism supersedes both Communism and Nazism, fulfilling the objectives of both groups... World Government! The Globalists are equally as brutal as Adolf Hitler. Look what we've done to Iraq! Over 1,400,000 Iraqis are dead!!! Americans wipe their mouths and say, “We have done no evil.” If Americans can mercilessly murder their own children, then they ARE HITLER!!!

So what's wrong with the Jews running America? Do the Jews run America? Consider the following information and then you decide! Let's start with Hollywood.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is saturated with Jewish leadership. Anyone who dares speak the truth about the Jewish subversion of America's politics, religion and entertainment is labeled as a hatemonger by the Jewish run ACLU. it's all dishonesty and evil corruption. If they weren't doing evil, then there'd be nothing to hide form the public.

The issue is not one of being Jewish; but rather, of having one particular group residing in power over the newsmedia, Hollywood, business, politics and the Military. I love Jewish people. That's not the issue. I'm sick of the corrupt and evil criminals in the newsmedia and behind the crimes in government crying “racism” when someone exposes their evils. Hollywood is undeniably Jewish.

What the average American doesn't grasp is that a very small group of people have total control over so many aspects of our nation, primarily the economy. By encouraging U.S. corporations to relocate overseas to exploit foreign slave labor and escape strict U.S. tax and labor regulations, OSHA, unions and such, our nation has been successfully DEINDUSTRIALIZED over the past 35 years. Our manufacturing jobs are gone. America doesn't make anything anymore.

Add to this fact the criminal banking establishment, which in 1913 was handed illegally over to private bankers of the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers and others. G. Edward griffin has written a documentary on the beginning of the monstrous federal Reserve bank titled, THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND (you can listen to an MP3 here). This is what's wrong with the Jews running America!

Read how Wall Street has infiltrated the White House. When we speak of Zionists, we are speaking about the Rothschild family in essence, who are by far the wealthiest family in the world. They control the banks, Wall Street and the White House since President Jimmy Carter. The New World Order is composed of thousands of people from all walks of life, but primarily at the top are the elite globalists...

Consider that the Jewish owned and controlled television networks and newsmedia won't expose abortion. They are responsible more than anyone for promoting and protecting abortion. The newsmedia are synonymous with immoral agendas. Same-sex marriage is a sin, disgusting and wrong. Yet Hollywood indulges in it and promotes it.

Ray Comfort tells people in his video to vote for politicians who are against abortion. That's a big waste of time. Every recent Republican U.S. President which has been against abortion has donated BILLIONS of dollars to fund abortion!!! It doesn't matter who you vote for because they're all a bunch of liars! They'll say anything to get into office.

My friend, God is no respecter of persons and neither should we be. I love Jews and Gentiles alike. Most Jews are everyday people who are just trying to raise a family and make a living. Zionist Jews are synonymous with occult Freemasonry. There's evil in every race of people, but elite American Jews are spearheading the most hideous wickedness upon the earth. Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Jim Cameron... all Jewish! Please watch, BARACK OBAMA: ROTHSCHILD'S CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT! (free online 1:32 hour documentary). The Jewish Mafia continues!

Hollywood is leading the way in sleaze and homosexuality and is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled. This is not a racist statement against the Jews (which they are taught to always allege as a defense). It's the truth! In the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, Jews are taught to make allegations of racism anytime someone exposes their true manipulative nature in the newsmedia. Truth is stranger than fiction. If you tell a lie long enough, it will eventually becomes as a fact—it's just a fact!

Ray Comfort begins his film by saying that he is deeply concerned about today's youth who have forgotten the holocaust. Why just the Holocaust? Why just Adolf Hitler? What about Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Pol Pot?  God is no respecter of persons and neither should we be as born-again Christians. I am tired of junk theology like Jack Chick's Love The Jewish People. What are Arabs, garbage? We should love all men of every nation, kindred, race and background. Films like 180 by Ray Comfort seek to gather sympathy for Jews, while ignoring all other ethnic groups. Ray Comfort repeatedly asks people in the video if they'd take a high-powered rifle and shoot Hitler and his mother. The video 180 is emotionally charged to say the least.

I am against anything that portrays Jews as victims. There are thousands of victim's groups, most who are totally ignored. Ray Comfort wants people to promote his video 180. I am glad to see that Mr. Comfort exposes the evils of abortion; but I am against gathering sympathy for Holocaust victims and not other victim's groups. After years of keeping my eyes and mind open, I have seen that Jews get 1,000 times more sympathy and support than other victim groups do. When's the last time you heard someone showing sympathy for the victims of Stalin and Lenin?

Certainly, I agree with the comparison of the Jewish Holocaust with abortion today; however, the continued propaganda being dumped on the public to raise sympathy for Jews is disturbing. What about the 3,000,000 victims of Pol Pot? What about the 65,000,000 victims of Lenin and Stalin? What about the 20,000,000 Chinese victims of Japan in WWII (and the dreaded Unit 731 torture labs)? What about the 700,000 Rwandan victims? You never hear anyone seek sympathy for these groups, or all the other hundreds-of-millions of victims throughout recent history. I understand why Ray Comfort is biased toward Zionism because He is Jewish; but this makes his video a personal agenda and not something that Christians should promote.

The issue is not hard-working Jews which have earned their way to success; but rather, the criminal elite who have hi-jacked The White House through lying deceit and fraud.

The issue is the Federal Reserve Banking system, which is owned and controlled by criminals, thieves and lying deceivers. Read how the Federal Reserve began on Jekyll Island.

The issue are the Jews who manipulate public opinion through Hollywood. What the average person does not realize is that Jewish families deliberately bought the newsmedia, newspapers and Hollywood a century ago in order to propagandize our nation. That's how they control Washington D.C.! That's why the evil Bush administration got away with the 911 attacks. The Globalists hide behind the Jewish people, alleging racism anytime someone exposes them. Professor Henry Makow, who is Jewish, exposes the Globalists in his excellent article....

The Jews: Scapegoat For Freemasonry!

These are all part of the Zionist powers which have taken control over America, well hidden from the public's view by a complete media blackout (because Zionists own the newsmedia, newspapers, television networks and Hollywood). Illuminati Globalists are behind the subversion of America. The foremost of these are Zionists. They are the sworn enemies of freedom, Christianity, the family and national patriotism. They are the destroyers of sovereignty, the family and liberty.

The Federal reserve Bank is fraudulent from top to bottom. Their accomplices own the newsmedia and are all members of The Council On Foreign Relations. The issue is not the Jewish people; but rather, globalist con artists who have deceived the public concerning everything from the true nature of Homeland Security to the truth about what really happened on 911. Lies, lies and more lies! The newsmedia are paid, professional, cold-hearted, liars and deceivers!!!


Ray Comfort's Silence Is Deafening!

Why doesn't Ray Comfort bring attention to the frightening fact that everything which led to Hitler's rise to tyrannical power in Germany is happening in the United States today? President Barack Obama signed the treasonous NDAA into law on December 31, 2011 which gives the U.S. government the power to disappear any American accused of terrorism. The Patriot Act defines a terrorist as anyone who blocks traffic or protests in a protest-free zone. You are the enemy America!!!

We are living in modern Nazi-Germany!!! The Clinton, Bush and Obama Presidencies parallel Nazi-Germany prior to the Holocaust. America's holocaust against the unborn human in the womb is simply the first stage of infanticide, euthanasia and outright executions by Homeland Security. The Book of Revelation speaks of those who are beheaded for their Christian testimony. Will the guillotine return?

I recently watched a movie titled, "SIX: THE MARK UNLEASHED." In the film, Christians who refuse to receive the mark of the Beast are shot or guillotined. Open sex and homosexuality are commonplace. Marriage is a thing of the past. No one can have a child without government permission.

Christians Ought Not Support 180

Ray Comfort's ministry, LIVING WATERS, has produced a new propaganda documentary titled, “180.” The video has gone viral on YouTube with over 2,778,724 views so far.

Every Christian should ban this video because it promotes a false gospel message of work-salvation. Ray Comfort must need the money because there's a threatening notice at the beginning that says the F.B.I. will put any Christian in prison who dares copy and redistribute Ray Comfort's 33-minuite video. That's Sad. If the message is so needful, then why sell it?

At 30:08 Ray Comfort perverts the gospel message by telling a woman that it's not enough to admit that she is a sinner, she must also turn from sin (clearly implying that a person must stop sinning to get saved). If confessing one's sins is not enough, then clearly Ray Comfort expects the person to amend their ways in order to be saved. This is a false gospel of self-righteousness.

This false doctrine is known as "Lordship Salvation." To no surprise, Mr. heretic himself, John MacArthur is the first person listed as an endorser of the film 180. John MacArthur teaches the same demonic plan of salvation as the Seventh Day Adventist cult, that is, that it's the life we live and not the words we speak that determines our eternal destiny. Whereas Biblical salvation is instant and eternal, MacArthur's salvation requires a life of submission and total surrender to be saved. John MacArthur is a dangerous Bible corrupter and so also is Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.

Although the 180 video propagates a Biblical pro-life message against abortion, the fact cannot be ignored that Ray Comfort continues to also propagate a false gospel. Please read, I NEVER KNEW YOU exposing Ray Comfort and numerous other false prophets lurking within our churches today.

Making Salvation Hard


Psychopaths In The White House

America's Future Is Now in the Hands of Two Psychopaths at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave: President Barack Obama, Israeli Agent "Rahm the Cruel" Emanuel, and a Leninist America by 2012

On January 20, 2009, President Barack Obama takes possession of the Oval Office. "Rahm the Cruel" Emanuel takes over as White House Chief of Staff. Obama and Emanuel are both in the employ of the Israeli Mossad, and "Rahm the Cruel," a former Wall Street manipulator and Chicago Mafioso, actually served in the Israeli military. Together, Obama, our charming and charismatic young President, and Rahm, his Stalinist overseer and Mossad controller, will lash and steer the American Republic ever forward into the morass of a Leninist dictatorship of the elite. Unless something incredible intervenes, by 2012 we shall experience the final, irrevocable "Sovietization of America."

SOURCE: Power of Prophecy: America's Future Is Now in the Hands of Two Psychopaths at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

America's Future Is Now in the Hands of Two Psychopaths at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue


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