Why I Am “Hard” On Singer Lauren Daigle

By David J. Stewart | November 2018

Proverbs 28:4, “They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.”

       I recently wrote and published an article about American singer Lauren Daigle (born 1991), exposing her as a counterfeit Christian! A web visitor said at first she thought that I was “too hard” on Lauren, but then agree with me after seeing that I gave Scriptural references for my rebuttal. So I thought I would elaborative in this second article about why I am seemingly “too hard” on people like Lauren Daigle.

First, I do not think it is wrong to listen to secular music in the religious realm. I have not heard all of Lauren Daigle's music. I am confident that she sings some great music too. I love the singing of George Strait, a secular country artist. Some of his lyrics are too perverse to play. However, most of his music is perfectly acceptable to hear. So I think it would be proper for someone to listen to some of Lauren's music, depending on the spirit of the music itself. Each song must be individually weighed (1st John 4:1).

The reason why I wrote the first article about Lauren Daigle is because she used her Christian testimony, as a famous singer, to show support and sanction an open same-sex lesbian and her ungodly Ellen DeGeneres Show. That would be like John the Baptist singing at one of Herod's parties or Tiberius' orgies in Jerusalem. Here are some shocking insights from Bill O'Reilly's The Killing Of Jesus concerning Tiberius' perverse sexual exploits, insanity and murder.

As believers, we can easily become complacent in this sinful world. I love this MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff called, “Don't Get Adjusted!” The worst thing that we can do as believers is to get adjusted down here on earth.

I think it is important for me a Bible preacher, to use what resources I have available to teach Bible truths. Since Miss Daigle is a popular professed Christian singer, that gives me the opportunity to point out that she likely is NOT really a Christian. Her testimony to the Salvation Army (see my first article) was so vague that it cannot legitimately be deemed a Christian testimony! I think that is important to point out. Ellen DeGeneres is an unsaved religious follower of the Christian Science cult started by Mary Baker Eddy in the 19th century. All these people deceive the public into thinking they are going to Heaven, that they know God to some degree, that we can relate to their “faith”; but the truth is that these are children of the Devil, who deceive people, and have no genuine faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. They are the blind leading the blind away from the Gospel and into Hell.

Please understand that the first article I write had nothing to do with Lauren's music itself, although I loath the particular boisterous song that she sang on Ellen. The Bible teaches that a Christian lady should have a quiet and meek spirit in public (1st Peter 3:4), shamefaced, and submissive to her husband. The American feminist is loud, impudent (a look of casual disrespect, like prostitutes have), manly, masculine, a big mouth, tattoos, immodest, careless with life in the womb, and often has a rebellious attitude. It is wickedness! Lauren does not represent the kind of godly woman that God wants holy women to become. Lauren ought to greatly be ashamed for endorsing a proud lesbian like Ellen DeGeneres, who shakes her fist in God's holy face, parading homosexuality in society as being acceptable and proper. It is an abomination in God's sight!

Granted, I am a sinner like anyone else. So I do not condemn anyone. Albeit, God calls a man to preach the truth, despite his imperfections. People always hate preachers! That is to be expected and goes with the work. We are at war between Satan and God in the universe. God has allowed this testing time for humanity, to see who really loves Him. God could stop it all right now, but He has a sovereign plan. God is committed, bound by His promises, to follow His written Word in the Scriptures (Matthew 5:18). The Bible foretold of “perilous times” (2nd Timothy 3:1-7). Jesus foretold that the end times would return to the conditions of Noah's day (Matthew 24:37-39).

The best thing we can do as Christians is to stay close to the King James Bible, and thus God. The way we get close to God is to abide in His inspired Word. Hearing good Bible-preaching is also a good thing. The world will get worse. People often send me shocking news, but like Jesus said in Luke 13:5, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish!” We are all going to soon die and stand before God in eternity. This life is so short! No one can escape horrible things happening to them in eternity, unless we repent (change our thinking) and get saved!

One of the reasons why I was “hard” on Lauren is because she put down her fans who criticized her, alleging that they are “missing” what God's love is all about. She is a fool for saying such things! God's love does not cater to and hobnob with hardened sinners! Yes, God's love offers forgiveness even for the worst sin offenders, but God's love NEVER tolerates open and unrepentant sin! Sodomites are perverting the truth of God's Word (Romans 1:25), trying to brainwash naive people to think that God's love means to live in harmony with vile homosexuals, and to never say a word of criticism or disapproval against them (because they have their rights!). That is not God's love, it is wickedness!!! No one has “a right” to live in sin! Not from God you don't! You do have the freedom, temporarily, but that won't last. God's love cannot be divorced from God's holiness! Sin brings death, which is why Christ chose to die in our place on the cross, so that we could live through Him in eternity.

God's love is seen all around us in the world. Luke 6:35 says that God is kind to evil and unthankful people (and He sure is!). That is love! It was God's love that sent His only begotten Son to Calvary's cross to die a sinner's death, to pay for OUR SINS. That is love! Ephesians 4:15 tells Christians to speak the truth in love! That is where I believe Pastor Steven Anderson, respectfully, woeful lacks in his preaching. I agree with his tough stand against the homosexual community, but I also think he ought to express God's love toward sodomites AS PEOPLE while doing so. That is only my opinion. Even the worst sinners still need to know that God loves them enough, that He eagerly sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for them, to pay for their sins! That is love. That means God must still love homosexuals, from a certain perspective, because He died for them in hopes of redeeming them through faith!

Ellen DeGeneres is boasting of her sins, promoting the homosexual deathstyle, which is why I am so “hard” on her in my preaching. I am simply countering her boldness for the Devil. For Lauren Daigle to gleefully appear on Ellen's show, makes her a partaker of her evil deeds. It is never love to bid Godspeed to evildoers! I am not saying that Ellen is a mean person. I am not saying that she is a dishonest person. I am not saying that she is a bad person, as far as people are concerned. But Ellen is an ungodly woman for living as a lesbian. It is against nature, an abomination unto God, and a sin that brings the judgment of a holy God (Romans 1:25-32). Lauren dangerously sends a false message that Christians who don't support her appearance on Ellen's ungodly show are “missing” what God's loves is really about. Nothing could be further from the truth. In truth, it is Lauren who is “missing” what God's holiness is all about! 1st Peter 1:15-16, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.”

To put things into perspective a bit more, imagine Lauren singing her special at a pro-choice abortion rally. The meeting exists solely to promote abortion, and she is using her singing to help the event. She would have blood on her hands too, for bidding Godspeed to abortionists. Effectively, Ellen's show exists solely to promote the homosexual deathstyle! God's wrath abides upon her continually (Psalms 7:11).

I have been asked numerous times in my life if I would perform steel guitar in bars and night clubs, but I have always refused. I will not use my God-given talent to support the sale of booze! I cannot do it. That would make me guilty of helping to sell Liquid Devil. I hate alcoholic beverages! Booze has destroyed so many millions of lives and homes!

I rebuked Lauren sharply for the sake of my web visitors. I know Lauren won't likely care, she is rich and high-minded, as is Ellen and other wealthy people in most cases. God will be their only Judge (James 4:12; Hebrews 9:27; 10:31). We are at war with the world today in the churches. The Devil is trying to creep the secular world into the churches, to destroy them! It is working! I have heard some great sermons in these mega-churches, but Bible theology is out! You'll rarely (if ever) hear them preaching on Christ's deity, the virgin birth, the sinlessness of Christ, the Godhead or other critically important Biblical doctrines which define Christianity. Most sermons today are about building better relationships, having a better marriage, and spiritual self-improvement, but they don't preach against sin. So even though you'll hear some great truths taught in today's ecumenical churches, the Spirit-filled kind of Bible-preaching that produces repentance doesn't exist anymore. It is truly tragic and sad!

I love people and don't enjoy writing negative articles about anyone. God knows that my critics write articles about me! So be it! My critics are God's critics (John 7:7), because I am a child of the King (Matthew 25:40). Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” The bottom line is that we will all be judged by God one day. Every word that comes out of our mouth, or computer keyboard to upload, will be judged by a holy God (Matthew 12:36). Romans 3:4 warns everyone to be careful what you say, or type, to make sure that what you are saying agrees with God's Word. If Lauren is correct, that bidding Godspeed to a lesbian pleases God by showing forth God's love, then she has nothing to worry about on Judgment Day; however, if I am right that Lauren is a friend of the world, which James 4:4b says makes her “THE ENEMY OF GOD,” then she is in serious trouble with God!!! Well find out, won't we!



Souls Are Dying!

How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
(an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Hank Lindstrom, 1940-2008)

Mark 1:15: “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.”

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)

Mark 11:22, And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!