Say NO To Psychiatry!

By David J. Stewart

say no to psychiatry

Disabled Teen Tortured 31 Times By Electric Shock “Treatment”
(was the Bible and prayer really all that bad in America's classrooms?)

       Please understand that I DO believe in some rare circumstances that some people do need a psychiatrist for medicine. Some people are medically insane. Not everyone who's insane is demon-possessed. Anyone who claims otherwise is a religious nutcase (likely a Charismatic that also believes in demonic speaking-in-tongues, fake healing crusades and the heresy that Biblical salvation can be lost). Beware of anyone who blames everything on the Devil. Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

Albeit, insanity can also be caused by childhood disease, birth defects, genetic issues, suicide attempts, medical malpractice, drug abuse, pregnancy problems, et cetera. It's easy to make blanket statements and say that no one should ever go to a psychiatrist, but some people DO need to go. God knows your situation. It is my opinion that most people who seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist are rebellious against God. They are seeking man's wisdom instead of God's wisdom and the fear of the Lord. Here's a helpful sermon on the matter (download MP3).

The Most SHOCKING Psychiatry Documentary EVER

If you're like I was for many years, you're woefully ignorant of the suffering that some families endure due to an afflicted loved one. Whereas a half century ago the mentally ill were housed in mental institutions, today they are homeless on the streets of America. Please watch the following SHOCKING video, which will help to open your eyes to the afflictions and burdens that many families have to face.

As bizarre and insane as the following procedure was, Dr. Freeman actually helped many people (as you'll learn in the video). But the man went too far and pounded an ice pick with a hammer behind the eyes of even a 4-year-old child. Freeman's revolutionary procedure would pound an ice-pick through the skull, and then move the ice-pick around and literally turn the patient's brain to mush, lobotomizing them. The invention of drugs changed the psychiatric industry almost immediately. When a patient died, the authorities finally took away Freeman's license. The following shocking video clip is titled, WALTER J. FREEMAN — THE LOBOTOMIST.

Having said that, there are indeed some people who are insane and need medical help from a psychiatrist. There are also some people who are maniac depressed and need drugs to calm them down. Again, I think most people DON'T need such drugs nor psychiatric treatment. I am NOT a doctor, so this is my unqualified opinion. It's my belief that joining a health club to exercise, eating a proper diet and avoiding smoking and alcohol can do wonders to improve a person's overall health. I think it is ridiculous for millions of Americans to take anti-depression drugs. Most of those drugs will MAKE you depressed, sedate you until you can't function properly anymore, and some may cause you to overdose and harm yourself. These are the types of abuse that I am addressing in my article.

It's common knowledge that the Big Pharma companies are evil, greedy and own the FDA. They'll have you on an assortment of dangerous and useless drugs if your stupid enough to become their Guinea Pig. If you're depressed, join the club! Read the Psalms and Job to see how depressed David and Job were! They were God's best and brightest! It's ok to be depressed. I'm depressed all the time due to my adverse health problems (constant toothache-like neck pain where the bone is located in back. My arms, hands and legs tingle, burn and feel doubled-in-size all the time due to peripheral neuropathy). When I get depressed I listen to the Bible on DVD by Alexander Scourby.

It's just a FACT that drugs cause more problems than they remedy. You'll likely have an upset stomach. Your vision may blur. Literally, hundreds of horrible side-effects accompany most of the drugs being pushed and sold by doctors today. They'll kill you (and it's all legal so they can't get into trouble). That's why you have to be your own doctor to an extent and read about the drugs that your doctor prescribes. In most cases your doctor hasn't taken the drugs they're dishing out to patients (so they don't care).

Please note that I do not support everything taught nor all the books recommended at the Say No To Psychology [SNTP] website. It is a secular website that addresses the evils of modern-day psychology and psychiatry from a secular perspective (much like the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes). In particular I want you to learn about the government corruption and wrongful drugging of children. The FDA is corrupt and criminal, catering to moneyed interests. The information at is damning against modern-day psychology and psychiatry, that has children drugged-out and is oppressing our society in America.

In the following video, you will learn about Britain mad houses, which housed upwards of 150,000 until they were finally discontinued in 1993. The following 59 minute YouTube video is titled, HISTORY OF THE MAD HOUSE...

Some websites contain vital information that is not available elsewhere, and therefore, I want you to have the truth wherever it may exist. Albeit, I need to warn you if there are questionable or false teachings present also. I am impressed with the well-researched writings on the SNTP website and think it beneficial to the reader, but let the Word of God be the Lamp unto your feet in all matters of faith, doctrine and living.

I like their direct approach to the truth; such as their article, How Psychiatry & Modern Psychology Subvert Education, and Harm Children and Society. Sad to say, most Christians are too bust playing church to realize that there's a battle going on. The Bible calls us a “SOLDIER” of Jesus Christ. 2nd Timothy 2:3-4, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” The real battle is not over in the Middle East, it is the spiritual battle for our nation back home. Psychology and psychiatry are the front lines of Satan's forces. America's Bible-believing, preaching, soul-winning Christians are the front lines for Christianity. There is a war on for your mind!

The biggest threat of modern-day psychology and psychiatry is that such practitioners are trained in heathen state universities and are indoctrinated with humanism, atheism, evolution, secular psychology and socialism. The Bible is not their text book. Modern psychology and psychiatry (different in their respective fields) do not include (nor even recognize) the teachings of God's Word when diagnosing and treating patients. Psychiatry is notably different in that psychologists are not licensed to prescribe drugs, whereas psychiatrists are. Often a psychologist will refer a patient to a psychiatrist.

For decades U.S. psychologists and psychiatrists have been misdiagnosing people—blaming one's parents, circumstances, clinical depression, childhood upbringing, a past traumatic event, a chemical imbalance of the brain, hormonal imbalance, and so on; but the patient never hears the truth of God's Word. Instead the patient is prescribed mind-altering, body-shocking, zombifying drugs, drugs, drugs!!! The truth is that we all need to get right with God! That is what's wrong with the wicked world today, and it's always been that way (1st John 5:19). Most people don't want the God of the Bible, which is why prayer and the Bible were banned from all government schools on 1963. And then all the so-called “experts” and “professionals” travel in circles trying to figure out why society is so insanely messed up. It's really not that hard to figure out!

By removing the Bible from children's curriculum since 1963, they have no moral compass. And now the wicked state of California is so hateful against God that they're adding homosexual history to children's curriculum; but God is not allowed. In 2010 home schooling was banned in California, unless parents have a university degree in education as a teacher. So the Godless state forces parents to put their kids into government schools, and then the Homosexual Agenda is forced upon those poor children. Hell is going to be hot enough, I assure you!

Christianity is the only true remedy to man's mental sickness!

Please don't misunderstand the preceding statement. Christianity is the only lasting cure to man's mental ills. Most mental problems are rooted in spiritual woes. I'm not talking about mental issues which are caused by health problems; but rather mental problems that are caused by spiritual rebellion against God. Behind every tragedy in human character is a slow process of wicked thinking. With the sicko movies being produced by Hollywood these days, it's not surprising why society is so whacko.

The truth is that there's always a small percentage of people in society that are weak, vulnerable and on edge (and the evil occultists behind the industry fully know this). They just need a crazy vehicle to ride on. Ozzy Osbourne admits this fact. Over 25 parents sued Ozzy during his music career, claiming that Ozzy's heavy-metal music (which praises suicide in the lyrics) led to the suicide of their child.

We are living in a time of agendas (gay agenda, abortion agenda, booze agenda, gambling agenda, pornography agenda, feminist agenda). Consequently, as with the rest of heathen society, medical professionals follow the agendas and social trends of the day. This is why the American Psychiatric Association used to treat homosexuality as a mental disease; but today treat it as an alternative lifestyle, helping gays to accept and feel comfortable with who and what they are.

Homosexuals nowadays are falsely said to be victims of nature, gay beyond their own control... God made them that way! May I say, God does not make mistakes. No one is born homosexual, for even nature itself teaches that God created male and female. The Bible said in Romans 1:25 that immoral reprobates, unthankful ingrates and vile homosexuals would change the truth of God into a lie. But that doesn't change the truth of God's Word (Psalm 119:89). Judgment Day is coming...

Ecclesiastes 8:12, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him.”

Isaiah 3:10-11, “Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.”


Just Shut Up And Get On The Ark!

The Gospel (Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried & resurrected)
(Salvation is by God's Grace Through Faith in Christ's Payment on The Cross for Our Sins Plus Nothing! Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith!)

Making A Killing: The Untold Story Of Psychotropic Drugging (a 1:34 hour shocking documentary that will make you angry!)
—“Psychiatry is psuedo science. It's not real!”

The Disgusting Truth How Doctors And Big Pharma Get Teens On Harmful Psychotropic Drugs!

Job 13:3-7, “Surely I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God. But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value. O that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it should be your wisdom. Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips. Will ye speak wickedly for God? and talk deceitfully for him?”

"In the United States today, there is a pervasive tendency to treat children as adults, and adults as children. The options of children are thus steadily expanded, while those of adults are progressively constricted. The result is unruly children and childish adults." ~Dr. Thomas Szasz, PhD.

The American Psychiatric Association's (APA) position on same-sex marriage is, and I quote from their website...

“Psychology’s case for same-sex marriage ... Full equality will lessen stigma, ease stress and bring marriage’s mental health benefits to all, researchers said.”

SOURCE: Psychology’s case for same-sex marriage

This is an evil philosophy. Notice how the APA hide behind alleged research of the experts. I don't care what Dr. Know-it-all and Professor Fat-Bottom say, the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination in the sight of God (a sin according to numerous Scriptural passages). The Ten Commandments don't mention the sin of homosexuality, because like having intercourse with an animal, it's a form of wickedness at the rock-bottom of society, amongst the most heinous of sins against God in Heaven. Homosexuality is disgusting in God's eyes, a sin that was punishable by death under the Mosaic law in the Old Testament.
Yet, there is abundant forgiveness of all sins and all sinners by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ (1st John 1:7), which He shed on the cross. Christ died in our place because He loves us unconditionally. Christ died for the ungodly, knowing the horrible sins that we would commit (Romans 5:8). All men are woeful sinners (Romans 3:23). Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” The first step to the healing of mental illness is to get saved by receiving Christ as your personal Savior. Only then can you claim the power of God's indwelling Holy Spirit to overcome sin. The Christian battles the lusts of the flesh with prayer, meditating upon the holy Scriptures and faith in God (the Father was manifest to the world through the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ; John 1:1-3,14 - King James Bible).
Walter J. Freeman ~ The Lobotomist Documentary

When all else fails, read the instructions!

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!