Baptist Wives

Love, Cherish, and OBEY!

Feminism has crept into most of our homes through the cursed television. Television is saturated with evil men and women who “creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts” (2nd Timothy 3:6). Lifetime is of the Devil, leading women into the sins of divorce and adultery.

Many Christian women have adopted feminist philosophies without even realizing it. Feminism is not a political position; but rather, the desire for equality with male AUTHORITY in the marriage, home, church and society. Feminism is rebellion, which 1st Samuel 15:23 equates with the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness with the sin of idolatry. One of the biggest sins that women are guilty of these days is STUBBORNNESS in the marriage, home and church. Women become rebellious in their attitudes and are stubborn. It is wickedness!!!

I wrote this article to Baptist wives because one of the distinctives of the Baptist faith has traditionally been wives obeying their husbands. In sharp contrast, in the Roman Catholic Church women rule the home, which is why the Catholic religion is over 1,000,000,000 strong!!! It's not surprising when you consider that the Catholic religion centers around the idolatrous worship of A WOMAN, that is, the virgin Mary. It's an interesting paradox in a religion that worships a woman, that women are not allowed in the priesthood.

In Baptist circles, men are generally in charge of the home; whereas Catholic husbands are usually henpecked and the woman controls the family. This is why Catholicism is so popular in many heathen cultures. I once heard a woman say that she didn't want to kill the terrorists who killed her son; but rather, the mothers of the terrorists who raised them to be like that. There's much truth to that. History often views men as the monsters behind bloodthirsty wars and women as innocent bystanders.

The truth is that humanity is wicked and each generation's mothers determine the spirituality of the next. Behind nearly every great man of God is a great woman. That was the case with Pastor Jack Hyles and many other mighty preachers throughout history. And likewise, wicked mothers most often raise wicked children. Bigotry and hatred start at home in the early years of life. There is no bigotry and hatred any more intense than the lies that homosexuals and God-haters are indoctrinating today's children with against Christianity. Genuine Christians are the best citizens in society, decent, law-abiding and God-fearing!

The Evils Of Feminism Have Crept Into Baptist Churches

Feminists have taken over the country. This is why 53,000,000 children have been murdered by abortion since 1973. That's why the divorce rate is just as high in our churches as in heathen society. That's why there is so much hatred in our churches. Lesbianism is synonymous with feminism. Same-sex marriage is now legal. America is falling apart because of feminism. A lot of women belong in prison for wrecking homes. Divorce is epidemic because women have been indoctrinated to be intolerant of less than perfect husbands. BEWARE of feminism ladies! Television will poison your mind, no matter how careful and responsible you may think you are with the remote control. You can't even watch the evening news anymore, because of the mini-skirt wearing whores. Sexual sins are everywhere!

You can't go anywhere these days without being propositioned for sex, drugs and wrong doing. No wonder Jesus told us daily to pray for God to “deliver us from evil” in the Lord's prayer. I am a Baptist, so I know about Baptist churches. This article could no doubt apply to other denominations as well. You ladies are more important than you could ever realize in God's eyes. God entrusted the Savior to a woman, that is, Mary. God is not a male chauvinist. Contrary to lies by feminists, the Bible does not teach that women are to be subservient slaves. God created man and gave him work to do; and then God created woman for the man, to be a helpmeet to him. When women usurp authority over a man, doing a man's work and filling the man's role, problems arise. America is a disaster today as evidence of what I say (abortion, divorce, lesbianism, sexual immorality, et cetera).

Quite the contrary to the feminist notion that Christian women weak, the Bible teaches that women often have more power over a man than the Word of God. 1st Peter 3:1, “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives.” Adam forsook God to please Eve.

The Bible teaches that the man is in charge of the marriage, home, church and society. Women were created to be followers, not leaders. Women have no business wearing uniforms, badges and guns. The Bible goes as far as to say that career women are “turned aside after Satan” (1st Timothy 5:14-15).

American Society Is Gone Insane Because Of Wickedness

American society has been corrupted so much that it is next to impossible for young women to pursue motherhood and homemaking these days. Your neighbors all have cellphones glued to their faces, just waiting to dial 911 if they hear a marital argument, or if they see your child playing near the street. In nearly every insane case of police abuse, it's because of some malicious neighbor who demanded that the police do something about your brown front lawn, kids gathering in front of your home to wait for the school bus, your child's lemonade stand or your leaking roof gutter. Increasingly, people are becoming hateful and vicious complainers.

Paranoia is everywhere today! Don't accidentally walk in the wrong public bathroom, because someone will call the police and report you as a pervert. One mother forgot to pay for a $5 sandwich and CPS showed up with the police. The mother was arrested and taken to jail and CPS took her child away. Nationwide people have lost their minds. Hatred is everywhere. The criminals who've taken over America, along with the Godless newsmedia, have created a hostile environment of constant baseless fear in society. People are insane!

Baptist wives are hopefully Christian wives, so I'm also addressing this article to Christian ladies in general. I specifically titled my article “BAPTIST WIVES” because if there's still a group of decent women who uphold chaste behavior, godly clothing and wifely submission, it's the ladies in Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches. There are also some decent non-denominational churches remaining today. I have visited numerous Baptist churches and was sad to see that the women wore pants. That's a shameful testimony upon the pastor, showing that he doesn't preach modesty from the pulpit. They were Southern Baptist Churches.

I wouldn't give you a dime for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) today. They surrendered their King James Bibles a long time ago for Satan's Bible instead. They used the New International Version (NIV) for decades. Now they're using the corrupt Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). The corrupt Bible is published by the SBC, so they are making tens-of-millions of dollars from it. They figured they might as well get all that money for themselves instead of giving it to Zondervan's New International Version (which is what they were using).

Don’t I Have Any Rights As A Wife? 

Am I just to be a plain old slave all my days?" Listen carefully now…. You don’t have any rights, no rights at all. You lost them on the day you rebelled against God. You lost them, not because you are a woman, but because you are a sinner. Just as I am. Now if Jesus paid the penalty for you, you don’t belong to yourself any more, you belong to Him! 

The rights you once possessed now are His, the One who bought your salvation and freedom from death. We are slaves to Christ.  But don’t forget we already lost our rights. It was our poverty and bondage to sin that drove us to Him. Lets consider this passage.

1st Peter 2:21-23, "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:"…"likewise ye wives be in subjection."

Like whom? LIKE JESUS!!  The submission of the Lord Jesus is our example.  He submitted not just to the tender ministrations of the Father.  He submitted to the revilings and cursed, persecution and suffering.  Jesus was our example, not just to obey a gentle and kind husband but a harsh and mean husband as well.

2nd Corinthians 8:11-12, “Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.  For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.”

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