Do You Think Marijuana Should Be Legalized?

By David J. Stewart

“And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall
be no more consumed with hunger in the land.
—Ezekiel 34:29

       I think marijuana never should have been made illegal in the first place! For 168 years of American history hemp was legal. Our nation's first President George Washington grew hemp. Hemp is the plant from which marijuana comes.

By weeding out the males and allowing the female plants to mature, you have marijuana. At least that's my basic understanding. They are in fact the same plant, I know that!

Did you know that there are over 25,000 known uses for hemp? Hemp seed oil yields more power per given amount than any other seed oil. The first diesel engine was run in the year 1900 on peanut oil. Wouldn't it be great if our country drove vehicles fueled by vegetable oil? The only reason why we don't is because of corporate greed.

That's why hemp was made illegal in the 1930's after the Prohibition Era ended (1919-1933) for alcohol. The criminal elite needed a new cash cow. I believe that during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ that we will for the first time (only for Christians through), experience the beauty of God's earth. I believe we will drive vehicles ran on seed oil. I'd like a peanut oil fueled car just as a novelty. Romans 8:32 says that God ,Who gave us His only begotten Son, will also give us ALL THINGS. Amen!

I believe anything and everything that is acceptable and good will be given by God. I desire egg rolls, deep pan pizza and chess burgers from my favorite restaurants. The Lord will give us our heart's desires, especially those believers who suffer and sacrifice faithfully in this world to pray, fast, give alms, plead the caused of the poor and needy, and win souls to Christ. Jesus promised us that if we lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven, that no thieves would teal from us. This includes greedy lawyers, dishonest judges and crooked IRS laws as well.

Hemp is a miracle crop, which withstands freezing temperatures, hot whether and is an excellent source of food. Help produces twice the yield of fabric per care as does cotton. The Declaration Of Independence was made out of hemp. So also was the first pair of blue jeans. It early colonial days of America citizens were required by law to grow hemp. Hemp is used to make logs for cabins. It also makes great rope. Hemp seeds are great bread.

Where I draw the line as a Christian is when evil people turn alcohol and marijuana into Madison Avenue products. We live in an evil society today where people exploit people, and particularly the youth and elderly. The bottom line is that the original intent of government was to protect our person, property and freedom. That's it! It's not the government's responsibility to license marriages, churches and dogs. It's not the government's job to provide education, medical and welfare. What's happened in America is criminal.

Globalist profit-over-people-minded corporations moved overseas to escape high U.S wages, strict government labor regulations, unions standards and a lawsuit-happy culture. So the corporations got richer from exploiting the poor on foreign soil and the American people had no jobs anymore. Of course no one can afford health insurance, mortgage payments and everyone is in massive credit card debt! It was all planned that way by the banking cartel who own the Federal Reserve Banking system (privately owned). So they banks take your home and/or enslave you to pay a college loan for life. Or they enslave you to pay a mortgage for 40-years. Only in a wicked nation do you find 40-year home loans. Congress sold out to Satan!

Hemp was made illegal so DuPont could sell their oil-based plastic products instead of hemp-based products. And also to create a new black market, which I think was the primary reason. But I've always read that DuPont had something to do with it. One thing is for certain, the U.S. government has no business telling us what we can eat or not eat. They just passed a law in New York outlawing large sugary drinks, to combat obesity. This type of infringement of liberty can only lead to an all-out wicked Police State!

Hemp and marijuana never should have been made illegal. Neither should any drugs be made illegal (and they wouldn't have to be if the globalists who control our government weren't in the drug-trafficking business). Study history and you'll find that drug-trafficking is a centuries old practice going back to China and Turkey. Prescott Bush was involved with the Nazis, Skull and Bones (322, The Order of Death), Yale and drug-trafficking. Truth is stranger than fiction.

60's Pot-Smoking Hippies Are Today's Liberal Judges & Politicians

The U.S. government is gone, now occupied by a private company of criminals. They've signed a contract with Lucifer and are not going anywhere soon, until the Lord returns to cast them all into the Lake of Fire. These are wicked times. Please don't misunderstand my article, I'm not for substance abuse. The pot-smoking hippies of the 1960's are the shame of our country. I'm not talking about the conscious objectors of the Vietnam War. I agree with them. They knew that something wreaked of rot in Washington D.C. and didn't want to be a part of evil. In 2005 documents were declassified evidencing that 58,000 American soldiers died in a war based upon a lie.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was staged to drag America into the Vietnam conflict. I was referring to th free love, druggie, Beatlemania fruitcakes who blasphemed Christians and are today's kooks, quacks and queers in California. Marijuana is legal today via prescription for the wealthy liberals in California (the lawyers, judges and politicians I told you about earlier). I'll tell you, one of the sickest things in the world is to see lesbians and homos appointed as judges. They will prosecute the righteous, you wait and see. God will prosecute them in Hell fire! I'm sick of hearing people say that they know some homosexuals who are nice people. They're not nice people. They're God-haters! There's not a proud homosexual that loves the King James Bible (Word of God).

California liberal-minded hippies of decades ago are today lesbian and homosexual judges, lawyers, and politicians, California is as Sodom and Gomorrah. I'm not siding with the marihuana crowd, and I've never touched the stuff myself. I just don't think the government has any business telling citizens what they can consume. When government gets too big, it turns Communist and as oppressive (if not worse) than the tyranny our nation broke away from to form.

Every generation has to rediscover the truth for itself. Thus, all you need is one dumbed-down generation and a nation is doomed. The hand-writing was on the wall in 1963 when the Godless U.S. Supreme Court kicked God and His Word out the door of our schools. It was the worst insult in American history. After all the blessings that God bestowed upon our nation, Americans spit on God and said, “Get out and don't come back, you hear!”

I love people, lesbians and homosexuals includes. But I hate sin as the Bible commands. Psalms 97:10 says, “Ye that Lord the LORD, hate evil!” It's not an option. Homosexuality is an advanced stage of sin and rebellion against God. Homosexuals often pervert various Scripture passages, but they usually avoid Romans chapter one. The reason why is because it's easy to explain away a single verse, but it's not possible to explain away an entire chapter. Homosexuals like to point out that the Bible doesn't call homosexuality a “sin,” but Romans chapter one calls them “reprobates.” See Romans 1:24-32. The Bible calls homosexuality “vile affections ”(vile meaning morally reprehensible).

Hypocrisy Of America's Laws

There are nearly 7,000,000 Americans behind bars, half for minor drug offenses. Women can kill their babies, gays can marry, pornographers can publish their filth; but breathing in some smoke will land you in jail. It's crazy! People can burn and desecrate the flag legally. It's a shame! Marilyn Manson can rip apart Bibles in concert legally; but then Christians end up in prison for having a Bible study in their home. It's nuts nowadays.

America has a broken legal system. Marijuana ought not be illegal. One sin begets another. It's like ObamaCare. The globalist elite took away our jobs and sent them overseas. So we couldn't afford health insurance anymore. Over 20,000 Americans were dying every year because of no medical insurance. That was the whole plan from the beginning. They cause the crisis and then pose as our saviors to save the day. I think we need ObamaCare, but if we had jobs then we could afford private insurance. The problem is not a lack of healthcare; but rather, a lack of decent jobs.

The same with alcohol. I think alcohol should be outlawed, but only because we've proven to be a careless and irresponsible society with booze. However, if people were held accountable and sent to the electric chair for drunk driving, then it wouldn't be such a big problem. Also, booze should not be mass-marketed as it is. All across Americas teenagers smoke cigarettes and drink booze. The rotten, greedy, lawyers who work for the cigarette and booze companies protect the evildoers. Isaiah 5:14 says that Hell has opened WIDE her mouth without end. Truly, America is going into the jaws of Hell.

Again, I'm not for substance abuse; but rather, I'm for liberty! Liberty is the ability to make our own choices. Freedom is the reward for making the right choices. Americans have made the WRONG choices for so long that we are quickly losing our liberties. First the Roaring Twenties. Then The Great Depression caused by the banking cartel. Social Security was formed to bankrupt our nation and enslave Americans. Alcohol was legalized in 1933. Then public schools kicked God out in 1963. Abortion was legalized in 1973 nationwide. Homosexuality flourished in the 1980s and now same-sex marriage is being legalized in 2012-2013.

If you research the news, you'll discover that our liberties are being stripped away to the same degree that we are embracing sin as a nation. President Barack Obama signed NDAA on December 31, 2011 repealing the “Don't ask, don't tell” policy for the military. In the very saw provision, Homeland Security may now cause U.S. citizens to disappear at their whim without a trace, with no right to attorney nor trial. Do you think that it's a mere coincidence that the same NDAA bill that permits the military to have sex with animals, also contains the most fascist and brutal law ever passed in American history? God is giving us the wicked leadership that we deserve as a wicked people.

When we speak of marijuana, we are speaking about man's retarded laws. You can murder your children by abortion, but you can't spank them without fear of going to jail or losing them forever (or both). You can sell shirts saying to kill your parents (like Marilyn Manson has often done at concerts), but parents end up in court for discipling their children. One girl in Canada posted lewd pictures of herself online and her father grounded her from going to the prom. The bratty teen and her mother sued the father and won. Children are denied the truth about a loving Creator, but it's ok to teach them that apes are their ancestors and there is no God. This is America's legal system. No wonder it's so crazy!

Evils in Government