By David J. Stewart

2nd Peter 2:19, “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.”

All across America people are looking for someone to blame for the endless problems in our nation. If we lay the axe to the root and are honest in the matter, we'll find that WE THE PEOPLE are to blame. Our nation is enslaved in chains of bondage.

I watched a video today on the failing healthcare system in America (90 minute PBS video). An estimated 20,000 people die every year in the U.S. due to no insurance. President Obama boasts of the coming reform that will make everything right, giving us national healthcare.

The truth is that Americans cannot afford health insurance anymore because of deindustrialization (our government allowing U.S. companies to relocate our manufacturing jobs to foreign soil). Tens-of-millions of jobs have been taken away from Americans and given to foreigners who slave for for pennies a day. Burdened workers in China are committing suicide at the Apple corporation where IPod are manufactured. Catch nets have been installed around the facility to prevent workers from jumping to their deaths. Outside, 5,000 Chinese are standing in line waiting to take their job when they can't go on any further.

Do you think this all happened by chance? Not in a million years! The subversive powers behind the destruction of America want to bring our nation to ruin, forcing people to beg the government to be their savior. America is not in an economic recession; but rather, an artificially created depression by the Federal Reserve banksters (they are neither federal nor do they have any gold reserve to back U.S. currency, i.e., funny money). Americans are to blame for being indifferent, apathetic, complacent and buying into the lie. Americans are some of the most gullible people in history.

For the sake of space I won't make this article too lengthy, but volumes of books could easily be written documenting the endless problems in America and why the American people are ultimately to blame for all of it. Everyone wants to blame someone else—whether it be the government, evangelical Christians, the Communists, Hollywood, the corporations, lawyers, the ACLU, the U.S. Supreme Court, America's educators or Zionist Jews. Ultimately, it is we as a people who influence everything that happens.

America's youth today are like an unsuspecting insect flying into the deadly spun web of a Black Widow spider, waiting to paralyze its prey and devour it alive. Today's children have no idea what they are up against in this age of the Forming New World Order. Thousands of people (including world leaders, politicians, scientists, educators, entertainers, ministers and famous authors) have confirmed the reality of a New World Order; yet the average person still doesn't believe that a New World Order conspiracy exists for World Government.

It was George Brock Chisholm, first head of the World Health Organization (WHO), who stated in 1954...

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954

It was not mere coincidence that one atheist mother (Madalyn Murray O'Hair) was able to convince the U.S. Supreme Court to ban the Bible and prayer from all our schools in 1963. It was planned that way.

It was not mere coincidence that one wicked woman was able to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that a child in the womb is not a human being and has no right to life. Thus began the holocaust of 53,000,000 people in the “Land Of The Free.” With only 5% of the world's population, America incarcerates 25% of the world's prison inmates. The American people have allowed a small group of evil men and women to steal, kill and destroy our country, culture and families.

Most people cannot grasp the truth because there is so much to learn and know before you can truly understand what is happening in America today. On my website ministry (which is the Lord's ministry), I diligently strive to simplify and teach people the basics of everything I've learned—providing information where to begin one's own research, so people can educate themselves concerning the truth. If I were to give my web visitors detailed information about each topic, this website would have to be one hundred times bigger than it is, literally.

The Great Pyramid on the reverse of every U.S. dollar bill shows the eye in the detached capstone above the base of the pyramid. The base of the pyramid is 99% of humanity. The capstone are the controlling occult (hidden) powers behind the New World Order, the architects literally (clearly revealed by Freemasonry's logo of a carpenter's square and compass). Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and controls the world through unsaved men and women whom are led by demonic spirits (world leaders, educators, professors, celebrity singers and actors, you name it).

The eye in the capstone represents numerous things, ultimately Lucifer, the angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:15). The eye symbolizes the secrecy of the NWO concerning what Satan is planning. Notice that the eye can see you, but you cannot see what peeping Tom is up to behind the keyhole. The Bible tells us that the Antichrist is coming, but most people don't believe what God tells them. As mind-boggling as it is, there are literally thousands of zodiacs, statues and occult symbols displayed throughout culture of government building, court houses, at the White House, and all over the place. Check out the giant All Seeing Eye of Horus placed at the 911 memorial at ground zero in New York. In your face America! We did it! Ha, ha, ha! We pulled off 911 and you suckers can't do anything about it! Ha, ha, ha!!!

Who Are The Globalists?

The big question is, who is “we?” The answer to that question has been revealed in literally THOUSANDS of books that are available from Amazon.com and nearly every book store in America, but you have to DESIRE the truth (Proverbs 18:1). I can tell you a quick answer, but you'll laugh at me and not believe it because of the mental blocks that you have in your mind (everybody has them until they decide personally that they want to become a truth-seeker). If you have woke up to the truth, then you know what I am saying. When you try to enlighten people, their minds are filled with excuses why they don't believe you or doubt what you just told them.

I realized one day that if a person has not decided to love the truth enough to desire it, even but it if need be as the Bible says in Proverbs 23:23. How many people do you know who are willing to buy truth? Nearly everyone is willing to pay for lies, fiction and misinformation; but who wants to buy THE TRUTH? God's Word is truth (John 17:17). God can only be worshipped in truth (John 4:24). Truth is very important to God and is the most important thing in a believer's life, for without the truth we are well nigh hopeless at the mercy of Satan.

If you understand this, then it becomes clear why so many people are flashing the satanic hand-sign showing allegiance to the Devil. Here's a 12-minute video showing hundreds of people flashing the satanic hand-sign. If you don't believe in God my friend, you are just living a lie that will bring damnation upon yourself. If you don't believe that the Bible is God's inspired Words, then believe because of all the demonic influences and loyalty to Satan in the world. That ought to clearly show you that the Bible is 100% true!!!

The truth is stranger than fiction. Whose at fault for all this subversion, corruption, wickedness and destruction of America today? Ultimately, it is the fault of every America for not taking a stand against evil, corruption and immorality. When pervert Hugh Hefner opened his first pornography smut shop in the U.S. in 1954, not enough Americans protested and that root of poison grew into what it is today. Hypocritically, Hugh Hefner is by far the biggest financial contributor to a private organization in Hollywood called Children Of The Night, started by Ronnie James Dio's wife as a shelter for sexually abused teens and child prostitutes. Hugh Hefner is no hero!

Like so many people, Mr. Hefner causes a major problem and then wants to donate to charity to clean up the mess. It can't be cleaned up. Hugh Hefner's charity doesn't undo one-millionth the damage caused by his wickedness. Now pornography plagues the internet and has become a $100,000,000 a year racket in America alone. Child pornography is epidemic worldwide and child prostitution. HOOTERS is no better, sexually exploiting women as a means of making profits; yet they donate money to research for a cure for breast cancer. Aren't they wonderful people? No they're not. They're contributing to the moral breakdown of families in America. Family values has become a laughing joke all across our nation ever since Vice President Dan Quayle mentioned the term Decades ago. It is sad that modesty, morality and family values are something to mock and not take seriously anymore. No wonder abortion, pornography, drunkenness, divorce and homosexuality are so prevalent today in America.

Watch this and weep for Afghanistan's little children and teenagers who are sexually abused as a part of their sicko culture. Uncovering The Pedophile World Of “Bacha Bazi” (the sexual trade of Afghan's boys). The world is an evil place just as 1st John 5:19 teaches, and it always has been. Americans are to blame for forsaking the Lord of the Bible. We have forgotten God!!!

Long before the Bible and prayer were removed from our schools, the Rock 'N' Roll of the 1940's and 1950's had already stole the heart of Americans for Satan. Hollywood began in the 1930's, pushing the moral limit as much as possible, and they've been moving the landmark ever since, dragging America down to Hell with their sexual immorality, cursing in God's name, violence, perversion, homosexuality, adultery and blasphemy against God almighty!!!

We are to blame America for supporting immoral celebrities, smutty magazines, dirty Rock music, rebellious feminism, the unforgiveness of divorce, Hollywood movies, apostate churches, Devilution (the lies of evolution), criminal politicians, the lying newsmedia and all the other evil influences destroying our country! If you have remained cowardly or selfishly silent, then you are a serious part of the problem and are much to blame for everything wrong in this nation. Satan's primary weapon has been the television. Hollywood and the music industry are equally deadly.

The United States is one of the only countries in the world that allows children under 18 to be sentenced to life without parole (PBS documentary video). Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International report that more than 2,000 inmates are currently serving life without parole in the United States for crimes committed when they were juveniles; in the rest of the world, there are only 12 juveniles serving the same sentence, according to figures reported to the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Who's To Blame?

We are all to blame as Americans. I've just scratched the tip of the iceberg and need to stop or I'll get onto a rabbit trail of a hundred subjects. There is a very interesting truth found in 2nd Peter 2:19 “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” The Greek word for “overcome” is hettao and means “to make worse.” The Greek word for “bondage” is douloo and means “enslave.” The Bible is teaching that if we allow that which makes things worse, it will eventually lead to enslavement.

This is how America ended up where we are today. Back yonder when the problems were small, not enough Americans took a stand against evil. If you give the Devil an inch, he'll become a ruler (a foot). Woodrow Wilson sold our nation out in 1913 to an evil group of private bankers. Thus, the fractional reserve banking system was born. This allowed congress and the international banking cartel to launch World War I and force Americans to foot the bill. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other elite families now had long sought after control over America's economy. They caused The Great Depression. They financed Hitler's War Machine through Wall Street and caused World War II.

2nd Peter 2:19 teaches that if you allow that which makes things worse, it will lead to slavery eventually. It's so simple. If you allow a little problem to get bigger, it will become an elephant in your living room. America in 2012 is enslaved to the globalists, right back to square one, being oppressed by foreign powers once again. But this time it won't be so easy to form a revolution, because the Globalists have the Russian and Chinese armies at their disposal to defeat any resistance in America.

Homeland Security just purchased 450,000,000 hollow-tip bullets. By hollowing out the tip, the bullets do major damage when they hit. Instead of passing through the body, they destroy what they hit. President Obama just signed NDAA into law, which gives the government the power to make any U.S. citizen disappear without right to attorney nor trial.

The Bible declares in Psalms 144:15, “Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.” God will not bless a nation that pursues false religion. I just read today that of the 2,000,000 Jews in America, 600,000 are Buddhists. Buddhism is a false religion that denies Jesus as the Christ. Roman Catholicism is the most popular false religion in America, whose members bow to statues and worship Mary. They've redefined the word “worship,” claiming that they don't worship Mary.

However, the Bible forbids even bowing to graven images (Exodus 20:4-5). So then Catholics distort the meaning of graven images and claim bowing to Mary is like looking at a photo of one's family. It's all one lie after another. No one says “Hail Mary” 53 times to their family like Catholics do in every Rosary chant. America is cursed by God. We are a rebellious people saturated with demonic religion. Roman Catholicism is IDOLATRY!!! Colossians 3:5-6 says such sins bring the judgment of God upon a nation. God is a jealous God. Mary worship is devil worship. The mess in America is our fault.

If Americans would repent toward God by humbling themselves in prayer, seeking God's face and departing from evil; then God would hear, forgive and heal our land. We wouldn't have to have a revolution against the government (which is where we're headed in America). That's exactly what the Globalists want. By breaking down society, they are setting the way for the Antichrist.

God forbids in Romans 13 revolt against authority. God's plan is for us to obey God and then God will heal our land. You can overthrow government, like they do in Fiji and other countries on a regular basis; but it won't heal the land or make things better. No amount of legislation, revolt or power of the people can substitute for obedience to God and His Word. It is our fault as Americans for abandoning the God of the Bible that our nation is in ruins today, and it can only get much worse if we don't repent toward God.

Acts 10:43, “To Him give all the prophets witness, that through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.”

Ye Must Be Born Again