Kick Their Idols

by David J. Stewart

       If you want to find out where someone's heart is as, kick their idols. That is, expose their idols. The average American today idolizes Hollywood celebrities, Rock music singers, wayward ministers, or literal statues themselves. Many people dislike my ministry and hate me because I kick their idols. You'd be surprised how many people are upset with me for exposing Marlin Manson and Michael Jackson.

Although deceased since 2009, Michael Jackson's Satanic music still lingers on. Jackson's THRILLER album is the #1 selling album of all-time. Even the Jehovah's Witness demonic cult excommunicated Jackson as being of the Devil for his THRILLER video; that is saturated with vampires, zombies and demonism. I don't hate anyone, certainly not Michael Jackson; but his music is sensual and demonic, and I will preach against it as long as it's being aired over the radio. If you don't like then, then get right with God. I'm kicking your idol. The problem is that you've got the wrong idols. You ought to have God, and God alone, as your idol.

The unsaved world hates what goes on in red-hot preaching churches. The wicked world hates soul-winning, Christ-honoring, God-fearing, Bible-preaching, people-loving, sin-hating churches. The attack is against Christianity. The Devil's crowd will accept Islam, Buddhism, and Catholicism; but they are 100% intolerant of Christianity.

Roman Catholics sinfully idolize Saint Jude. Wayward Catholics are sinfully taught that Saint Jude is the patron saint of seemingly impossible or difficult times, when people feel most helpless and alone. Saint Jude is falsely said to be powerful and miraculous, a true friend and beacon of hope to those who call on him, no matter how desperate the need. May I say truthfully, Saint Jude is straight out of the pits of Hell. Saint Jude is dead, dead, dead. There is no dead saint that can help you. No one saint in Heaven can help you. 1st Timothy 2:5 is very clear that there is only one Mediator between God and men, the Lord Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ is powerful and miraculous, a true friend and beacon of hope to those who call on Him (Romans 10:13). It is the height of arrogance, evil, and demonic false religion for anyone to pray to a statue of saint Jude. Catholics have been willfully deceived by the Devil (Mark 9:7).

I love Catholic people, but Satan has led them to believe a lie. I am hated by millions of people because I preach the truth that idolatry is a sin. Saint Jude is a lie. Mother Mary is idolatry for anyone to praise, bow, or worship her statue. It is wicked! Instead of praying to Jesus Christ; Catholics pray to their patron saints, which is pure spiritual adultery and idolatry. It is perverted religion.

Tens-of-millions of youth today praise and idolize Rock, Country, and Pop stars. It is evil. Some of the most immoral and Godless people in the world are music celebrities, musicians and singers. There is no honor amongst the wicked. If Katy Perry is your idol, then you need to get your heart right with God. Perry purchased a $2.7 million dollar penthouse in new York. Serving Satan has paid off well for Katy Perry. Those who sell their souls to Satan become instant multi-millionaires in today's heathen society. It is a shame that anyone could become filthy rich for ruining and corrupting the morals of youth. What do you think God's opinion is concerning this wickedness? God hates it!!!

Whose your favorite idol? I worship Jesus Christ and Him alone as the Bible commands, for only Christ is worthy (Revelation 5:9,12). It is a sin for anyone to praise Mary. It is a sin for anyone to praise Hollywood. It is a sin for anyone to praise Dollywood. It is a sin for anyone to praise Selena Gomez. I am one of the most hated preachers on the internet because I preach THE TRUTH. Snoop Doggy Dog is Poop Doggy Dog! Eminem is of the Devil. Walt Disney is of the Devil. Hannah Montana is demonic filthy trash! The Jonas' Brothers are Satanic, praising Satan with backward masking in their songs. This generation of kids has gone to Satan!!!

Harry Potter is of the Devil. Witchcraft is Satanic. There's only one kind of Devil... A BAD DEVIL! Scholastic is the corporation that markets, pushes, and distributes Harry Potter books to the government's schools (public schools). It is evil. Kids today are being given the wrong idols. Teens today are being led into devil worship. The end times are near.

You've got young people dying in crack houses, selling their bodies for $5 to feed their drug addiction, strung out on crystal meth. Marilyn Manson glorifies taking illegal drugs, promoting this wickedness to teens. Eric Clapton praises taking cocaine in his famous and popular song, COCAINE. It is evil. Why is it legal to target teenagers with songs and books that promote drug abuse, sexual immorality, and rebellion against God's Word; but then the Ten Commandments were banned from being hung on public schools walls (by the Supreme Court in 1980 in Kentucky). It is evil hypocrisy. Every form of wickedness and demonic filth is allowed today; but Christianity is not tolerated! The attack is against Jesus Christ!

Which idol have I kicked that you think is so special? For which idol are you upset with me for kicking? Is it the blasphemous Our Lady of Fatima, who sinfully teaches that you'll never perish if you come to her by way of reciting the Rosary? Is it Catholic Priest, John Corapi who errantly thinks that he has the power to absolve your sins? Is it Taylor Swift who can't keep her clothes on, rolling on the floor on her lingerie while singing a Country song? It is shameful!

Who is your apostate hero? Is it a Church of Christ minister Max Lucado, who is sinfully leading the churches into ecumenical apostates with the whore of Roman Catholicism? Is it apostate Billy Graham who is in spiritual bed with the Popes, praising the Devil's religion, betraying the Savior for fame and fortune? Who is your pathetic idol? Whether your on sex, drugs, or Rock 'N' Roll, there's only one way to be delivered... by the precious redeeming power of the literal blood of Jesus Christ!!!


"Please" the rich man begs... "please, send Lazarus with a drop of cold water to relieve my suffering." This is a clear indication as to what the wicked can expect in Hell... unbearable thirst caused by the tormentuous flames. Isn't it tragic, that most people today refuse to listen to even ONE sermon, or give a soulwinner ONE minute of their precious time. No one has time for God anymore. Americans are absolutely saturated with idolatry, even naming one of our most popular TV shows... AMERICAN IDOL. We not only sin against God in America, we even name one of our biggest cities... SIN CITY. Woe unto America! 

If you have rejected Jesus Christ as your Savior, and you're not afraid of Hell, you will be... YOU WILL BE! ..."It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31). Jesus is my Hero, He's the only reason I have to live, He's my only true Friend and Savior!!!

“The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.” —Isaiah 2:11

The Sad Truth About Marilyn Manson

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