America Is Headed For Disaster!

By David J. Stewart

Proverb 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

       America is headed for absolute disaster! People just don't listen these days. Americans have become so arrogant, wicked and rebellious against God. Ephesians 2:2 speaks of “the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” A demonic spirit is at work in the world today. The Bible teaches that unsaved people are susceptible to the spirit of Satan. This is clearly evidenced by the incredible amount of wickedness in the world today.

The people who abort their precious children, which are gifts from God, are demonically inspired and don't even realize it. The same Americans who recognize the demonic influence upon Adolf Hitler, who mercilessly killed millions of people, fail to realize that we have done the exact same thing by killing tens-of-millions of our precious children in America. Satan's spirit works in the children of disobedience. We have disobeyed God's command not to kill the innocent (Exodus 20:13). Satan leads most people today, because they have not humbled themselves before God.

Many people hate my ministry, accusing me of being judgmental; but the truth is that I am a preacher of righteousness, and they are enemies of God (James 4:4). I am no friend of the world. To the best of my knowledge, everything on my website is truthful; yet I know I'm only human and there certainly could be mistakes. But I know I come a whole lot closer to being right, than those Americans who don't even care, who despise Biblical preaching and do not love Jesus Christ. I pray daily, asking God to show me what needs to be added or removed from my website, that I may please my God and Savior.

1st Corinthians 3:23, “And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's.” My website belongs to God. Those who attack me are attacking God's servant. Those who hurt this ministry are hurting God's ministry, because I am the Lord's as a true Christian. I judge no man. My only purpose is to contend for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3), to uplift the precious name of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:9-10), to hold forth the Word of life, the Gospel (Philippians 2:16), and rise up against the evildoers and workers of iniquity for my God (Psalm 94:16). For the past 8 years, by God's grace, I have faithfully done so!

America is on a downward spiral into the depths of Hell. When we kicked God, prayer and the Bible out of public school in 1962 and 1963, it was the nails in our coffin as a nation. America has become a mentally-ill nation. We praise fruitcakes, kooks and queers; while persecuting the righteous for preaching aloud against the wickedness of our nation. No one dare tell us anything as Americans. We are a stiffnecked people, hard-headed and filled with arrogance and an unquenchable hunger and thirst for wickedness. SIN CITY Las Vegas is a disgrace to America; yet, so many people, even apostate pastors, can't wait to go there. Why should God bless this filthy mess?

Ignorant believers think that hurricane Katrina was God's judgment upon New Orleans. No it wasn't. What about the filth of Las Vegas, Hollywood or San Francisco? What about the wickedness of Washington D.C.?

The likely truth is that the canal was deliberately blown out, and New Orleans flooded to ruin, so the poor would be driven from their homes, and the wealthy elite would buy up the land for pennies on a dollar, because that is exactly what is happening! Whereas the flooding could have been prevented by a mere $60,000,000 project to shore up the coastline; environmental whackos wanted to protect the coral instead, at the expense of human life. It's the same insane thinking since the 1970's... save the whales, murder the children!

Our nation has gone nuts! The public goes bonkers if a cat or dog is abused; but no one cares if babies are murdered. There's police squads patrolling America, investigating all forms of cruelty to animals; but the children living in their mother's womb have NO ONE to protect, police or watch over their welfare. Statistically, a mother's womb is the most dangerous place in the world to be. Rest assure, God is the avenger of “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40).

1st Timothy 6:10 tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. It seems that people will do anything these days to get ahead in life, regardless of who gets hurt. In reality they are going backwards in God's eyes. Greed has overtaken America. Businesses today are so corrupt and evil. Nearly all advertising nowadays is saturated with filth, because sex sells. It is evil, rotten and God will punish those who do so. Would to God that America would come back to God. The demon-possessed maniac of Gadarenes was running around naked in his sins. When the man came to Jesus, he immediately came into his right mind and put his clothes back on.

This demonically-influenced man took his clothes off in public. America today is saturated with such demonic influence, and so nudity is everywhere. Women have no shame whatsoever stripping down 95% naked at the beach or in their backyards for neighbors to view. It is sinful. A woman who loves Jesus Christ won't commit such wickedness. 1st Timothy 2:9 commands women to dress in modest apparel, representing Christian behavior.

So many women today are careless, stripping down nearly naked in public, disobeying God; but then label men as creeps for ogling them. American society has already gone to Hell. The same women who scoff and ridicule the Biblical teaching that it's a sin for women to dress inappropriately, are the same wicked people who murder their children by abortion, quit their marriages and live for the Devil. It is a sin for women to deliberately dress immodestly. Most women couldn't care less about the things of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:21), which includes dressing modestly to exemplify one's faith in a holy Savior.

America is headed for disaster morally, economically, educationally, politically and in every other way as well. No wicked nation can prosper. I apologize to you God, for the wickedness of my nation. We have forsaken the Word of God. The average person has little idea just how corrupt everything has become nowadays. Watch this shocking video of what was uncovered during hurricane Katrina. This is just New Orleans. The entire country is falling apart, and you'll see it over time.

Now the government wants to naked body scan you, your wife and your children. It's just evil. There is no threat of terrorism, it's all intended to break the will of the American people, to make us accustomed to total invasions of our privacy, to have no rights and to accept police state tyranny. I hear many people boasting about their rights. Truthfully, if you don't have $10,000 to $25,000 to hire an attorney, you have no way of enforcing your rights. So in effect, most Americans today have no rights. Whereas you live from paycheck to paycheck, the government has unlimited deep pockets of cash. All they have to do to win is delay the court case until you dry up financially. Consequently, most lawyers today won't even accept a case against the government, because it takes 10 to 15 years to reach a resolution. This is America today.

And now Zondervan wants to corrupt the Bible further with their NIV 2011 to meet the demands of a wicked generation; while at the same time appeasing God-fearing Christians who are confused on the Bible issue, and sincerely look to Zondervan for a reliable Bible. Zondervan gathers all the leaders of numerous denominations together and asks them what they want to see happen to the Bible, so that the largest market base will be reached. It seems that Zondervan will corrupt the Bible as much as possible, if that's what the different religious denominations are willing to pay for. As America goes more and more apostate, so also does Zondervan change the Bible to maintain their sales. For the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10).

Gerald Celente appeared more gloomy than ever in January of 2010 about the future of the United States of America, he predicted a series of events, one more gloomy than the next. Gerald Celente said we're going to see food riots, tax protests, farmer rebellions, student revolts, squatter dig-ins, homeless uprising, tent cities, ghost malls, general strikes, boss napping, kidnappings, mob rule and terror… What's happening under the Obama administration is unprecedented. With these rescue schemes, bailout plans, the takeover of major corporations, on and on and on. Our country is now bankrupt. The average American is now in debt for $546,000 per household. I agree with Gerald Celente.

In a morally toxic society of pleasure seekers who refuse to stand against tyranny and blatant government crimes, it is inevitable that our children will become slaves of the New World Order. The Banksters have robbed us blind.

Iraq was wrongly invaded, their oil is being stolen and over one million innocent Iraqi's are dead. The blood of over one million Iraq's cry out to God from the ground. America, what hast thou done? (Genesis 4:10).

The Bible tells us to pray that the Word of God will have free course, and that wicked and unreasonable men will fail in their attacks against us . . .

2nd Thessalonians 3:1-2, “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.”

The enemy has come in like a flood. People are as selfish and misguided today as ever. Philippians 2:21, “For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.” Most people are as living dead people. When I see people, I see skeletons covered in flesh. I see an earthly tabernacle that will soon come to an end, and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Most people live this life as if it will never end, having no regard for the future when they shall give account to God (Romans 14:12; 2nd Corinthians 5:10-11; Revelation 20:11-15). In which judgment will you stand?

America is headed for spiritual, economic and social disaster. Young girls today, they want to have fun. Young girls today just wanna party. Today young girls wanna go to a nightclub and have open sex on the floor of the nightclub, and then put it on YouTube, and if they should get pregnant they want to throw the baby into a dumpster. That's the new America! No morals. No self-respect. No nation. No borders. No language. No culture. No responsibility. Now that's America today!

How can God bless this wickedness? Americans are in denial. The Arab nations have rightfully labeled us as “The Great Satan.” Muslims don't abort their babies; yet our culture demonizes the Arabs. We are a mentally-ill people in the United States. Who are we as Americans to remove the toothpick from our neighbor's eye, when we have a staggering beam in our own eye? Let us remove the massive beam from our own eye as a nation, and then we will see clearly to remove the toothpick from our neighbor's eye (Matthew 7:3-5).

America is already in a heap of trouble economically, morally and in every other way. Our nation is fast becoming a Totalitarian Police State under Communist control. Americans have been forced out of employment by Communist global agendas intended to rob nations of their sovereignty and bankrupt them. The corporations have taken over the U.S. government which is fascism. Disaster is imminent! The dollar is nearly worthless. Our borders are almost gone. Private property is becoming harder and harder to own. Jobs are difficult to find. Judgment is upon us as a nation. While Americans have been living it up on cheap goods imported from China for decades, manufactured by slave labor, the Freemasons have taken over our nation via Communist agendas aimed at undermining American sovereignty.