Gossip Is Tongue Murder

By David J. Stewart

Planned Gossip Is Worse Than Spontaneous Adultery (Justice 16 - Dr. Hyles - Great truth!)

James 4:12-14, “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:  Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

       The Bible forbids condemning others, that is, treating anyone as if they are a bigger sinner than we are. Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do. If we consider our self equally as sinful as others, then we're not going to gossip and tear people down. Gossip is a horrible sin, whether the information is true or false. It's not our place to condemn (damn) others. When someone runs their big mouth and tries to destroy another person's name, life and reputation, they might as well shoot them in the head with a shotgun. The people who don't care will be judged by the SAME merciless, harsh and cruel form of hatred on judgment day by which they have judged others (Matthew 7:1-2).

Satan accuses believers before the throne of God day and night (Revelation 12:10). You're never more like Satan than when you point out the sins of others (conveniently overlooking your own). I'm not talking about reporting wrongdoing to proper authority (within Biblical standards... The Most Common Method Of Injustice - chapter 15 from JUSTICE by Pastor Jack Hyles). I'm talking about reporting someone's sins to everyone else! No one has that right. God forbids gossiping about others because it destroys them. Proverbs 11:9, “An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.” You are destroying someone with your gossip. When you mention someone's sins, you are causing grief, hardship and hostility against them in a family, church, job, community, et cetera.

Now please understand that we have an obligation as born-again Christians to refute (expose) all works of darkness. Psalms 94:16 challenges every believer to rise up against evildoers, and to stand up against the workers of iniquity. This is very different than going around trying to dig up dirt about someone to hurt and destroy them in one's hatred. There is a fine line, but it is a clearly defined line between righteous judgment verses wrongly condemning someone. What most people do is spread their gossiping manure to destroy someone, claiming that they are doing God a favor by exposing evil. The truth is that they are doing evil, trying to justify hurting slander and gossip (most gossip is true). Whether gossip is true or not, it is equally sinful to parade someone's sins (or rumor of sins) to ruin that person's life. You are JUST AS MUCH a sinner as the person that you're trying to destroy. You wouldn't want anyone to malicious mistreat you if you sinned. God will judge you on that basis one day (Matthew 7:1-5). The Lord sees everything, good and evil alike (Hebrews 4:13; Proverbs 24:12).

It is wrong to spread hearsay. Anybody can say anything about anyone. The Godless newsmedia thinks they are innocent for publishing and reporting indictments against an accused person. Yet, when the court case is resolved years later and the charges are dropped, the damage is done for a lifetime. The public condemns anybody who is accused of a crime in a newspaper. It doesn't matter if that person is guilty or innocent, because the newsmedia has condemned them by publishing the indictment. The public treats people according to what they read in the news. This is one of the most woeful evils which is bringing God's judgment upon America. When a person is accused of a crime, the American newsmedia spreads that accusation across the community to everyone, making money by exploiting the situation. No wonder God calls the love of money the root of all evil. The accusation is usually placed on or near the front page of the newspaper... READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!

However, when the criminal charges are found to be untrue in court years later, the accused person is then declared innocent behind closed doors in the presence of only a small handful of people. The newspaper is never held accountable for the countless lives they destroy. But God is keeping track of the number of lives destroyed, I assure you! The newsmedia never tells the truth that they falsely accused someone, and if they do it'll end up on page 17 in an obscure place. Newspapers are manure spreaders!!! The newsmedia destroys lives! They are evil to the core, eating their young to sell a story! God will judge the newsmedia by the SAME standards by which they have accused, destroyed and harmed other people. Hell will be hot enough!!! The newsmedia are cold-blooded tongue-murderers!

God hates gossip. God hates when a person focus on the sins of others instead of looking at their OWN sins. You and I are wicked sinners. James 2:10 teaches that committing even one sins makes a person guilty of ALL. You may never have murdered someone, raped a child or robbed a bank, but you are JUST AS GUILTY in God's eyes is you've ever told a small lie, kept (stolen) something that you weren't supposed to keep, cursed in God's name, dishonored your parents, coveted after your neighbor's home or new car, or lusted. You are an evil sinner who deserves to burn in Hell just as much as mass-murderers John Gacy, George W. Bush or Jeffrey Dahmer. The reason is because even one sin is enough to keep a person out of Heaven and send them to Hell forever. All men need the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ (Romans 4:5-6), because we have NO self-righteousness of our own that can impress God (Isaiah 64:6). Ye must be born-again! (John 3:7).

I hate gossip because God hates gossip. I hope you hate gossip too. If not, ask God to forgive you and purpose in your heart never to gossip again. Most people gossip as a cheap form of entertainment, or to make themselves feel better (getting even with someone who previously hurt them), or they do it just because they are jealous or hateful and don't care, being a hypocrite as Proverbs 11:9 warns. Gossip is a horrible sin that brings God's harsh judgment upon the person doing it. In fact, gossip is a form of unforgiveness. Jesus commands us to forgive 70 times 7 in Matthew 18:22. Gossip is hatred, tearing someone down for your own personal pleasure or satisfaction. To commit such wickedness is to bring coals of fire upon one's self. Jesus warned in Matthew 12:36 that God will hold men accountable on judgment day for every idle (small talk, wasted words) word spoken. Every word! This includes spoken words and typed words.

Everyone will give account to God for their actions, words and even thoughts. God is the keeper of every man's soul, knows our thoughts, and will judge us accordingly. Proverbs 24:12, “If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?” Oh! Be careful little tongue what you speak.