...is a sin!

Feminism is Communist Tyranny

The Rockefellers Engineered Women Today Through Feminism

It is sad that the average American woman has become some sort of she-man monster. Feminists will be begging for mercy on Judgment Day (Philippians 2:10-11). There won't be any feminists in Heaven, because God won't tolerate that garbage up there. You'll be cleaning toilets and begging for crumbs under the Master's table. Only in the retarded U.S.A. are women put in charge of armies. It is unbiblical for women to lead men in any capacity. In the real world that doesn't work. This is a man's world and always will be.

Only in a controlled environment, where evil men allow evil women to usurp authority, can women take charge. In every case of women doing a man's job (that is, taking on the disposition of a male), they have to behave out of character. It is an embarrassment to any civilized people.

No wonder our American society has become such a whacko, crazy and paranoid place to live. Women want to be men. Men want to be women. Animals are treated as people. People are treated as animals. Everything is butt-backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, religions destroy spirituality, and Bible publishers destroy God's Word.

The evil Rockefellers engineered American women to become the insane, schizophrenic, immodest, sassy, rebellious, child-murdering, destructive monsters they are today. Honestly, I don't think the Rockefellers thought it would be so easy. American women have fallen hook, line and sinker for the Devil's bait. Feminism promised women that they would become “as gods,” just as the serpent lied to Eve (Genesis 3:5). Instead of become “as gods,” women have become AS GOODS, being sent into the workplace to forfeit a family, marriage and children. Suckers! You've given up everything, just as Eve in the Garden of Eden. You've thrown it all away for what... a dead-end career?

I don't blame men for being afraid to get married. That is exactly what the rotten thugs behind the New World Order want. In case you didn't know, there is a group of elite, occult, Lucifer-worshipping, families who control the world. Although this is difficult to grasp at first (and understandably would be), the evidence is irrefutable. In hundreds of ways, America is being attacked and destroyed be spiritual wickedness in high places as the Bible teaches in Ephesians 6:12. The Bible says that our Battle is against these powers. So if you are a Christian, then you should want to fight against Communism, criminals in government, and the demonic New World Order.

Marriage is Still the Right Way in God's Eyes

Marriage is not just the old-fashioned way, it is the right way. I realize that marriage scares many people, but Hebrews 13:4 teaches that God will judge adulterers and whoremongers. Walt Disney teaches teenagers to live loose, be immoral, dress immodestly, fornicate, score, and live together without being married; but such wickedness brings the judgment of God. Hebrews 13:4 teaches that marriage is honorable in all, and that is what I teach as a preacher of righteousness.

It's better to suffer within the will of God; than to prosper outside of God's will. It's better to suffer within the Scriptural bounds of marriage; than to shack-up outside of God's will, where there is no commitment. Shacking-up nearly ALWAYS leads to a lifestyle of fornication. Even if you're the one couple who remains true to each other in a shack-up relationship, it is not God's will. Marriage is God's will.

I have known people throughout my life who were shacking-up together, especially people who have come out of ugly divorces. I am not criticizing those people. I am simply saying that it is not God's will. Two wrongs never make a right. If you feel that marriage is a dangerous proposition, then perhaps you should consider celibacy as did the Apostle Paul; because Hebrews 13:4 teaches that God will judge adulterers and whoremongers.

The insane modern-day idea that it's ok to have sex with multiple partners if there's no marriage commitment involved is as Satanic as can be. Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, has popularized this type of immoral lifestyle in America. It is still sexual immorality to God. Some men view women as cars, which they want to “test drive” before considering getting married. At what point does our society do right in God's eyes? Our American sicko society honors and respects men like KISS rock band lead singer Gene Simmons (who has publicly bragged about fornicating with 4,600 women); but people are still condemning televangelist Jim Bakker for his one adulterous affair with Jessica Hahn. I'm not condoning nor condemning either.

I'm simply saying that our butt-backward society in the United States has a broken moral compass. We get angry when we see a puppy being thrown over a cliff, but don't care when a disabled person is taken off life-support and left to starve to death (a torturous death).


“Why does not the Bible limit a wife's obedience to her husband? Why does the Scripture not say, as many wish it did say, that a wife should be subject to her husband as long as he is right and true to the Bible? Or why does it not say, as Mrs. Goforth interprets it in How I Know God Answers Prayer, that a wife should be subject to her husband in all matters but spiritual matters? But that is not what the Bible commands. Rather the Bible says, 'Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord,' that is, as unto Jesus Christ, and so of course in complete submission. And again, 'Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing' (Eph. 5:22,24).”

SOURCE: Success-Prone Christians, by Dr. John R. Rice; chapter 2; pg. 44,45


Ladies Against Feminism



Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society

American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation

NOW (National Organizations of Whackos, Witches, and Whores)

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