False Accusers Against Dr. Jack Hyles

By David J. Stewart

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” —Exodus 20:16

       Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) was my mentor and the greatest man of God of the 20th century as far as I'm concerned. God deliver us from apostate internet websites that don't know what they're talking about, such as Rapidnet.com. Granted, there are many good articles at Rapidnet.com; but the author of the website couldn't be more wrong when he attacks Dr. Jack Hyles. Frankly, the webmaster of Rapidnet.com ought to be ashamed for unjustly slandering one of America's greatest soulwinning preachers of the past century. In addition, Voyle Glover is one of the key critics of pastor Hyles, and a rotten lawyer, who collaborated with Robert Sumner to destroy Dr. Hyles' reputation, family, church, life and ministry. Really nice people, huh?

I also want to point out at this time that the author of Rapidnet.com admits1 some of his accusation information came from The Biblical Evangelist (an apostate religious publication), authored by Robert L. Sumner, one of Dr. Hyles bitterest enemies. I remember Dr. Hyles in Hammond publicly expressing his grief over the accusations, and that he was praying daily for Robert Sumner's bad eyesight, and that he had no hatred towards anyone. That's a great Christian.

I am going to give you several quotes from The Biblical Evangelist and Rapidnet.com, refuting each accusation against Dr. Hyles as I go. I sat under Dr. Hyles' preaching directly for 8-years between 1985 and 1993, in addition to having listened to hundreds of his earlier prerecorded sermons. I met with pastor Hyles personally in his office (and there was NO SECRET DOOR as some allege). Dr. Jack Hyles was just a great guy, period! He was a wonderful person and a mighty preacher of the Gospel. Don't believe the lying propaganda and rumors, Pastor Jack Hyles was a godly man, and it is as unbiblical as it is unconstitutional and unethical to label a man based on mere speculation, twisted facts and rumors.

I'm going to divide the following defense into two sections, one pertaining to Dr.  Hyles' character and the second part to his doctrine. As you will see, only an ignorant fool would believe the absurd accusations against pastor Hyles...

False Attacks Against Dr. Hyles' Character

Here is a bizarre quote from The Biblical Evangelist allegedly made by Vic Nischik...

2. In 1971, when Jennie first demanded that Vic leave, Hyles came to him and asked if once a divorce had been granted, he had permission to marry her. Obviously, there were no witnesses to this conversation and its truthfulness or falseness should be evaluated in the light of everything else this article reveals.


Let me get this straight... you're wanting us to believe that Dr. Hyles actually asked if he could marry Vic Nischik's wife if she divorced her husband? You've got to be kidding? Men don't ask permission to steal other men's wives, they just do it! What kind of idiot would believe such a lame accusation against Dr. Hyles? Is that the best you can do? I mean, if you're going to slander a person, at least make the accusations plausible.

Here's another wild unverifiable accusation...

3. Bizarre as it seems' in 1985, when Vic demanded that he give him his wife back, Hyles told Vic that he could have Beverly (Mrs. Hyles), with the same relationship Hyles enjoyed with Jennie. The offer was declined, of course. Once again, this was a private conversation with no witnesses.

SOURCE: http://www.biblicalevangelist.org/jack_hyles_chapter3.php

Oh boy! You've got to be kidding. You want us to believe that Vic Nischik waited for 14-years, with no sex-life, for the chance to ask Dr. Hyles for his wife back? And all that time Mr. Nischik was a faithful member of First Baptist Church, said wonderful public things about pastor Hyles, sang in the choir as a deacon; but never said a word? 'Com on, who's kidding who?

Here's the craziest accusation of them all, which I think clearly evidences the malicious unfounded attack against pastor Jack Hyles...

"As distasteful as it is to mention, perhaps we should refer to what one First Baptist deacon called "common knowledge" around the church, namely, that Jack and Beverly have separate bedrooms, the latter confiding to one of her best friends in Hammond, who told me herself, that Jack had not "touched" her in over 20 years. Others have told me the same."

SOURCE: http://www.biblicalevangelist.org/jack_hyles_chapter3.php

Do you really believe that a man wouldn't have sex with his own wife for 20-years, while living in the same house, after raising 4 children together? If you believe that, you're an idiot. By the way, pastor Hyles and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. That fact alone silences the critics, false accusers and hatemongers. Jack Hyles wrote: Her Husband... Praiseth Her: Dr. Jack Hyles' Tribute to His Wife, Beverly, on Their 51st Wedding Anniversary. And Robert L. Sumner is telling the world, with singing praises from Voyle Glover, that he believes the absurd claim that Dr. Hyles didn't touch his wife for over 20-years. I don't need to say any more, because these three retarded accusations alone sum up the stupidity of the entire attack against Dr. Hyles.

Honestly, I wouldn't even address the utter insanity of The Biblical Evangelist if it weren't for the fact that their false accusations appear near the top of the search engines. My only intent in writing this article is to expose the utter foolishness and lame accusations of The Biblical Evangelist in light of common sense and factual information. Shame on those men for spreading rumors, raising false suspicions and assassinating the character of an innocent man. The last I checked, the Bill of Rights still deems a man innocent until PROVEN guilty by jury. These men have determined that Dr. Hyles is guilty without credible evidence. That is just plain wrong. Just because you say something bad about me doesn't make it true. It appears that these evil men have placed themselves in the seat of God, judging and condemning a man based on unverifiable allegations and hearsay. That is rotten, hypocritical and unchristian. Mr. Sumner ought to rename his newspaper to The Sinister Evangelist.

The author of Rapidnet.com is no better, helping to spread the manure. Here is a quote from Rapidnet.com...

"Since the RUMORS [emphasis added] first started circulating around First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana..."

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

I'm going to stop right there because the author indicts himself when he admits that the information he is provided is based upon RUMORS. As Christians, we ought not place any credibility upon rumors. Dr. Hyles enemies have had a heyday by circulating unsubstantiated rumors started by a small group of hateful, jealous and malicious men within the church. Sadly, the stigma sticks once someone tries to destroy your character, and for that those men will be PUNISHED by God.

The Art of Telling Lies

Adolf Hitler was an expert liar like George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Here's an enlightening article from World Net Daily about expert liars, who know that the best way to destroy an innocent man, is to tell BIG LIES ...

In his 1925 autobiography "Mein Kampf," Hitler – who actually did lie his country into war, and a whole lot more – explained with remarkable insight the fantastic power of lying:

… [I]n the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. ...

Let's bring this explanation down to earth with another example: Suppose, right before an election, one candidate accuses his opponent of immoral or illegal behavior. Even if the charges are totally false, and even if the accused answers the charges credibly and effectively, "the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it." Which means, no matter how effectively the accused candidate answers the charges, some people will still believe he's guilty, and many others will still retain varying degrees of doubt and uncertainty regarding the accused, who may well lose the election due to the cloud hanging over his head. This, as Hitler said, is the magic of lying that "is known to all expert liars in this world …"

SOURCE (World Net Daily--Why politicians lie, and why we believe them--April 10, 2006)

Dr. Hyle's enemies have stooped lower than low in an attempt to destroy his reputation and his ministry; but thank God ... their lies have failed! Pastor Hyles was a godly and decent man. You either loved him or hated him. This is true of all of God's great men. The man who preaches the truth will make many enemies. Stephen spoke the truth and was stoned to death. James spoke the truth and was beheaded, as was John the Baptist. The Apostle Paul was nearly murdered in Acts 21:31 by an angry mob. Telling the truth is the fastest way to make enemies (and true friends).

True Independent Baptists are Not Members of Denominational Associations

Robert L. Sumner admits that he has been a lifelong member of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches...

"This magazine was launched as an intended stimulus to evangelism in a particular group; it became a voice for Bible believers everywhere.

At the time, in the mid-1960s, I was on the Council of 14 (now Council of 18) of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches."


Dr. Hyles never liked Baptist associations, conventions or parent governing bodies that regulate the churches under their influence. This is why pastor Hyles spent his life promoting “Independent” Baptist churches that weren't under the control of men. Dr. Hyles was concerned that if the parent organization went apostate, so would the churches under their influence. He was right. As solid proof that Dr. Hyles is correct, one need look no further than the apostate Southern Baptist Convention today, whose male members constitute 37% of the occult Freemasonry membership in the United States. So, it doesn't surprise me that Mr. Sumner didn't like Brother Hyles, since Sumner admits he's been a longtime big-shot member of a ministerial board. God deliver us from arrogant and apostate, stuff-shirt ministerial boards, like the group that refused to ordain Dwight L. Moody.

False Attacks Against Dr. Hyles' Doctrine

Pastor Hyles has openly admitted that he made some doctrinal mistakes in his earlier years of pastoring; but so also did Dr. John R. Rice, admittedly in his writings. Dr. Rice believed that he was wrong to teach in his early ministry that there were “signs” of the Lord's return. He changed his belief later on to conclude that the Bible teaches there are NO SIGNS preceding the Rapture. Dr. Curtis Hudson also admitted that he had given bad advice in his earlier years, but has now changed his mind concerning a wife whose husband tells her to stay home from church. Dr. Hyles is entitled to be human; but he NEVER taught any damnable heresies like John MacArthur does. The areas where Dr. Hyles' critics are trying to discredit his doctrinal integrity are minor and frivolous; they, “...strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel” (Matthew 23:24).

Here are a few lame accusations by Rapidnet.com against Dr. Hyles teachings from his sermons...

Hyles teaches that one should store up merits (works) to offset times of demerits (sins). If you have enough in reserve, God will forgive your sin and put you back in business. It is "second cousin" teaching to the old Roman Catholic doctrine of indulgences.

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

Dr. Hyles WASN'T talking about salvation, which anyone hearing the entire sermon would have known. All pastor Hyles was teaching is that when we mess up and sin as believers, God gives us a chance to earn it back by doing right. This is why 2nd Corinthians 5:10 declares that each believer will stand trial at the Judgment Seat of Christ and give account for the GOOD and the BAD. This has nothing to do with salvation as the author of Rapidnet.com errantly alleges.

In a 12/26/82 sermon, "I Am Only Human," Hyles argued that "God can be maneuvered," saying, "The Old Testament saints knew God so well they maneuvered with God. They all started off, 'Thou, the great God of Jacob, Thou the God of the creation, Thou the God that made the stars.'" [Hyles has also preached on the subject, "How to Make God Your Slave"!]

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

Again, the webmaster of Rapidnet.com is completely taking Dr. Hyles' words out of context. God is bound by His Word. God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). If we obey the Scriptures, then God has no choice but to honor His Word. It was Jesus Who taught, “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11). Jesus (Almighty God in the flesh) washed His disciple's stinking, dirty feet in humility to teach them. Think about that... God washing men's dirty feet. God wants to help us more than we want to be helped, and is bound to us if we do as He commands. Anyone can take someone's words out of context if they so choose. In fact, malicious critics misquote God all the time by perverting the Word of God. All Dr. Hyles meant is that God created us in His image, and has feelings as we do (Ephesians 4:30), and wants to be loved and praised for Who He is, and can be influenced by our prayers... “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).

Did Dr. Hyles' Conjure Up or Worship the Dead?

Here's another lame accusation against Dr. Hyles by Rapidnet.com...

Hyles claims to go once a week to the mausoleum where his mother's remains are interred and there he prays to her. In his prayer meeting talk on 12/3/87, he noted that his mother is not dead, just moved beyond his senses: "Hence, I go to the cemetery and visit with her and speak to her. She can hear me, but I cannot hear her." Hyles has pictures in his study of John R. Rice, Lester Roloff, his mother, and Lee Robertson. Before he leaves town on a speaking engagement, he says he follows this ritual: he stops before the picture of Rice and Roloff, promising them he will do his best; then he stops before the picture of his mother and asks her to intercede for him to do a good job while he is preaching. [Let the Catholics pray to Mary, Hyles prays to his mother! As one of his members wrote, complaining about "the deification and adoration" of Mother Hyles: "We have heard on many occasions how God used her to bring the latest savior (Jack Hyles) into the world. His attachment to his late mother borders on the bizarre. We in Hammond have our own Holy Mother of Hyles."]

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

What a bunch of idiots! Dr. Hyles simply spent time at his mother's grave because it was a place where he felt close to the Lord, and walked with God. Only a selfish person, who knows nothing of spiritual matters, would criticize Dr. Hyles for doing so. Pastor Hyles has often attributed the success of his ministry and his own personal character to the godly influence of of dear mother. She was a dear saint. I spent 8-years serving under Dr. Hyles ministry and NEVER did Dr. Hyles once even infer or hint that his mother was able to intercede for him in Heaven. Pastor Hyles simply believed that the saints in Heaven are able to hear and see what happens here on earth. Is that such a bad thing?

My own dear mother died in 2001 at age 65, 6-months after Dr. Hyles died at 74. I believe she is able to hear and see me if I have something to say to her. I do not believe in soul sleep as the Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventist cults do. I believe my mother is alive and conscious in Heaven. There is no Biblical reason to believe otherwise. I would never ask my mother to speak to God for me, because 1st Timothy 2:5 plainly states that Jesus is the one Mediator between God and men. Dr. Hyles taught that.

However, I don't think it is wrong or improper to talk to our departed loved ones in Heaven, just so long as we realize that they cannot intercede for us, nor communicate with us in any manner. To expect communications from the dead (i.e., conjuring them up) is occultism (i.e., necromancy); however, telling one's mother that you love and miss her is perfectly normal and proper. I am not saying that the Bible teaches for us to talk to the dead; I am simply saying that departed believers are not dead, they are alive in Heaven, and I believe based upon Scriptures such as Luke 15:10 that they can hear and see us... “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

There is a world of difference between praying to dead religious icons as the idolatrous Catholic do, because they believe certain blessings will be bestowed upon them for doing so; verses Dr. Hyles' remembering the people who mentored him, and were his dear friends, and of the sacrifice they made for Christ, and of their friendship, and of the struggles they faced in life, to encourage and challenge him to do the best he can for the Lord. I would think that the author of Rapidnet.com would have enough sense and spiritual maturity to know the difference between the two. Evidently he doesn't.

More Lame Accusations

The following accusation is absurd.

A former Hyles-Anderson College faculty member made a thorough study on sexual messages in Hyles' preaching. One discovery related to the street language of prostitutes used in many of his sermons. One female faculty member reportedly got up and walked out of a chapel service in disgust when Hyles was graphically going through every part of a woman's anatomy.

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

In the 8-years and hundreds of sermons I listened to by pastor Jack Hyles, he never said anything inappropriate for a Gospel preacher. If some feminist didn't like being called a "whore" indirectly because she dressed and acted like one, then she ought to get right with God. It's a preacher's duty to preach against sin, and Dr. Hyles did, as I do.

In his 12/20/87 sermon, "The Good Man Versus the Spiritual Man," Hyles said that the difference between someone who has committed adultery and one who has not is that the latter has the sin of adultery "in remission."

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

All pastor Hyles was teaching is that we're all dirty, rotten sinners, whether we've committed a certain act yet or not, so we need to stop condemning each other. Please read my sermon, Who's the Biggest Sinner?

Hyles also says that adultery is not a sin, just a "mistake."

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

That's a dirty rotten lie. Dr. Hyles preached against all sin, by name, and never called it anything less. 

Regarding the New Year's Eve Watch Night service on 12/31/87, Hyles told his people in advance that the meeting would be sacrilegious, warning them not to come if they wanted a spiritual time.

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

It's amazing to me how people make these lame accusations without even substantiating them. If you think Dr. Hyles was bad, consider that the great Independent Fundamentalist preacher, J. Frank Norris, brought a portion of a dead man's brain to a revival meeting after witnessing a car accident, setting the brain tissue upon his pulpit, and then preaching on Romans 6:23... FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH! Shame on Robert Sumner, Voyle Glover, Vic Nischik, Rapidnet.com and all the other self-righteous ingrates who continue to attack pastor Hyles.

In a sermon on the text in 2 Corinthians 12:13-15, Hyles made the statement: "All men are mental homosexuals."

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

No, Dr. Hyles said SOME MEN are mental homosexuals, because they expect their wives to act like men instead of women. Women are inherently differently than men, which is why men don't belong in the nursery and women don't belong behind the pulpit. Get your facts straight.

Hyles has totally reversed his posture on Bible translations and now endorses the Peter Ruckman position on the King James Bible. Not only does Hyles now say the KJV is the only "inspired translation," he claims that if your "personal worker" used any other English translation, you are not saved.

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

More lies! Dr. Hyles was not a Ruckmanite, i.e., people who believe that the King James Bible supercedes the Greek Scriptures. Dr. Hyles believed, as I do, that the King James Bible is God's preserved, inspired, inerrant Bible in the English speaking language for believers today. Dr. Hyles was correct when he taught that a person cannot be saved if they don't have the SEED of God's Word... “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” Satan has corrupted all modern bibles, which are all based upon the damnable work of Westcott and Hort. The King James Bible is based upon the Textus Receptus from Rome, which is what Dr. Hyles defended. Again, the critics of Dr. Jack Hyles need to get their facts straight. They are barking up an empty tree.

Hyles expects absolute loyalty from all who are associated with him. In a 3/5/89 sermon, Hyles told his congregation that if he were to tell each one of the men sitting on the platform to go jump off a bridge and commit suicide for him, he had no doubt but what each one would do it, they were so submitted to him. Not a word did he say about suicide being wrong, or that such loyalty/submission is totally unbiblical. [Rather than "loyalty," it should more aptly be defined as "cultic." Such blind obedience is the kind of mind control the cults have over their followers.]

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

In Dr. Hyles 55 years of pastoring he never told anyone to do anything like jumping off a bridge. I dare anyone to prove otherwise. Dr. Hyles was simply expressing the depth of loyalty which his men had for him, which his jealous enemies couldn't tolerate. Massive success drives jealous people to do some horrible things. It's no different in the heathen world. Some of the worst enemies of Hollywood celebrities or music stars were at one time their biggest and most committed fans. Case in point, John Lennon of The Beatles, whose “fan” shot him to death. Dr. Hyles maintained a staff of over 500 members. Should it be surprising that a small few would turn on him? Even one of Jesus' 12 Apostles turned against him. Percentage for percentage, that would be 41 staff members to equal the ratio of Judas to the remaining 11 Apostles. Dr. Hyles deserves a big apology from his critics, which he will receive on Judgment Day.

In another sermon minimizing sin (4/22/84), "No One Practices What He Preaches," Hyles emphasized a favorite theme: no one has a right to judge another about anything! In this sermon, Hyles offered his hearers this gem: "The way to success is to keep on failing!"

SOURCE: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/errors.htm

I can't believe the ridiculousness of these lame accusations. The errors and heresies are on the part of Dr. Hyles' accusers. All Dr. Hyles meant was that we're all sinners. Pastor Hyles said, “First Baptist Church will become a great church when we stop saying, 'he has sinned' or 'she has sinned,' and we start saying 'we have sinned.'” Preacher also said Failure + Failure = Success if you DON'T QUIT. This is exactly what Proverb 24:16 teaches, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” It is wrong what Dr. Hyles' enemies are trying to do to his name. Fortunately, Dr. Hyles sermons, hundreds of them, are freely available online (all MP3s) and you can listen for yourself to his preaching, and then make a decision for yourself. If you've never heard Dr. Hyles preach, you are in for a life-changing experience. Thank God for Jack Hyles!

I could go on and on refuting lame accusations, but Dr. Hyles enemies would just fabricate some more. The truth is that they are evil people, just as Daniel's enemies (co-workers) who were jealous of him (Daniel 6:3,5). Listen to the Words of Jesus concerning histories' preachers of the Gospel truth... “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” (Matthew 23:37). Dr. Hyles preached the truth and was persecuted for it... “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” And so it is.

The world owes a debt of gratitude which cannot be expressed in words to Pastor Jack Hyles, my friend and mentor.

—David J. Stewart

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