Deformed Church Growth

By David J. Stewart
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       I sorrow in my heart over America's apostate pastors! There is nothing sadder than watching a big church grow into an even bigger church; while the church becomes spiritually deformed and apostate. This is happening all across America today.

What good is growing a church congregation from 10,000 to 15,000 members; if the pastor supports a known Communist U.S. President, doesn't believe that the King James Bible is inspired, says nice things about the demonic Catholic Pope; and God forbid, teaches his congregation that they ought to blindly obey the government, even criminal government, based upon his understanding of the Scriptures?

Thankfully, the church doors swing both ways and you can leave just as you came. And you should leave, because that pastor's walk with God is not what it should be. There is more to being a pastor than just administrating, counseling, leading, and all the responsibilities that a pastor has; his main role is to be a PREACHER who PREACHES THE TRUTH! The preacher's duty is to seek out and find the truth, and then preach it! This is what a man of God does, because he cares! It is so tragic that America's biggest churches are pastored by men who aren't consumed with preaching THE TRUTH! They're more concerned with golf outings, trips to the Holy Land, and making a name for them self.

Something is very wrong! America is going to Hell because it's spiritual leaders are asleep to righteousness, thinking that it's their place to sit idle and do nothing while thug criminals bankrupt, exploit, steal and destroy the United States! An insane form of thinking has crept into many pastor's minds, which is 100% cowardice and lack of guts, causing these otherwise decent men to go along to get alone, instead of fighting the good fight of faith! Shame on them!

Our own elected leaders, such as Ron Paul and Cynthia McKinney, have repeatedly tried to warn us. James Traficant Jr. went to prison for trying to crack down on crime within the Justice Department. They went after him instead! Most of the 525 representatives in congress are shameful cowards who have betrayed their oath of office. They're scared to death of the thugs who run Washington D.C.

And most pastors are shameful cowards as well, too indifferent and busy enjoying life to make things more difficult for themselves. Fighting against crime in government is

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!