Why Vote Republican Or Democrat?

The average American citizen is gullible and deceived!

       I'm saddened that so many Christians are uneducated about what's really going on in this country.  I am just amazed at how naive and ignorant people are, including believers.  It's scary to say the least.  I do not say that to sound arrogant, but to be honest.  I have done a lot of reading.  I am an open-minded person.  I am a registered voter.  I'd like to share with you why I will NEVER vote Republican or Democrat again!

I was recently speaking with a Christian gentleman about world conditions.  He was speaking of President George Bush Jr. highly.  I asked him if he knew that George Bush Jr. was a member of the Skull and Bones secret organization.  He was perplexed.  I asked him if he knew that George Bush Jr. was also a member of the Bohemian Grove cult.  He hadn't heard.  I asked him if he knew about the Texas oil companies who were given the freedom by Bush to greatly pollute the atmosphere.  I asked him if he knew about the theft of the 2000 Presidential election...documented by British reporter Greg Palast.  He didn't know any of this stuff.  All he knew was what he had read in the newspaper or heard from someone.  He didn't know about the CIA's heavy involvement in trafficking illegal drugs into the United States and onto our streets.  He didn't know about Operation Garden Plot or even what his First Amendment rights were.  This is so sickening folks!  Do you know your First Amendment rights?  Why not?  There are five rights legally granted to you and me in the First Amendment (a right to freedom of SPEECH, PRESS, RELIGION, to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE, and the right to PROTEST AGAINST OUR GOVERNMENT).  Our government seems to think they can block our rights by creating "no protest zones" around the country (like the 50 square blocks of downtown Seattle blocked off during the World Trade meetings of 1999).  It is criminal.

I used to be naive and voted Republican simply because I hate abortion.  Then I grew up and realized that abortion had continued to be legal regardless of who was elected.  If you vote Republican for moral reasons, you're thinking wrong.  The recent "late term abortion" act which Bush enacted is worthless and he knows it.  The act only prevents a mother from getting an abortion during labor.  That means that the woman has 9 months to murder her child.  Really great law, huh?  Bush is a phony!  I'll get to the Democrats in a minute.  Bush claims to be a Christian, but yet says there are many religions which lead to God.  I was sickened when he was reading out of the Qur'an the day after 911.  Almost like he was mocking the stupidity of the American people.  The only terrorists we need to fear is our own government's terrorism.  Al Qaeda equals CIA. 

I will never vote Republican or Democrat again based on the overwhelming documented evidence incriminating our own government's involvement in masterminding and carrying out 911.  I include the Democrats as well because Clinton was in power when the Oklahoma City federal building building was blown up with explosives planted inside of the building.  It was no truck with fertilizer and Diesel fuel that did that damage.  This is a documented fact.  The 12 video cameras which recorded the whole event outside the federal building were not admissible in Federal court.  What did the FBI want to hide?  I won't even get into the government's first failed attempt to blow up the New York Trade Towers in 1991. 

If you think I'm way off base, it's only because you either don't care to know the truth or else you are afraid to know. 

It's obvious why we as Christians shouldn't vote Democrat.  The homosexuals love when the Democrats are in office.  I detest the Democratic party.  People vote differently based upon different agendas.  I work with people who faithfully vote Democrat simply because they feel it's better for the unions and their job future.  I can understand that, but what about the Democrats selling our top-secret missile technologies to China (a Communist nation that hates our guts).  What about the $59,000,000,000 that vanished from HUD, and then the king pin convicted in the crime was pardoned by Clinton the day he left office?  The money was never recovered.  Can you smell something rotten here?  The stench of the Democratic AND Republican parties reaches to high heavens.   Trillions of dollars have disappeared without a trace within our own government and nothing is mentioned in the news about it.  Where did our money go?  What is going on Mr. President?

Do you think I just make this stuff up?  Ask Congressman Ron Paul in Texas.  Ask Congresswomen Maxine Waters and Cynthia McKinney.  Ask former LAPD narcotics officer Mike Ruppert.  Ask these people what's going on in the United States.  Ask radio host Alex Jones in Austin Texas what the truth is concerning this government.  You've been misled and lied to for so long that you wouldn't know the truth if you heard it...and you're hearing it now.  I believe George Bush knew all about 911 before it happened, just as The White House had at least 10 advance warnings the week before Pearl Harbor but did NOTHING to warn those young men.  911 justified Bush's war in Afghanistan...the biggest producer of Heroine in the world!  It also seemingly justified the passing of the godless Patriot Acts I and II.  There went our rights!  By the way, you can expect a bunch more disasters in this country so the government can rob us of even more rights.  I expect this when John Kerry becomes president (another Skull and Bones member).

Wake up folks!  Stop being an idiot!  If you vote Democrat or Republican, then you are playing right into the game of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  That's the heathen organization that created the United Nations.  The CFR is anti-American!  They seek to globalize the world and diminish any remaining sovereignty in the United States.  Our manufacturing jobs are leaving at unprecedented rates.  Increasingly, Americans are unable to find a decent job to make ends meet.  Companies are offering less benefits, insurance costs are soaring higher, coverage is decreasing, retirements are vanishing, pay scales are being reduced, etc, etc, etc.  This country is going to Hell in a basket!  Buy the video "Roger and Me" about the closing of the Flint Michigan plant in 1989 under Reagan.  General Motors laid-off 30,000 people.  30,000 people lost their jobs and half the city of Flint Michigan ended up on welfare within a year.  A new $100,000,000 prison had to be built because crime soared.  Where did all those jobs go?  To Mexico for 70 cents an hour.  The video will make you laugh, cry and get angry.  This is your Republican government, under movie star Reagan.  Wake up people, our government has already sold us down the river without a paddle and were headed for a giant waterfall!!!

The Federal Reserve is a godless creation began in 1913.  It was without a doubt the most damning thing to ever happen to this once great nation.  Instead of Congress creating and controlling our money supply, it was forfeited into the hands of private and greedy banker's families.  The term "Federal Reserve" is a misnomer.  It is not federal and there is no reserve.  It's all fiat money with nothing of true value backing it.  In other words, our money is worthless!  Thank God that heaven will have streets of "gold" (something of tangible real value).  It's the Federal Reserve scam that causes us to have to buy three houses just to get one.  It's the Federal Reserve scam that forces mothers into the workplace because a man can't support his family alone anymore.  It's the Federal Reserve System which has plundered America into massive debt for tens-of-trillions of dollars.

Your nuts if you vote Democrat or Republican.  Honestly, there's not a dime's difference between the two parties.  You've got one-world Republicans or one-world Democrats.  I would never even think of voting for either of these two parties until the Federal Reserve System is abolished.  Of course President Kennedy tried under executive order 11110 and they killed him for it.  Criminals don't like when you mess with their money.  I just have to say it again...

The average American citizen is Gullible and Deceived

Don't you realize that the Bible teaches that a house divided CANNOT stand?  Americans are divided on nearly everything.  The government uses this against us through the news media.  Every time there is an election or an important legislative vote, they act like it was a close call.  Those 9 people on the Supreme Court are puppets.  They are told what to vote.  The Presidents in The White House are mere puppets.  Do you really think a peanut farmer, a movie star and a failed businessman are that smart.  These candidates are pickup at the Bilderberg meetings.  We don't choose who becomes President, the Satanist cult members do.  And by the way, ALL of your top movers and shakers are members of some form of cult or pagan organization. 

As believers, we can do much to help make our country a better place to live by supporting our local New testament churches.  We should all be soulwinners.  We should pray for our leaders, good or bad.  However, we should educate ourselves about who these people are and be realistic in the things we say about them.  I am disgusted that so many Christians across America view George Bush as a Christian, he is not.  Just because he allegedly professed faith in Christ doesn't mean it is so.  For all we know, it was a political stunt.  By claiming to be a Christian, George Bush instantly picked up a couple million voters.  Bill Clinton claimed to be a Southern Baptist.  I'm not impressed with a man who professes to be a Christian who is also a member of two Satanic organizations.  The Bible teaches that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.  Please visit www.bushrevealed.com to learn more about your "Christian" president.

So put on your thinking cap and THINK FOR YOURSELF. END

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