Having A Right Spirit And A Clean Heart

Psalms 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

       Simply stated, a “right spirit” refers to a proper attitude; but a “clean heart” refers to what items we have stored up in our heart over time. Many people have years of bitterness stored in their heart. Others have years of lustful and perverted thoughts stored in their heart. A right spirit (attitude) is different from a clean heart (subconscience). King David prayed for both from God. We cannot expect to possess a clean heart until first we possess a proper attitude toward sin. Right living comes from right thinking. Behind every tragedy in human character is a slow process of wicked thinking. Long before evil surfaces, there is a departure from the holy Word of God.

The Bible admonishes us to first of all have a proper, right, attitude; that is, a sincere desire to obtain and maintain a clean heart. Americans have some of the most dirty hearts in the world. King David prayed for God to CREATE in Him a right spirit and a clean heart. Most people have a careless spirit, a lazy spirit, a selfish and apathetic spirit. One's attitude will determine whether or not their heart becomes dirty, gets clean or stays dirty. Our attitude shapes our character over time. Character, whether good or bad, is the subconscious doing of right or wrong. Character is either built up or torn down every time we do right or wrong. Doing wrong undermines our character each and every time that we decide to do wrong; and likewise, doing right builds up our character each and every time that we decide to do right. Character is formed by habit. A clean heart (sub-consciousness) comes from

I pray regularly for God to create in me a right spirit and a clean heart, which is pleasing to the Lord. I've been noticing lately how selfish people are becoming, leaving their shopping carts for others to put away. I couldn't even find a parking space yesterday at the store, because there were carts all over the parking lot. I parked elsewhere and then gathered 4 shopping carts and returned them to their corral. People are so lazy that they won't even return their cart 15 feet away to the cart corral in the parking lot. After putting 4 carts away, I then wheeled a 5th into the store for my own use. Why get a cart in the store when I can bring one in from the parking lot? It makes sense to me.

Today I went for a walk. As I walked I saw people's garbage, mostly beer and soda cans littered all over the grass. So I walked over to one of the park's garbage pails and removed the plastic bag, picking up about 40-50 littered cans from off the ground. No one saw me as far as I know. No one cared I'm sure. But I didn't do it to impress anybody except God. I believe that Philippians 2:4-5 include all matters of looking after our fellow mankind. Philippians 2:4-5, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Jesus cared about others.

Our society is getting so bad that people actually laugh at do-gooders. The Church That Stops Fighting Dies! Evil doesn't attack the BE GOODERS, it attacks the DO GOODERS! The Bible tells us to do DOERS of the Word, not just HEARERS. I want to be a DO-GOODER as well as a BE-GOODER. I get laughed at for putting other people's shopping carts away. I get laughed at for picking up other people's garbage. I get laughed at for getting the job done that no one else wants to do. Some people resent me, realizing that I care and they don't.

I always leave a generous tip when I go out to eat. If I can afford to dine out, then I can afford a tip. Albeit, I really hate snobby restaurants where they expect big tips and I rarely eat in such places. I dislike places that charge gratuity and avoid them. I almost always eat at mom and pop places that don't charge any tip. I love to surprise people with a generous tip. I am thinking on the things of others as the Bible says. I know that I would like a generous tip if I were a waitress. If there's a bucket for tips, then I'll put a couple dollars in the bucket and also leave a tip on the table for the waiter or waitress, and a gospel tract or Gospel of John. Some people are greedy and horde every dollar they can. I would hate to live such a shallow, money-grabbing, selfish kind of existence. I don't like greedy people who try to take advantage of others financially by lying, deceiving, using deceptive advertising, gimmicks or unethical means of obtaining money. American society has become cutthroat, dishonest and willing to throw-out all morality for the almighty dollar. Men and women these days will sell their souls for any shot at becoming successful in this heathen world.

Psalms 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

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