Let Jesus Lift You Up

This article was written in 1998.

       It seems that there is always somebody trying to knock you down from your walk with Jesus. One of two things will happen: 1) you'll cling to the Lord and ignore what they are trying to do, or, 2) you'll fall by the wayside.

I received an e-mail from a gentleman who was knocked down by church people. After he came to Christ, he was reading his Bible for 45 minutes a day in the evening. When the church people found out, they told him that he had to seek the Lord early and that he should only read in the morning. When the man tried to rearrange his schedule for them, he stopped reading the Bible and began backsliding.

Should they have compelled that man to read his Bible in the morning? No. In Romans 14, Paul tells us to let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind concerning his worship. I told the man that there's nothing wrong with reading your Bible at night. Don't let people mess up your worship/study/praise time.

I will now open up my personal hurt in hopes that my healing by Jesus will comfort someone else.

My husband and I served faithfully at a Bible church for six years ministering in many different areas. There were leadership problems at the church, but we stayed. In January of 1997, we got a new Pastor who spent a lot of time with my husband and I because we were probably some of the most visible people in the church. He ate dinner in our home, came early Saturday mornings for coffee and computer lessons, I became his secretary, Tony helped him around the church, he came to our teen fellowship nights and ate--we spent more time with him than the rest of the membership put together.

Tony and I discovered that this man was a liar who was seeking his own glorification. Tony talked to him about some issues and he got mad. Some of our young people began to ask us what was wrong with him, yet we said nothing against the preacher. We quietly began to look for other churches on Sundays (after fulfilling Sunday School and bulletin ministries) while we continued our midweek ministries at the church. When the pastor was in our presence, he was clearly uncomfortable. One night, the pastor 1) came in to our youth meeting (with kids sitting there), 2) told us to give him our church keys and 3) to get out. When my husband protested, the preacher called a police officer in to make us get out.

We took the kids home crying. The kicker is that no member of that church asked why he kicked us out. During our six years there we: tithed, gave money to individuals, mowed grass, ran youth ministries, performed special music, performed administrative duties, gave an ear to problems, prayed, taught Bible lessons, and many other things. I cried to the Lord day and night. I told Him that I needed Him to take the bitterness from me. All this happened the week prior to Easter. I felt that it was very fitting for I was betrayed and empathized with the Lord Jesus.

All the hurt is not yet gone, but much of it is. This is how I'm getting over it.

Don't let people get you down, let Jesus lift you up. Praise ye the Lord whose name is blessed forever.

Source of article

Comments from webmaster of Jesus-is-Savior.com...

     I was encouraged as I read the above article one day, for I too have been hurt by other people at times in my life.  Sadly, my greatest hurts have been caused by professed Christians.  Truthfully, they weren't being Christian in any sense of the word.  It is hard enough nowadays to meet truly born-again believers, let alone believers who walk with God.  Not many believers hunger for truth.  Not many believers like to talk about the Bible.  Not many believers are kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving as Ephesians 4:30-31 tells us to be.  Please read: No Man Taketh Your Joy.


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