Thank You To All My Web Friends For Caring

By David J. Stewart
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Psalm 142:4, “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.”

       One of the hallmark qualities of being a Christian is caring. Sadly, fewer and fewer people care these days as apostasy sets into America like rigor mortis into a corpse. To the same degree that society abandons the Word of God, to that same degree people stop caring. I don't ever want to stop caring, because God cares and I love the Lord. I do care and that is why my website (God's ministry) is still going strong by God's grace. I probably get more hate mail than any man alive.

I thank all my web friends once again, whom I have also thanked personally, for your needful words of encouragement. I didn't realize I had so many caring friends. I even had an atheist gentleman wrote to me and said he hoped my surgery and recovery went well. Thank you. I'm just trying to help others. Paul was a murderer of Christians before he became a born-again Christian, you never know what God is doing in someone's heart.

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!