The Devil Always Looks for Weakness

By David J. Stewart

“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” —1st Peter 1:13

       The Greek word for “gird up” is anazonnumi and means, “to prepare for a military confrontation.” I could have called this article, “demonic vulnerability.”

It's been often said that an idle mind is the Devil's workshop. May I say, a weak mind is also the Devil's workshop. Peter ignorantly told Jesus that he would fight to prevent Him from going to the cross. Jesus called Peter Satan for suggesting such a thing (Matthew 16:23). Peter was sincere, but carnally minded. This describes most professed Christians today. Peter didn't understand the purpose for which Christ came into the world.

A Lesson About Avoiding Debt

When I was younger, I worked as a truck mechanic. Some men had spent $15,000 to buy a toolbox set from Snap-On. The toolboxes were the Roll Royce of toolboxes, with ball bearers for the drawers and all sorts of special features. I had purchased 3 toolboxes (a set) for $600 total. Some of the men I worked with were in serious financial debt because they had bought expensive toolboxes.

Each weekend, a few teenagers were paid hourly wages to clean the shop. They used a strong soap to clean the greasy floors. They were sometimes careless and hit the bottom of some toolboxes with the mop. The caustic soap ate the paint right off of the toolboxes. I saw some mechanics get real angry. Their $15,000 toolbox was being ruined by careless custodians. I didn't care about my toolboxes because they had only cost me $600 total.

I remember one of the older men pressuring me on a regular basis to go into debt. Misery loves company. He resented the fact that he was in serious debt and my toolboxes were paid for. I am so thankful to God that I had enough sense not to go into debt. I owned my toolboxes and was content with just having a place to store my tools. I watched the tension, misery and heartache of other men drown in financial debt.

When the Snap-On salesman came into the shop to collect his weekly payment, some of the men who owed money snuck out the back door to escape. The salesman often became angry over this. This helped me decide not to buy an expensive toolbox, because I didn't want some salesman hunting me down to collect money. I believe that Satan tried to financially enslave me as a young man, but he couldn't. praise God! To this day I am grateful that God gave me enough sense and character not to go into debt.

This is but one of a million examples where Satan looks for a person's weakness to destroy them. Credit card companies are ruthless criminals, who prey upon people's weakness. These companies are all owned by the Banksters, who do everything in their power to financially enslave people. Stay out of debt! It is tragic that so many young people spend tens-of-thousands of dollars on their wedding day, putting themselves into massive debt for years to come. They could have used all that money as a down payment on a home. Commonsense is uncommon these days. The worst investment you'll ever make is a new car. I've never owned a new car in my life and don't plan to. It's just metal and plastic folks.

So take good advice and avoid the debt trap. When a malicious coworker tried to influence me to go into debt, I smelled a rat and said no. I made the wise decision and so can you.

Don't Divorce

It is a sin to divorce. God pity the wicked person who files for divorce. God hates divorce and will punish a person who abandons their spouse. Only a liar breaks their wedding promise to remain faithful until death. We live in a society of liars in America. People don't even think twice about lying these days. It has become an inherent part of American business.

Satan always looks for weakness. Satan sees the marriage that is struggling and attacks. Just as Eve was deceived, so does Satan send snakes (marriage meddlers) to influence a tired wife to file for divorce. So many marriages are caused by a hateful feminist who encourages a wife to leave and divorce. Quitting has become the American way. Everybody just wants to have a good time and do their own thing. It is evil in the sight of God.

People need to mind their own business, but they don't unfortunately. If you are weak, people will talk you into going into debt, divorcing and making the worst decisions of your life. People can be extremely dangerous. This is why God commands the believer in Psalm 1:1 not to walk in the counsel of THE UNGODLY. Beware of who you take advice from.

American society is saturated with losers, who have succumbed to criminal government, blatant tyranny and lying newsmedia propaganda. The U.S. will one day be like Communist China, Nazi Germany and other oppressive regimes. Then it will be too late. Americans have become weak, ignorant, arrogant and down right stupid. We are a house divided. Our division as a people is Satan's strength. The ruling elite have Americans fighting with each other over everything, preoccupied with professional sports and worshipping their cars.

We have become soft and weak as a nation. The gullibility of the average American concerning the 911 attacks is evidence enough of this sad fact. How can 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? The newsmedia has completely ignored the mysterious collapse of WTC 7, the third building to implode (in just 6.5 seconds). Yet, ignorant people want to argue the point, having done zero research of their own into the facts surrounding 911. It's sickening that a fool who hasn't spent 10-minutes studying the truth behind the 911 attacks, will ruthlessly criticize and degrade a person who has spend thousands of hours researching the subject over the past several years. That is how ignorant, arrogant and sinful people are today. People just have to be right, even if it is so obvious that they are wrong. Society is extremely closed-minded; yet they think they are open-minded. It is a disturbing paradox.

Final Thought

The average person is demonically vulnerable because they don't care about THE TRUTH. If you don't stand for something, then you'll fall for anything. There are false religious cults all across the world, who are filled with members that were just sitting sucks waiting to be seduced by a false prophet. When will people ever learn? Never, and do you know why? It's because people don't love the truth. Most people desire a religious place to fit in, a place to raise their children, a place to socialize; but they don't dare search the Scriptures as Jesus commanded (John 5:39). The Catholic Church is a sewer hole of scum, a maggot-infested spiritual dungeon of horror. From the cradle-to-the-casket, they've got a package for your family. Sadly, it all leads to eternal destruction in the lake of Fire (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15).

I have received much hateful e-mails over the years from Catholics; but their eyes will be opened the moment they pass into eternity and awake in the fires of torment in Hell. Those who think I am closed-minded and ignorant of the truth had better consider that everything I teach is taken directly from the inspired Word of God. Jesus warned us in Mark 7:6-13 about false religions who lead men to follow traditions instead of the Bible. That's all the Roman Catholic religion is... manmade unbiblical TRADITIONS! You'll be sorry in eternity.

Note that all Scripture references are from the trustworthy King James Bible.

Go ahead and laugh now, scoff at me, criticize me; but God is on my side, because I am on God's side. I am just proclaiming the simplicity that is in Christ (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4). Romans 10:3-4 plainly condemns the Catholic religion, because they go about to establish their own self-righteousness instead of believing solely on Jesus Christ, the precious Son of God. Religion wants to fit us with glasses, but the Lord wants to open our eyes. Religion wants us to see through the filter they provide for us, but God wants us to search the Scriptures ourselves to learn the truth (John 5:39). If you are weak-minded, then you are susceptible to demonic doctrines and false religion. If you don't think for yourself, then some fool will be happy to think for you; but you will end up burning in Hell with him (Matthew 15:14).

Think for yourself. Don't listen to people. Protect your marriage by guarding against demonic advice. So many people are quick to recommend divorce and provide excuses to do so. It is so evil.

If you're in some religious cult that perverts the Scriptures, like Church of Christ or Seventh-Day Adventism, please get out now! Satan looks for weakness in our churches, in our homes and marriages and anywhere he can do damage. If you give the Devil and inch, he'll take a foot. If you let the Devil get his foot into your front door, then he'll take over your home. If you let the New International Version of the Bible into your church, you've invited Satan to sit on the front row.

Satan comes only to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). If you are weak, then Satan will take control. Please understand that no one is strong enough in the flesh to make it without God. We need God's Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us. The Bible says I can do all things through Christ Who strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). Our weakness is God's strength, if we yield our will to Him by obeying the Bible. The Spirit of Christ speaks to us today through the Word of God (Hebrews 1:1-2). Jesus said in John 15:5 that without Him we can do NOTHING. We cannot make it alone without God.

One of the most important things we do as believers is to continually guard against weak areas where Satan's tries to infiltrate and corrupt the church, our family and our life. Unfortunately, Satan just goes to another weak person when he cannot destroy us directly. Satan went to Eve, because I believe Satan knew she was an easier target. If the Devil cannot destroy a husband, then he will try to influence the wife. If Satan cannot destroy a wife, then he will try to influence the children. Satan is relentlessly evil and won't rest until everything has been destroyed. This is why God warns us in 1st Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” The way to get strong is to search the Scriptures and know THE TRUTH!

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!