Romans 1:20, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”

Volumes of books could be written evidencing irrefutable proofs of God. The universe itself is but one of thousands of awesome proofs of God. Romans 1:20 teaches us that the INVISIBLE things of God are CLEARLY seen by the things which are made, even His eternal power and Godhead. The universe around us is a constant testimony of God's greatness and power.

We read in Psalms 19:1-3, “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.” The last phrase of Romans 1:20... SO THAT THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE!!! I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of an unbeliever for all the money, pleasure and fame in this wicked world. In Revelation 21:8, which teaches concerning the lake of fire and brimstone (the second death), the first two groups of people listed are the fearful (faithless) and the unbelieving. God lists these hellbound people before whoremongers, murderers and sorcerers. Do not be deceived my friend, God will cast all Christ-rejecters into the Lake of Fire for all eternity (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9).

I used to work with an intellectual atheist who felt compelled to add his pessimistic two-cents to every conversation that he overheard about God. I remember in one conversation where he boasted that scientists have now discovered that you can create something from nothing. Well, that is simply impossible by all the laws of nature, science and physics. Neither energy nor matter can be destroyed; but rather, merely can be transformed from one form into another.

Some men are so wicked that they'll tell blatant lies in an attempt to deny the existence of God. We see this clearly in the fraudulent hoax of evolution. A person has to work hard in their mind to believe such ridiculous suppositions and conjecture. At some unscholarly and unethical point in America's educational system, educators declared the theory of evolution science and fact. Evolutionists have become so hateful against the Bible in their attempt to indoctrinate America's youth with the lies of Satan, that they now teach teachers at Berkeley University in California how to effectively brainwash students.

It reminds me much of the same type of indoctrination system used by the Jehovah's Witnesses cult... if they say this, you say that... if they say thus-n-so, then you say this-n-so. Berkeley tells teachers to teach students that beliefs are religion, but evolution is based upon observation and thus is science and not religion. The truth is that evolution is a religion, based upon unproven beliefs... without facts, without observation, without tests... and thus, evolution cannot in any sense of the word be called “science.”

If a person honestly considers the miracle of life on earth, grasping what conditions must exist and be maintained for life to exist, it is a proof of God. The earth is perfectly tilted and rotates on a 23.5 axis. Our magnetic poles protect the earth from the sun's damaging radiation. Our atmosphere is only 50-miles thin, extremely delicate. A change of even a few degrees up or down globally would be disastrous.

The moon is the perfect distance from the sun, causing tidal waves and centrifugal waves that cleanse the earth's beaches and maintain a constant salt ratio in the oceans. The tides prevents massive salt build ups on our shores. If you've ever had a salt-water fish tank at home, then you know that they are difficult to maintain. You have to keep adding salt and monitor/test several conditions of the water in order for the fish to survive. How awesome is the Lord God to create a self-sustaining earth that is nothing less than an impossible miracle.

The center of the earth is millions of degrees in temperature. As the sun continually shines upon the earth, it radiates into the earth's  core, causing molten rock. If the sun were just a little bit closer, the earth's surface would melt away and the earth would be a complete ball of molten lava. Could this be why the earth will 2nd Peter 3:12, “the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” According to the Greek meaning of these Words in the New Testament, the earth will be renovated, not utterly destroyed. Dr. Oliver B. Greene goes into detail on this subject and much more in his book PROPHECY.

Only a total fool could discover the awesomeness of the universe and still not believe in a divine Creator. God by every definition is an alien. I'm not talking Star Wars or Star Trek, I'm talking much greater and wild to the imagination. You can't even begin to fathom how great God is. I have always marvelled at the hypocrisy of those who profess to believe in alien life while at the same time denying the existence of God. Could not God be an alien? Yes, of course. I'm not saying that God is involved with Area 51 or all the other crazy things we hear about from the media establishment.

Perfect crop circles are popping up all over the place, mysteriously anonymous. It's not hard to believe that they are all manmade. All you need to do is carefully mark the ground before you begin cutting crops. It's not hard to do. A dozen people can chop out a massive crop circles in just a few hours.

In this time of booming new technologies, everything that flies through the air that cannot be identified is labeled as a UFO (and it is to those who don't know what it is or where it came from). We're going to see a lot more End Times predictions and doomsday scenarios to confuse and obscure reality. Oh, the End Times are coming, but only God knows when that time will come. We may indeed be living in the End Times (and I personally think we are), but only God in Heaven knows for certain.

If you want proof of God, look out your front door. The heavens declare the glory of God. Nature itself testifies as to the omnipotence and greatness of God. To those who believe, no explanation is necessary; to those who believe not, no explanation is possible. A Christian can argue with an unbeliever for ever and they'll never get saved if their heart is hardened. Salvation is a matter of the heart (Romans 10:10). Satan blinds the mind (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Is God working in your heart? Is the Holy Spirit drawing you to Christ? Please don't delay, because tomorrow may be too late my friend.