The View

By David J. Stewart


"The View," recipient of the 2003 Daytime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Talk Show," is ABC Daytime's morning chatfest, featuring a team of dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds discussing the most exciting events of the day.

The View is an American talk show broadcast on the ABC as part of ABC Daytime. Created by Barbara Walters and Bill Geddie, who both also serve as the show's executive producers, the program features a panel of women as co-hosts. Currently, Whoopi Goldberg moderates discussions while the rest of the panel consists of Joy Behar, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sherri Shepherd and, part-time, Barbara Walters.

Since debuting in 1997, international versions of The View have premiered around the world.

SOURCE: The View (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Whoopi Goldberg: We must show “reverence” for women who’ve aborted their babies

Posted by: ST on October 4, 2007 at 12:32 pm

Another day, another example of rampant idiocy on the set of ABC’s The View.

Just one day after View co-host Whoopi Goldberg declared to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that she’d enjoy a threesome with her and Pelosi’s husband Paul, who was sitting in the audience, Goldberg saw fit to chide conservative co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck over her anti-abortion views. Justin McCarthy writes:

Is Whoopi Goldberg becoming the Rosie O’Donnell type bully? It appeared that way on the October 3 edition of “The View.” A discussion about Hillary Clinton’s $5,000 a baby entitlement plan quickly descended into a heated exchange between Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Whoopi Goldberg about abortion.

When Hasselbeck noted that $5,000 a baby could lead to fewer abortions in the world, Whoopi told Hasselbeck to “back off” because Hasselbeck has never “been in a position” where she “had to make that decision.”

The transcript:

HASSELBECK: I was very- at heart, I’m very against this policy because I believe it’s more of a gift.

BEHAR: Are you against Social Security, too?

HASSELBECK: No. Against this policy, but then I realized that there is a benefit because I feel like this could maybe cause less abortions in the world. You know, people would keep having kids instead.

GOLDBERG: Elisabeth, Elisabeth, can I ask you one question–can I ask you a question? I just have to ask you this question since you opened this door.


GOLDBERG: Have you ever been in a position to have to make that decision?

HASSELBECK: Never, never.

GOLDBERG: Okay, then back off a little bit. Back off a little bit. Very few people want to have abortions.

HASSELBECK: I’m sure they don’t.

GOLDBERG: See, I was listening.

HASSELBECK: I was just affirming what you said.

GOLDBERG: Most people do not want to have abortions. Most women do not have them with some sort of party going on. It is the hardest decision that a woman ever- wait- ever has to make. So, when you talk about it, a little bit of reverence to the women out there who have had to make this horrible decision. And one of the reasons that, that we have had to make this decision is because so many women were found bleeding, dead, with hangers in their bodies because they were doing it themselves. The idea of this was to make it safe and clean. That was the reason the law came into effect. That was why it was done.

SOURCE: Whoopi Goldberg: We must show “reverence” for women who’ve aborted their babies « Sister Toldjah



Nancy Pelosi appears on The View

Posted by: ST on October 2, 2007 at 6:28 pm

I read about Nancy Pelosi’s visit on The View earlier today but didn’t have time to blog about it at the time so I saved the articles in my NewsGator clippings so I could write about it tonight.

First, as we all know, The View is nothing more than a feminist mouthpiece for the Democratic party, so it’s no surprise to see House Speaker Pelosi making an appearance. From what I’ve read about her time on the show, all kinds of topics were discussed – including one that would have been more befitting had the discussion taken place in Pelosi’s San Francisco district. More on that later.

ABC’s Political Radar reported on Pelosi’s interview on The View, and noted her comments about Clarence Thomas’ book – one she admittedly never read but nevertheless described as “revisionist” (View co-host Joy Behar agreed). From the Political Radar:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ new autobiography a “revisionist” book and offered her support to Anita Hill, who accused Thomas of sexual harassment 15 years ago.

“I have enormous respect for Anita Hill for her courage and she really changed the way the workplace views sexual harassment and we’re all in her debt for that,” Pelosi said in a rare live appearance on ABC’s ‘The View,’ a daytime talk-show targeted toward women.

“I think the book is a revisionist book,’ Pelosi said, noting, however, that she has yet to read it. “Whatever he’s writing, the fact is is that this courageous woman changed things for women in the workplace.”

Oh really? For purposes of discussion, let’s just suspend reality for a second here and pretend that Anita Hill’s claims had some validity. Looking at it from that angle, how exactly is it that Anita Hill’s testimony before Congress “changed” things for women in the workplace? By showing that if you feel like you’re being sexually harassed you don’t report it to the powers that be? By showing that you’ll wait until your boss has been nominated to be on the Supreme Court to finally step forward – after pressure from liberal groups to do so? Yeah, that took HUGE amounts of courage, Speaker Pelosi. Boatloads. Not.


The Speaker’s position on the Iraq war was challenged by The View co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck, who have been supportive of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq.

“All the generals tell us, the retired generals, that if you’re going to have stability in the region you must begin by redeploying the troops out of Iraq to end the occupation,” Pelosi said.

“Even though today we had news that the surge is actually working, that civilian deaths in Iraq are down, like, 53 percent?” Hasselbeck said.

“Elizabeth, if I may, with all due respect, there’s still a lot of people dying,” Pelosi said. “The cost in lives is of course the most important to us, over 3,800. Tens of thousands permanently injured of our troops. We’re talking about a cost in reputation in the world, we’re talking about a cost to our readiness to be able to meet any challenges to our security.”

Um, but won’t it cost our reputation if we leave before the mission is complete in Iraq? Isn’t cutting and running from a hostile, deadly environment one of the main reasons Osama bin Laden cited as inspiration for his jihadi war against the west? Why yes, it was. After all this time, this woman and all too many members of her party still haven’t learned the lesson that cutting and running before a mission is completed only emboldens the enemy to fight harder, and to wage war longer. And we’re somehow supposed to believe that Democrats know how to wage an effective war on terror? I don’t think so.

More from the Political Radar piece:

Pelosi said the Bush administration’s desire to continue to war in Iraq denotes “misplaced priorities.” In New York to receive an award for her support of breast cancer research, Pelosi said not enough federal money is spent on cancer research.

“All cancers, 550-thousand Americans [die each year], and we spend $5.5 billion dollars on cancer research in a year — two weeks in Iraq,” Pelosi said. “We are threatened by cancer and other disease and we have to make a war on that disease.”

Er – can’t we do both? Fight cancer and wage a war on terror? Last I checked we could. I really hate these types of arguments, because Democrats have proven time and time again in history that money is no object when it comes to bringing home the bacon to their respective constitutencies for their pet projects, yet the only time the see fit to balk at spending massive amounts of money is when the US does it for defense purposes. Odd, that.

But if you think that portion of Pelosi’s appearance on The View was bizarre, what til you read this (emphasis added):

Paul Pelosi is accustomed to playing second fiddle to his famous wife, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But on Tuesday’s episode of the daytime talk show “The View,” Mr. Pelosi stole the show.

“We have an older man in the audience who I think is so attractive” said Barbara Walters, one of the show’s five female panelists. “You wanna take a look at Nancy Pelosi’s handsome husband?” she asked as cameras turned to a bashful Paul Pelosi and the audience cheered.

“I see you eying me” quipped Whoopi Goldberg, another panelist. “That’s cool.”

After a few ads for home pregnancy tests and shower gel, the Paul Pelosi adulation continued.

With Speaker Pelosi now seated on the panel, Walters quipped about Goldberg, “I think she’d like to do your husband.”

Retorted Goldberg, “I would do her, as well, but we should wait on that because you’re still in office; I don’t want to cause a problem.”

Video here:


(Via Allah)

Lovely, eh? The House Speaker of the United States House of Representatives is being told by the a co-host of one of the stupidest shows on television that she’d enjoy engaging in a threesome with her husband. What does Pelosi say in response? Nothing. She laughs.

I swear, you cannot make this stuff up about the left.

SOURCE: Whoopi Goldberg: We must show “reverence” for women who’ve aborted their babies « Sister Toldjah


“Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled: But the LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness.” —Isaiah 5:14-16

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