The Evils Of Poker

“No one in the history of mankind has ever developed or operated a casino out of a burning
desire to improve the lot of humanity.” —Chuck Gardner, Former Nevada Deputy Attorney General

By David J. Stewart

Proverbs 13:11, “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished:
but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.”

filthy lucre       God hates the unethical game of POKER. It is a form of gambling, commonly found in casinos and nightclubs around the world. Poker gambling is the transfer of money from one hand to another without any honest labor taking place. It is not honest labor. I've heard Poker players refer to their evil game as a profession, but it is really racketeering (not a legitimate profession). Nothing that involves hurting others is a true profession. Being a criminal mobster is not considered a profession. There's nothing professional about hurting people except in the mind of a sicko.

The Bible teaches an honest day's pay for an honest day's labor. Playing musical chairs in the stock market or in a gambling casino, where someone always has the empty chair when the music stops, is wrong and unbiblical. There doesn't have to be any losers in an honest system of capitalism.

Young people today have been lied to by Communists and idiots in our universities. Capitalism is not the enemy. In Capitalism, you get to keep what you earn by honest labor. The reason why people hate capitalism is because they confuse it with monopoly companies (which is really Communism). Our government betrayed us, allowing U.S. corporations to relocate their work force to foreign soil. This is Globalism and fascist Communism, not pure capitalism. So never blame capitalism. It works fine in an honest and fair system that doesn't operate on greed.

Poker is NOT capitalism, because there is no honest labor involved. Instead, poker is a con-game where some players gain and others lose, but no labor was involved. It's a greedy game of Russian Roulette, but with money instead of bullets. That's exactly what casino gambling is... playing Russian Roulette with your money. Whether you walk away a winner is determined by time and chance, pure luck... how hard you toss the dice, the humidity, temperature, how your body feels physically and emotionally, et cetera.

Pulling a slot machine handle is based upon mathematical algorithms that are programmed to ensure that gamblers lose more than they win, so the house always wins!!! I don't know about you, but that makes me angry! It makes me angry that shady people who don't lift a finger in honest labor, are getting filthy rich simply because people are greedy and willing to gamble in hopes of hitting the jackpot. They're a bunch of crackpots, let me tell you. BBC News recently ran a story on hundreds of homeless people surviving in the storm drains under the casinos in Las Vegas. POOR AMERICA (hundreds survive in storm drains under Las Vegas. Wall Street Injustice!)

Gambling in all it's forms are sinful. Day trading is sinful, not involving any honest labor. Day traders attempt to make money by exploiting daily news (which the Wall Street brokerage houses release to manipulate the public to buy or sell). Everything dealing with Wall Street is manipulation, deception and theft. It's a con game controlled from the inside. State laws which apply to the public do not apply to stock exchange inside traders, who have an unfair advantage on trading than the average person in public does.

For example: The average person cannot Short a stock except on a down-tick, but insiders can. Shorting means to bet than a stock will decrease in price. So as the stock goes down, you make money. There are thousands of rules working against the public, that insiders aren't held to. Hence, insiders make millions on insider trading. It's technically illegal, but they know enough to play the market and get wealthy. It's a rats game.

Christians ought stay away from investing in the stock market, get rich quick schemes, pyramid scams, gambling casinos and poker games. A dollar saved is a tax-free dollar earned. No Christian should work overtime at the expense of attending church or spending time with the family. I guarantee that you'll not look back over your life one day and wish you had worked more overtime, spent less time with your family and went to church less often. Everyone thinks that they need the overtime. People also think they need a bunch of toys and conveniences that they don't need. Due to the economic attack (artificially created depression by the banksters) in America, we have no choice but to cut corners, use it up, make it last, wear it out, make it do, do without. You can't lose if you don't play!

It's best to be in debt and pray for God to help you reduce costs, than it is to hardly ever see your kids and miss church. God wants us to pay our bills; but moreover He doesn't want us to spend recklessly to end up in debt. If the Devil has managed to get you into debt, don't let him enslave you and take your family time away. Living in any big American city costs at least two to three times more than living 100 miles outside of those cities.

Literally, an engine rebuild drops from $5,000 down to $2,500 two hours away from Chicago. Scuba lessons also drop to half price. A cheeseburgers with fries drops in half too. It's incredible. Just move away from the populated cities. The best places to live in America today are smaller cities off the beaten path and away from the main highways. These aren't all little hick towns either, where I wouldn't want to live. Pick a city with at least 15,000 people, preferably 25,000 (but no more than 250,000 people).

I guarantee that even after all the overtime you work, you'll still be in debt, likely for more. All you can do is all you can do. It's NOT your fault that our government is corrupt and sent your career to foreign soil, leaving you with a job at Burger King (if an illegal immigrant doesn't take it first). You cannot survive. The feds fully know this and are hoping that wives will forgo motherhood and enter the workplace. Do you think I'm kidding? Read how the feds engineered feminism to force women into the workplace, so they'd stop having as many children.

Honest labor is still the right way, not just the old-fashioned way. Get money quick schemes are of the Devil. You can even sense the shadiness of such people. You can feel their heartless character and cold spirit. Gamblers are cutthroat and selfish people. You'll also find that booze and prostitution are synonymous with gambling casinos. Many Mormons work in Las Vegas casinos, but are told to remain chaste and moral. It doesn't work that way. I don't care who you are, Las Vegas will corrupt your moral integrity if you have any at all. You cannot work or live in SIN CITY without getting dirt on you. It's a filthy place. People exclaim, “It's Vegas Baby!” No, it's Hell fool! I saw Rachel Ray say that on her cooking show. It's really sad.

Proverb:15:27, “He that is greedy of gain troubleth his
own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live.”

Gambling Is A Sin!
Unreasonable (a needful MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff | More MP3 sermons)

Gambling | MP3
(Pastor Steven L. Anderson exposes these evil greedy monsters who destroy people's lives!!!)

How to Go to Heaven

 “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil...” —Psalm 97:10