Robbing Body Parts from the Dead

by David J. Stewart

It's hard to believe, but thieves are taking ligaments, bones, and other body parts from dead corpses.  The body parts are being sold for profit.  Truth is surely stranger than fiction...


Grave Robbing in Brooklyn and Beyond

By Jim Knipfel

When word broke in early October that there had been some devious shenanigans afoot at the Daniel George & Son funeral home in Brooklyn—some underhanded undertaking if you will, involving the harvesting of body parts from the dead without the families' consent—my initial reaction could be pretty well summed up with one word: "So?"

Call it the dirty little secret of the death industry—though it's hardly much of a secret anymore.

Corpse desecration for scientific and medical purposes is a complex and lucrative business. It's also a business that's been around for centuries. Anatomists, it's guessed, have been robbing graves to obtain research specimens since at least the 4th century B.C. Leonardo DaVinci was known to rob the occasional grave in his search for anatomical models. And people have been making a living peddling cadavers and body parts to scientists and doctors since the 16th century...

SOURCE: New York Press - JIM KNIPFEL - Corpse Desecration: What's in it for Me?

If you think that's shocking, did you know that aborted babies are also being sold for body parts?  It gets even more bizarre... executed prisoners and aborted babies are being used by the cosmetic's industry.  Fetus material is injected into women's faces to make them look younger.  There's an international market for harvested organs. 

Disturbing Truths

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